Essay Abstract
According to Standard Model of Particle Physics: strong, electromagnetic and gravitational interactions have one gauge boson each (gluon, photon and the hypothetical graviton) that mediate these interactions. Why the weak interaction has three intermediate vector bosons: W, W-, and Z0? When a neutron decays into a proton, the neutron releases a W-, which decays into an electron or the high mass Muon or Tau and changes the neutron into a proton, an electron (e-) and a neutrino. In the opposite reaction turning a proton into a neutron, a W particle is needed. But the neutron (939.57 MeV) or proton (938.28 MeV) has very little mass as compared to a W boson (80.4 GeV). Wherefrom they get such high energy? Gravity is an inter-body force, whereas the others are intra-body forces. Can they be united in one theory? Why cannot we produce and control gravity? Is there a fifth force? What is charge? How does Coulomb's law apply to quantum interactions? Why is the efficacy of the relation e = mc2 in chemical reactions much less compared to nuclear reactions? Just like space and time in their universal manifestation appear as spacetime that forms the background for all objects and events, and in their individual or confined manifestation appear as the interval between objects and events, the same single force in its universal manifestation appears as gravity and in its confined manifestation through compression, refraction, rarefaction and diffraction, resolves into the other four fundamental interactions of Nature. Mathematics describes only the quantitative aspect of reality. Here you find the causes of fundamental interactions: the "what", "how", "why", "when", etc.
Author Bio
seeker of truth with an open mind.