Hello Cristi,
Loved your essay!
Love your introduction which establishes the duality of time--"As our understanding of the Universe increases, the
time becomes more and more geometric. Initially be-
ing only a parameter in the equations of Mathematical
Physics, it proved to be more related to the space than we
expected, mixing together in the structure named space-
time. With the Theory of Relativity, these geometric
aspects started to suggest the image of a frozen time {
the block time { named frozen river" by Brian Greene.
On the other hand, we have the acute feeling that the
time is °owing, that we are subjects experiencing this
°ow, and that we are free to choose our experiences. If
the time is really frozen, then why do we perceive it as
°owing? Is the frozen time idea compatible with the
indeterminism? Is Physics compatible with the idea of
free-will? But what is this free-will? I will present some
thoughts about these questions, mainly based on my re-
search [1{4]."
This duality is resolved, along with all the other dualities, via Moving Dimensions Theory.
The block universe is a human construct, and the scene of the crime, where they froze the river of time, is where physicists glossed over the fact that time is not the fourth dimension, but rather x4=ict.
I take it you did not encounter MDT before writing your essay: http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/238 --Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics by Elliot McGucken
"In his 1912 Manuscript on Relativity, Einstein never stated that time is the fourth dimension, but rather he wrote x4 = ict. The fourth dimension is not time, but ict. Despite this, prominent physicists have oft equated time and the fourth dimension, leading to un-resolvable paradoxes and confusion regarding time's physical nature, as physicists mistakenly projected properties of the three spatial dimensions onto a time dimension, resulting in curious concepts including frozen time and block universes in which the past and future are omni-present, thusly denying free will, while implying the possibility of time travel into the past, which visitors from the future have yet to verify. Beginning with the postulate that time is an emergent phenomenon resulting from a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, diverse phenomena from relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics are accounted for. Time dilation, the equivalence of mass and energy, nonlocality, wave-particle duality, and entropy are shown to arise from a common, deeper physical reality expressed with dx4/dt=ic. This postulate and equation, from which Einstein's relativity is derived, presents a fundamental model accounting for the emergence of time, the constant velocity of light, the fact that the maximum velocity is c, and the fact that c is independent of the velocity of the source, as photons are but matter surfing a fourth expanding dimension. In general relativity, Einstein showed that the dimensions themselves could bend, curve, and move. The present theory extends this principle, postulating that the fourth dimension is moving independently of the three spatial dimensions, distributing locality and fathering time. This physical model underlies and accounts for time in quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical mechanics, as well as entropy, the universe's expansion, and time's arrows and assyemtries."
MDT allows the block universe (a human construct/tool) to coexist peacefully with time and all its arrows and assymetries, which are physically real.
Hope MDT helps you in your future research/contemplations!
You write, "The thermodynamic time arrow is an emergent law. It does not arise from the physical laws, rather from the highly improbable initial conditions of the Universe. The Universe evolves naturally to more probable states, and
entropy increases."
MDT is the mechanism that powers entropy.
Dr. E :)