Many years ago, I learned a difficult truth to practice. I learned that results matter more than hard work. I have no doubt that creating mathematics for string theory and quantum loop gravity is hard work. But if it's wrong, then the benefits will be missing ( like they are now).

In contrast, if a theory is right, like my expanding graviton theory, then there will be great benefits. The theory will make sense, and there will be an experiment that can test it.

    A graviton is very well-defined in string theory. In fact one of the great virtues of string theory is that you can't get rid of gravitons!

    Meanwhile, "The metre is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299 792 458 of a second."

    They are not looking back in time but receiving signals that have arrived at their locations. Products are made from the signals which exist in an observer of them's present.

    I am arguing that a graviton begins its existences at a point, and expands at the speed of light in a spherical pattern (much like the big bang) until either it is captured by particles to become the thing that wave functions are describing, or it expands to many light seconds in diameter, overlaps with other gravitons, and becomes part of the spacetime continuum.

    The problem I have with string theory is that superstrings, as near as I can tell, are just tiny pieces of spaghetti that wiggle around, but don't act like spacetime. Am I missing something?

    Satellites and observatories can look at light and see events that happened billions of years ago.

    They are equipment, they don't really look and see. Observation products are made from the signals received and astronomers or cosmologists make calculations and judgments about what the source objects were and how far away the source objects were,when the 'light' was emitted.

    It's about the only thing cosmologists can do, given their level of ambition.

    The nature of time is related to timespace being precursive to the nature of space as spacetime.

    The dividing 'spacetime mirror' for this is described by M-theory in 11 dimensions forming a boundary for 12-dimensional self-relative Vafa-brane theory on a undefined outside with a defined 10-dimensional string theory on the self-relative inside.

    The self-relativity refers to Möbian-Klein connectivity of self-dual onesided surfaces; which in convolution cancel the positive curvature of de Sitter spacetime with the negarive curvature of Anti de Sitter spacetime.

    More simply the Quantum Big Bang Singularity (QBBS) becomes defined in Dirac's magnetic monopole at the initial boundary between timespace and spacetime. The Dirac string then conifolds from potential infinity space in well defined initial boundary conditions algorithmically defined from the timespace defining the Planck epoch preceding the QBBS.

    Dirac's monopole as the generator for spacetime in the QBBS then manifests as the classical electron and enabling the latter to exchange its point-particular nature in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with that of the monopole sigularity.

    Details can be found in the attached pdf.

    Jason; you are 'missing' the Dirac string.

    This prior realm or world is described as the outside boundary of the manifested singularity of the QBBS, with the inside boundary defining physical universe as the fifth of five abstract mathematical singularities and as a one-dimensional entity in transforming its nature as a mathematical point into that of a mathematical line known as a Dirac string. A Dirac string so allows the mathematical abstraction of the point space to transform into a point line requiring space to extend into as itself and as a Y direction in some coordinate system.

    The minimum parameter spacetime so enables a 2nd dimension to emerge from the Dirac string, as the 1st dimension of a minimized line segment of wavelength Lweyl curls itself around the mathematical point space it used to occupy as a segment of the Dirac string. This process changes the 1st dimension of the Dirac string from a time dimension into a 1st space dimension as the now space limited summation of mathematical line segments and redefines the newly created space dimension of the XY-plane as a quasi-time dimension.

    The entire Dirac string so transforms itself as a mathematical point without extent into a mathematical line of any number of such point spaces to create the Dirac string extending in two polar directions from the mathematical singularity of the QBBS. As there is no limit of how many mathematical point can exist in the Information-Energy prior spacetime plenum, the Dirac string is initially infinite as a consequence of no spacetime existing at the point of creation known as the first instant of time or the Instanton.

    As the individual point spaces integrate as a sum of such point spaces however, each individual point preserved its individual universal identity in circularizing its point space into a membrane- or string space in the XY-plane. The Weyl wavelength Lweyl so became redefined from its circular form as the perimeter of a point circle as the displacement of the circumference from the center of the point circle as its wormhole radius. With the creation of a 2nd area or surface dimension from the point circle count from the mathematical point count, two orthogonal directions emerged from the potential infinite Dirac string, which became upper and lower bounded in changing the expansion from the lower bounded origin to the universal north as self-relative positive upper bound in a direction from the origin towards the self-relative positive east with a simultaneous creation of the self-relative negative west direction in the transformation of the expansion towards the self-relative south as the mirror of the positive and negative polarities of the upper bound in the origin.

    This creation of the 2nd dimension so formed a limit for the mathematical point spaces extending in space and in time into two opposite directions. The potential infinite linespace became halted in the QBBS defining the two endpoints as two Weylian wormholes defined in the Guth-de Broglie Inflaton and mirrored at the origin as two polar opposite but identical minimum timespace configurations. The northern positively charged wormhole so observes the self-relative anticlockwise rotation as effect of the righthanded torque of the Dirac string projecting orthogonally from the newly created XY-plane into the XZ-plane of a so created 3rd dimension and with the torque angular displacement defining a new positively charged part of the northern hemisphere as pointing into the positive Z-axis direction or 'out' from the XY-plane. The southern negatively charged wormhole in the southern hemisphere corollary projects the torque in the negatively charged XY-plane in a clockwise rotation 'into' the XY-plane of the 3rd dimension to complete the 8 sectors of the geometrically defined encompassing 3-dimensional sphere with radius twice the torus radius. The four torus radii so define the radius of the sphere in meeting at the QBBS singularity physically defined as the Dirac magnetic monopole. The 2nd quasi-time dimension so becomes a real space dimension and the newly created 3rd dimension takes its place as a quasi-time dimension acting on the XY-plane as a flatland of membrane spacetime.

    For some reason to upload appropriate pdf's is disallowed.

    Hi Tony,

    Forgive my impatience, but in my opinion, the physics community is focused on endlessly complicated mathematics that doesn't actually lead to an experiment or any new technology.

    In contrast, my very simple idea that a graviton exists, actually does lead to an experiment. I think that the graviton will expand from a point, at the speed of light (to make the derivation of special relativity true). I also think that the graviton is actually filled with quantum states for momentum and position. I mean, think about it: The wave function calculation of and are supposed to predict the position and momentum of where a particle is going to be. That is equivalent to saying that the position and momentum quantum states are possible places that a particle can be located and also what its momentum might be. Well those would be necessary properties of space itself and spacetime.

    A quantum entanglement between two photons would be a captured graviton. A graviton has quantum states. If a graviton is really the wave function, then there are quantum states in that graviton that can be effected by centrifuging the quantum entangled photons. If you put an optical fiber along the radius of a centrifuge, spin that centrifuge, you can simulate the conditions of a gravity field. When the photons are passed along the optical fiber, they will be redshifted or blueshifted. If there is an entanglement between them, then the entanglement will become "charged" with a gravitational potential energy.


    Do Dirac strings explain why the speed of light is invariant for all observers? Do they behave like the big bang (expansion of the universe from a point)? Do they explain what spacetime is really made of? My argument is that gravitons are made of quantum states which are places to put particles. Because the speed of light is built into the graviton, things like distance and progression of time are built into the graviton as c = wavelength * frequency.

    Can the Diract string do that?

    The expanding graviton idea is simple at first. So simple that a high school science student could easily grasp it. It would make special relativity easy to understand. But there are a lot of gaps in the idea. The advantage of the expanding graviton is that it leads you right to an experiment that could make it possible to curve spacetime using centrifuges, to create an Alcubierre drive.

    Another advantage of the expanding graviton is that it begs the question: why are gravitons coming from the Planck scale? What is down there?

      I mean, how hard is it to think of a graviton as something that expands spherically with a radius of x^2 y^2 z^2 - ct^2 = 0.


      Indeed the Dirac string answers all of your queries if understood in its appropriate context and background information.

      1. The invariance of lightspeed is a function of the timespace, which is algorithmic, that is it is abstract mathematical without any spatial or duration based prerequisites.

      Time in timespace requires an ordering principle, say like event A must occur before event B can occur.

      A particular algorithm in timespace computes 10 fundamwental constants of nature, including h, c^2 and k. Those elementary constants are integer based and universally constant as number strings.

      c is then an upper bound for velocity and also a lower bound for tachyon hyperspeed of say the de Broglie wave matter hypervelocity of the inflaton.

      2. The QBBS expansion from the singularity mathematical point changing into a pointcircle I have addressed previously. Much detail, including the nature of the graviton can be found in the linked reference.

      Now should you consider your graviton expansion as the actual expansion of the universal lightpath and understand that the graviton is one Goldstone gauge agent within the unified field of quantum relativity, then you could utilize your graviton expansion model in a mode of closer approximation to that of the multidimensional cosmologies.

      The Dirac monopole as a pointparticle of creation so can also be related to the graviton as the quantum gravitational agent in a necessary unification of 5 Goldstone bosons in energy-momentum conservation.

      1.Electromagnetic gauge-source-sink photon

      2. Electroweak gauge-sink-source antiphoton suppressed by the weakon mass inducers including the emergent Higgs boson

      3.Strongweak gauge gluon in 8 permutation eigenstates

      4.Graviton for Gravitation

      5.RestMassPhoton as the precursor of the Higgs Boson and as the dark matter gauge, also defining 'physicalized consciousness' as a dark energy defined in the quantum angular radial-independent acceleration acting on any spacetime volumar; again answering your query regarding spacetime origins.


      I can think of an experiment to prove my hypothesis of the expanding graviton. I can also tie the graviton to both quantum mechanics (the actual wave function) and general relativity (the thing that spacetime is made of). Can string theory suggest a self proving experiment?

      What does a Dirac string have to do with wave functions? I can argue that an entanglement between two photons would be (in principle) described by a wave wavefunction. Since anything that can be described by a wave function is just a graviton, then therefore, the entanglement between two photons is a graviton.

      The problem with the Dirac string is that it's too mathematical. It's not entrenched in enough physics "things". Sure it can describe the standard model particles, but trying to explain how it explains spacetime is only allowed for people who have taken PhD level mathematics. It's great for the egos of physicists, but doesn't have any experimental footing.


      In your picture, it mentioned inflatons. I advocate that an expanding graviton hypothesis doesn't need inflatons. If there is one graviton, it will be two light seconds wide in one second. If there are two gravitons that are in contact, they can be 2*(2ct) in diameter in one light seconds. Gravitons overlap to become spacetime, but since the diameter of the universe is really a function of the diameter of gravitons, then it can expand at twice the speed of light. But since they are generated continuously, the universe can get larger faster than the speed of light. Inflatons are not required.

      The trick to controlling gravity fields is to make entangled photons redshift and blueshift. The graviton that is between the entangled photons has quantum states for position and momentum that will align. That alignment (from largest to smallest) will cause a gravity field to exist between the entangled photons. Give it a hundred years to perfect the technology, and we will be using space crafts to lift people off the ground with an artificial gravity field.