By the way, the logo of XR looks perhaps by chance like the cones of past and future extending from minus infinity to plus infinity. ;)

This reminds me of a likewise funny cast in bronce logo of my Guericke university which was allegedly similar to that of the international gay association (?)and therefore, of course, removed. ;)

Hi Eckard,

Like I have explained ,we cannot stop our evolution and its correlated technologies.It is well like that.The problem,foundamental is the lack of universal consciousness in the high spheres of power.I repeat it does not lack space,matters,energies.We have no limits Eckard,the only limits that I see is due to stupidities simply.

The pollution is unfortunally due too to this unconsciousness and we can solve it too.About this human psychology we know that many people don t understand this universe and its laws,so that explains the opulence,the individualism,the Vanity,the taste of money,the materialism and others stupid comportments.

About the Towns with billions of people,we can harmonise them correctly with a real ecological equilibrium,we can create Towns and buildings in inserting this ecology and harmonical ecosystems,the walls can be gaedens and like I said all can have a job,water,food,energy,hopes,money to catalyse the actual economical global system.Not necessary to extrapolate the socialism,marxism,capitalism is the balance wich is important between them.

About the countries forgotten or not stable like in africa asia or others like in Yemen,it is still due to bad governances and unconscious people,that i all,that is why the UN must act and balance.

About the religions,they are human inventions and they imply for a majority better comportments but for a minority of illuminated several problems like the killers extremists muslisms killing people,like still today in germany,they are simply crazy people ,psychologically sick.

About the Big Bang and Big Crunch,they are assumptions,we aren t sure.Personaly in my theory of spherisation,I consider a spherical expansionmcorrelated with this Dark energy seen like an anti gravitational spherical push from the central biggest cosmological sphere.The mass increqasers in logic,so we can have on this irreversible entropical Arrow of time,an acceleration,decceleration towards the maximum spherical volume,and after maybe it is an assumption a contraction in the same logic towards the points of equilibrium.

About the infinity,the infinities,the finite systems,I have explained how I saw them.I respect your philosophical analyse,I just see differently.

About the climate,we are obliged to adapt us,and specialy for several parts of this Earth.For the births,no it is not acceptable,I have explained that we have the solutions,deterministic for all Lifes.

About the hormons,the vanity,the power,it is a big global problem indeed like the lack of education,this implies,explains an ocean of stupidities and odd thoughts.

About Boko Haram and all these extremists they must be stopped simply,they are dangerous and we cannoy accept this.In Belgium we have had many problems with these extremists and their manipulations,they are stupids and unconscious.Regards Eckard.

"we cannot stop our evolution and its correlated technologies". Hm, here I rather agree with Rovelli. Shouldn't we feel responsible for our future and steer us accordingly instead of behaving like ordinary consumers/animals? Even if there are no known limits to progress in science so far, the Earth and its physically reachable surrounding are definitely finite. Causality is not mushy at all. Humanity has left the safe brutal mechanisms of self-stabilization.

Spinoza was expelled from community for repeatedly uttering "Deus sive natura" (God or nature). Of course his "or" was not meant as the exclusive "either or" but in the equating sense of mutual exchangibility.

Let me check: Is conservation of nature the same as conservation of God?



All science books supposedly provide myriad pieces of FINITE information. But Nature provided only one unified infinite visible surface eternally occurring in one infinite dimension that am always mostly illuminated by one infinite form of finite non-surface light.

Joe Fisher, Realist

Joe ,still you don t develop,it becomes crazy to Always repeat the same,are you conscious of that? We have understood Joe,so now explain why philosophically speaking.Is it a joke Joe? Your Words are nor relevant ,nor interesting,really,you have found nothing in fact.

"entropy to set time's direction" ?? Isn't the 2nd law of thermodynamics only valid for closed systems? If I recall correctly, I learned this when I was freshman in Dresden.

I prefer accepting that there is first of all not entropy but causality which excludes negative elapsed time as there is no negative distance too. Maybe this view of mine is at odds with some monist philosophy by Parmenides, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Fourier, Cantor, and Einstein? While elapsed time has a natural point zero of reference, the usual scale of time requires an arbitrary choice.

Why not considering the possibility that elapsed time sets the direction of entropy change?

What is more puzzling to me is the unquestionable obseration of simultaneity between not causally related events. Here I am an agnostic.

Eckard Blumschein

Hi Eckard ,Have you understood the solutions that I have explained about the liberation of funds,the industrialisation of our solar system and the harmonisation on Earth on ecosystems and its interactions ? and this to give water,food,energy,jobs,hopes to all ? that will boost,catalyse the global economy and I repeat,ALL WINS without exception.I don t agree about your analyses about finite systems,I repeat still,it does not lack matters,space,energy.

For God and the nature they are correlated,you must understand this.

About the laws of theormodynaöics and heat,wer have an irreversible entropical Arrow of times and the finite systems aren t the problems.Riemann and Fourier d agree I beleive humbly like Cantor,not need to discourse about philosophy for that you know Eckard.

PS you can change about your agnosticism,see the truths simply.



The one infinite visible reality that was eternally provided by Nature needed no humanly contrived FINITE development.

Joe Fisher, Real Realist

But Joe ,How is it possible that you cannot develop your ideas? we have understood yoyur words,now for the respect of this platform and the persons here please accept to tell us more.

Steve, the topic was set by Carroll and Rovelli. While I didn't realize that they were dealing with your claim:"boost,catalyse the global economy ... ,ALL WINS", I feel challenged to reveal the basics of possibly serious logical fallacies.

What about so called creatures in nature, Darwinism tells us, that there is selection and never all species did win. Menkind is in a different situation. The most effective mechanisms of stabilization were (fortunately) excluded but (unfortunately) not yet substituted by responsible birth control and restricted exploitation of the finite nature. Well, it was e.g. possible to make agriculture more effective and feed at least 10 billion people by increasingly destroying not just forests but also rather irreversible poisoning of water, soil, etc. Can you imagine all people living with the same high consumption as I and perhaps you too?

I repeat my question: How many people does the mankind need? How to cope with the growing amount of waste in millenias to come? Trees don't grow endlessly. Why should mankind and its consumption get bigger and bigger?

Being aware of apparent weakness in my argumentation, would like to give some explanations:

I used Boko in the sense of our (western) science and education and Haram as what Islamists are consindering a sin: Boko. Let's sin in this sense. I didn't refer to the group.

My strongest argument is the lack of a natural reference to our time scale.

I wonder if it is correct to overlook that Shannon's entropy is merely formally similar to Boltzmann's.

Eckard Blumschein

Hi Eckard, I have really difficulties to undertand your philosophical analyse about the finite systems and the infinity disponible.It is simple in fact,how can I convice you that we have the solutions and they are deterministic in considering that space ,matters and energy are infinite.The darwinism or the lamarckism or others aren t the problems but the global consciousness yes.The economy too is not a problem when we are governed by real universal altruists understand this universal truth.About forets,agriculture,ecology,pollution,environments, sure the solutions exist too,for your information,I am agronomist of formation and I know well in all humility what is the points of equilibrium for our global ecosystems,do you know the vegetal multiplication,the composting,the harmonisation of ecosystems with a correlated universal consciousness? if yes you can understand that we can solve globally speaking.Not need to discourse about a so evident truth you know Eckard.The consumption is not a problem and the irreversibility is not true for me,wer can solve them.About Boko and Shannon entropy or Boltzman,it is not a problem ,really.



It am not my idea. I did not exist millions of years ago. Only eternal infinite visible surface has ever existed.

Joe Fisher, Extremely Patient Realist

Joe,so lol you speak to God or it has send you this information lol ? DEVELOP!!! if you cannot ,stop to repeat please it is irritating for the blogers of FQXi,really Joe.Friendly

In Darwinism/Weismannism there is no first cause, just a causal chain. Well, all we entruists may hope and fight for global social consciousness including awareness of the unavoidability for the sake of humanity to control births and restrict consumption.

You Steve and typical Americans seem to share the overly optimistic belief of trusting in God creationists that there are no problems which cannot be solved: eat the putatively sweet cake and have it though.

July 29th was the international day after which the consumption already exceeded a declared for sustainable value in 2019. While the USA is blamed to be leading with 16.2 tons annually emitted carbondioxide per person, the values 8.7 for Germany and 7.4 for China are also irresponsibly high.

Reportedly, the 10 million city of Moscow already faces serious problems to dispose its waste, and now it plans to transport it 1,200 km far away. Is this a solution for good?

Worldwide the cities are getting larger and larger. The capital of China will perhaps be the first one in excess of 100 Million inhabitats.

Eckard Blumschein

Hi Eckard,you seems persuaded by your Words and thoughts.I don t understand how it is possible,really.I must insist on this too,don t take my for a creationist please,my theory of spherisation has nothing to do with these riligious things,so please respect this and my deterministic researchs.I repeat all the pat relevant thinkers like Einstein,Tesla,Maxwell,Galilei,Planck,Lorentz,Newton,Dirac,and so more conisdered this infinite potential with DETERMINISM,are you conscious of this? you study the works of theser thinkers but you don t encircle the real meaning of their thoughts about matters energy transformations.How is it possible for a generalist? In fact you are too much focus on economy,you forget to insert these universal parameters simply showing us the truths about the real possible harmonisation and points of equilibrium.Forget your chains and insert this infinite potential Eckard you shall see these solutions so simple generally speaking,really.Forget too these economocal numbers,you know the econonomy can be harmonised too when we insert this said universal altruism for the governances.The problem I repeat is this lack of global consciousness for the high spheres of power and the responsabilities of the richest.Take care,we can discuss hours but the most important for me is to show you these truths and maybe to convice you in changing your points of vue.Friendly

Joe,do you understand that the universe is finite like our series of particles coded and that we have constants and infinities too inside this physicality like tools ,and now philosophically speaking ,above ,beyond this physicality we have an infinite eternal consciousness and this infinity created this fionite physicality in sending codes ,informations to build this universe? so all what you tell us need details simply,we don t need courses about what is this infinity,the infinities like pi or others and the finite systems coded,DEVELOP PLEASE


Darwin contradicted to the view of Parmenides, ..., and Einstein by considering life material but "consciousness an epiphenomenon", cf.

"Darwin pioneered the materialistic approach to history--like Marx".

"darwinism provides a framework in which science is done. Since no framework is infinite, by definition, no framework is complete"

Hello Eckard, thanks for sharing the link.

The philosophy is a complex topic and these thinkers were relevant.It is in fact not easy to see clear in all this puzzle about the human psychology,the determinism,the consciousness.We have so many parameters to take into account,the education,the Environments,the encodings,the psychology,the freewill,the deterministic Learnings,the consciousness,the intelligence,the minds,the genetic,the evolution,this and that...complex is a weak Word lol Darwin maybe has forgotten that consciousness evolves and so that competition considering this evolution can be harmonised towards the synergies and this foundamebtal complementarity between Lifes,so we return at this opening to our universe where we don t lack öatters,space,energy.We cannot consider only this finite sphere Earth if I can say knowing our potential.Friendly


What was a visible surface called 25 million years ago? Oh, that's right, there was nobody around 25 million years ago to call anything.

Joe Fisher, Literate Realist

Joe, study a Little bit the evolution of this Earth,we have bones analysed with the carbon 14,we know the age of the Earth and its evolution in billions and millions years ,so please explain me what you mean because really I don t understand nothing.