• Ultimate Reality
  • Mass–Energy Equivalence Extension onto a Superfluid Quantum Vacuum

Thank you to Amrit Srečko Šorli for alerting us to his recent paper in Nature's open access journal Scientific Reports (volume 9, Article number: 11737 (2019)).

Here's the abstract:

In contemporary physics, the model of space-time as the fundamental arena of the universe is replaced by some authors with the superfluid quantum vacuum. In a vacuum, time is not a fourth dimension of space, it is merely the duration of the physical changes, i.e. motion in a vacuum. Mass-energy equivalence has its origin in the variable density of the vacuum. Inertial mass and gravitational mass are equal and both originate in the vacuum fluctuations from intergalactic space towards stellar objects.

You can access the full paper here and discuss it with Amrit on this thread.

That seems to be channeling Volovik's "The Universe in a Helium Droplet", but to me, with apologies, not in a way that's as mathematically satisfying. Also of some interest to the author might be the "Special Section on Physical Relativity: the dynamical approach to space-time; Guest Edited by Simon Saunders" in

the current volume of Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, which describes what I think is a relevant move in Philosophy of Physics that derives from a book by Harvey Brown, Physical Relativity.

Hi Peter, thanks for this information. In my model of Relativity Reborn time is just the mathematical parameter of motion and space is not "empty". Space is the primordial energy of the universe.

http://www.bijectivephysics.com/relativity-reborn-2/Attachment #1: RELATIVITY_REBORN_THUMNAIL.jpg

Hi Zeeya,

This space is more than we can imagine.The space in fact does not exist,see my fractal of_spheres. That implies a gravitational coded aether.We need to superimpose to our spacetime and its general relativity a new road,a new logic,now parameters different than just this electromagnetic photonic essence. Philosophically speaking I am doubting that god,this infinite Eternal consciousness has only created photons like primordial essence.It's not possible,I Don't say that our general relativity is not correct,just that it's not sufficient,we must add a new logic.The aether is not luminiferous.Regards

    Steve, better we forget "ether". Tha fact in today physics is that space is energy, we call it "superfluid quantum vacuum". In the model I developed light is the vibration of space, inertia, and gravity have origin in the variable density of space. Actually, better we talk about "variable energy density od space". This model leads to the extension of E = mc2 formula on:

    E = mc2 = (Pemax - Pemin) x V.Attachment #1: Amrit_S_Sorli_-_E__mc2_extension.pdf

    Hi Amrit, for me space,vacuum,ether are the same,we have only matter and Energy. We need to know more about this space,it is coded.Dark matter,dark Energy are new pieces of puzzle.The extension of E=mc² is possible but in inserting this matter non baryonic encoded too in nuclei.It's the meaning of my eqaution E=mc²+ X l² where X is an unknown probably correlated with the cold,the zero absolute and l is their linear_velocity,we have more Energy that we thought in fact.Now the aim is to find these particles ,we have two roads,the cosmological scale and the quantum scale.Regards

    Amrit ,what do you think about this? about this quantum gravitation?

    I search a road to explain this quantum gravitation.It's not easy but I beleive that I found maybe the way.I have considered these sphères and their motions,oscillations in considering a finite primordial serie and I have inserted too this dark matter in the cold encoded in nuclei.That balances and encircle our standard model balancing this heat,thermo and electromagnetism.A big puzzle in all case ,I liked the works of Connes and his non commutativity.But there is a problem of renormalization and quantization.The works of Penrose too and his twistors.The loops the same,like the SUSY and strings. I have superimposed the geometrical algebras of Lie for the ranking of groups and properties and considered spherical volumes,spheres instead of points or strings.They are in motions and oscillations too these sphères.That can converge for the fractalisation of forces.

    Hi Amrit,

    Thanks for sharing.I beleive too that this space is not empty,like I explained you how I saw it.It's evident that this space cannot be empty,we have many secrets still to discover about its properties. My intuitive idea bout this gravitational coded aether implies that we have particles for this space.Of course it's not easy to see what it is really and the properties of this space,but with intuition we can extrapolate that this cold maybe is the answer permitting to balance our photonic electromagnetic heat in a simplistic vue.The superimposings become relevant for our standard model and our cosmological scale.That permits to better understand the quantum and cosmological mechanics without modifying our newtonian mechanics.We have roads to explain this quantum gravitation,this dark matter and this dark Energy.


    in my model of Spherisation,I have Simply considered our quantum finite series like a relative picture of our cosmological finite serie.So I have Simply encircled our standard model with quantum BHs farer than our nuclear forces and I have encoded particles of DM weaker than our electromagnetic forces.That permits to explain our quantum gravitation.This matter non baryonic and these BHs balance our electromagnetic photonic thermodynamic mechanics with probably the cold correlated.This zero absolute and this planck temperature seem the key like a distribution and codes from these 2 foundamentals.Regards

    I am conscious that strings are studied at universities since the works of Witten,I recognise several relevances about waves,fields,...but a sure thing is that it is became a fashion. The main problem is about the primordial origin of our codes,informations implying our matters Energy transformations,we arrive so at a big philosophical question.The 1D main field from this infinite Eternal consciounsess is in this theory so the cause of our physicality.Like if all was waves giving the properties of matters.I see differently and consider a gravitational coded aether,so space,vacuum is coded by particles sent from the central Sphere of our universal Sphere in evolution.Of course we have this wave particle duality but for me the origin is particles implying waves and this aether is important to encircle this difference.It's an enormous philosophical difference.I respect the strings theorists but we need to consider all this differently for a better understnding of what is our reality that we observe.My small humble spherical volumes,spheres oscillate too and in motions,rotations like this aether which is not luminiferous,this infinite Eternal consciousness too is connected with all,it is just that this infinity needs cosmological sphères to transform the informations,outside it's without time ,space,matter,it's only a pure infinite conscious Energy.See the importance about the transformations,and transformators of these cosmological sphères implying the properties to quantum-sphères in this gravitational aether,the spacetime.

    Dear Zeeya Merali,

    I was very intrigued by your article about this zero absolute and these quantum gas going below this zero absolute.I liked a lot and the links with this dark Energy. I consider in my theory of spherisation this cold very important for our unknowns like this quantum gravitation,the DE and DM.This is more than we can imagine,it's sure.Now of course how to find the answers to all this puzzle,the LHC,CERN....could make experiments but it seems very difficult.Regards

    5 days later

    Hello read well this dear all,eureka :) Topological geometrodynamics too are not sufficient unfortunally since the works of Wheeler and Matti Pitkanen.I respect their works and recognize several relevances about the convergences with the superstrings theory.Unfortunally since that this geometrodynamics and TGD exist,they have not really been accepted by the international sciences Community.The main problem at my humble opinion is the main cause of our matters transformations correlated with the main field of God if I can say.It lacks something in this puzzle.Of course we are all persuaded and need recognisings about our own models,works and isolation is not a good parameter to reach the universal solutions.I beleive strongly that these spherical volumes and spheres are important instead of these superstrings and fields from this infinite eternal consciousness,that is why I beleive that aether is gravitational and particles coded.It is an important point about the main cause of our reality.The Poincare conjecture now becomes very relevant about these coded spheres.The deformations of spheres and the Ricci flow too is important and the differential equations permit to explain and rank many properties.Like the heat equation in fact.Now let s consider the cold and heat in these volumes and let s consider a finite serie of spheres where space disappears and let s consider this distribution coded between this planck temperature and this zero absolute.It becomes now very relevant in inserting the properties about motions,oscillations and others.A kind of harmonic map euation appears with determisnism.We can renormalize the groups with the equations.We arrive so at a correlation with the Thurston's geometrization conjecture and the real understanding of singularities wich are these coded spherical finite series of this gravitational aether.The exchanges of temperatures with the motions,oscillations,volumes,densities..... become very very relevant .Friendly

      I like the TGD ,I just say that it is not the foundamental theory of Everything,I don t consider even my theory of spherisation and these quantum and cosmological spheres in an universal sphere in optimisation evolution like a GUT too.See well what I have explained about the main cause.About God ,personaly I prefer my theory lol it is logic ,this God does not play at Dices but with spheres,see well the nature around you ,my spherical volumes,spheres have big probabilities to be this GUT in all humility.But I recognize too that we have never finished to find the answers to our unknows,See and understand well about God sending this aether from the central cosmological biggest spherical volume of our universal sphere with these coded series ,finite playing with cold and heat,with gravitation and electromagnetism.If God sends this aether,and that all turns around this central cosmological sphere,you can see that all is too connected with God considering the central main quantum spheres and the series.God sends codes and informations,it is particles coded wich imply our reality and the correlated Waves,not thhe opposite for me,it is an enormous philosophical difference.I respect the ideas of people,hope they respect mine.About God you know,when I was 17years old,I searched answers,so I have read a Little bit of all,books of philosophy,the talmud,the bibble,the coran,the buddhism ,this and that.The best answers I must say were given by sciences,I have ranked a Little bit of all,the animals,the vegetals,the minerals,the Chemistry,the biology,the physics,the maths mainly.So in all humility we can discuss about all and about God and its correlated universal love,it is not a problem.I respect the people and I hope that the vanity of people will not imply problems ,I am persuaded that you understand what I mean dear human friends ,be the force with you Jedi of the Sphere,we are all linked ,in the same boat towards this eternal infinity ,Creations of God,we were ,we are,we shall be.

      the real humility and the fact to be all one and the same implies this humility, we search answers and a model,general never is finished,we have many things to understand and explain,I am repeating,we are Youngs at this universal scale,and the models,general,foundamental,these GUT Always need to be improved,that is why the real altruistic complementarity is better than to work alone in Vanity.Regards

      A new conjecture appears ,the conjecture of Spherisation.A kind of correlations with the Poincare conjecture,the Thurston geometrization conjecture,the Ricci flow and the superstrings.Who has ideas ?

      quantum gravitation,I beleive humbly I found ,there is probably a Fith force,after the 3 knowns,the plasma and maybe this dark matter encoded in nuclei.I thought about this too for our quantum gravitation,we know that we have a problem of distance and mass to reach the 10exp-67Nenton between protons and electrons,so imagine this if we insert a serie of quantum BHs correlated with the number of supermassive BHs and let s consider a central biggest BH at 10exp-35m and now let s consider the electrons encircled by this Dark matter,so we can solve this problem,I beleive humbly that we can reach it.In changing simply the mass and distances,because the distances taken actually aren t correct simply.

      now the aim is to formalise all this with the good geometrical algebras and good methods

      if it is that,it is revolutionary in all humility,we can explain this weakest quantum force

      I just found this today dear thinkers

      I must explain what is the real meaning of Spherisation in my theory.It is just a general point of vue about the evolution optimisation of this universal sphere.The evolution being an important point.I have never said that all will be spherical,it is just about the Universe because this evolution is essential like universal parameter.We have a complexification evolution generally speaking for the Lifes too,we know this truth on our Earth in studying the past ,this evolution is a main universal parameter simply and these quantum and cosmological spheres with the codes encoding the informations permit to encircle this main parameter,universal.

      this second law is so important,my theory of spherisation and these quantum and cosmological spherical volumes,spheres in an universal sphere in evolution are ok with this second law,like the Poincare conjecture,the Thurston geometrisation conjecture,the Ricci Flow and the heat equation,I have considered the cold too ,now I try to formalise all this puzzle with finite primordial series of quantum spheres,probably the same number than our fnite cosmological serie of Spheres.Like a code due to a gravitational aether sending series coded between this zero absolute and this planck temperature.We can rank all this with the good superimposings of geometrical algebras of Lie groups and we can even explain the Hilbert spaces.

      Dear Zeeya,sorry I try to focus on topics,sorry,I didn t know where to put my Words,so sorry.About the article of Amrit,sorry indeed I have discussed about this gravitational aether.Sometimes I forget to respect the topics of forums and blogs,so sorry still.I d like too have an answer from you about this zero absolute if it is possible.

        why the post about the team of Nassim and his friends cannot be accepted dear Zeeya? explain me please