Essay Abstract

Shut up and calculate according to axiomatically formalized mathematics as if there were no arguments against Hilbert's hope for general decidability, computability and predictability. However be careful and don't speculate as if such calculation was realistic or at least logically correct. Hilbert's trust in the law of excluded middle was formally challenged by Gödel's incompleteness theorem and Turing's more practical halting problem. Unseen examples of possible mistakes with relevance to physics will be shown.

Author Bio

Born in 1942 into disastrous ideological mistakes, the author felt safe in devoted R&D and teaching the mathematical basics of EE, although he got aware of imperfections in theories from mathematical physics up to traditional ethics, too. All ten challenging FQXi essay contests provided to him opportunities for learning and for discussing suspected mistakes.

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Dear Eckhard Blumschein,

You mentioned that all ten FQXi contests offered opportunity for learning. I have watched your essays become clearer and cleaner (or perhaps I just understood them better as we went along) and I suspect this last essay topic is ideal for you. It's difficult to find the correct word, but I believe that wisdom best describes your understanding expressed in the current essay, which reveals:

"Why models may look as if they were reality even if logical discrepancies are undeniable, while on the other hand decisive imperfections of some mathematical metaphors are stubbornly ignored."

Many people have trouble thing with this reality, but you take it in stride! Somewhat relevant to this is David Hestenes' comment:

"Everything we know about physical space-time is known through its representation by some model, so when we're thinking about space-time and its properties, we're actually thinking about the model" ... "However we attribute an independent existence to space-time which might not be accurately represented by our model... so we must keep the distinction clear when considering the possibility that the model is wrong."

As you further note on page 7: "Physicists are always responsible for their models.... They have to be careful with models that calculate down to r=0 as if any conductor was a line and charge a point."

Your excellent example: "Be careful. Don't interpret all calculated results as if they did apply in physics too. Instead of accepting that the calculated infinite field strength around a line-shaped conductor approaches infinity, one should use a realistic model with the radius of the conductor larger than zero." As you note: "there are theoreticians who do not accept that they are just operating with mere fictions."

You point out "the formal remedy offered by Leibniz: a kind of "as if", the relative infinity. This fiction replaced rigorous logic by feasible mathematics." How well stated!

I very much enjoyed your remarks in #8 on the complex number in QM. Whereas many physicists do not appear to understand the points you make in this essay, I find them fascinating and agree with you as I understand them.

I have, for several years now focused on the propensity of physicists to project mathematical structure onto physical reality, and then appear to believe that reality exhibits and is constrained by such structure, with "symmetry" being a key example.

I hope that in the back of your mind, you have thought of writing a book encompassing the material in your essays.

My very best regards,

Edwin Eugene Klingman

    Dear Eckhard Blumschein,

    very much enjoyed...just one comment. "As-if" (the metaphor) and the model differ in an essential respect. The metaphor requires disparate, incommensurable or orthogonal 'moments', whereas the model builds on similarity with what it models. In other words, the metaphor augments, whereas the model explains, describes or represents. Hegel was the only one to see Kant's mistake to regard e.g. the finite and the infinite (and dialectic in general) as a logical opposition (A and not-A). For Hegel the finite and the infinite fall into different categories, namely quantity and quality. Hence they share no common measure. Since logic is founded in identity, it must fall into trap of explaining the metaphor and thus answer meaningless questions.


    Heinz Luediger

      Dear Edwin Eugene Klingman,

      When I wrote FOURIER WAS WRONG, I tried to be as careful as possible. I am anxious, maybe, even you did not yet got aware that I am claiming something new and very unwelcome: having found within Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur a very basic mistake with possibly serious consequences.

      Let me highly appreciate your support:

      "I very much enjoyed your remarks in #8 on the complex number in QM. Whereas many physicists do not appear to understand the points you make in this essay, I find them fascinating and agree with you as I understand them. I have, for several years now focused on the propensity of physicists to project mathematical structure onto physical reality, and then appear to believe that reality exhibits and is constrained by such structure, with "symmetry" being a key example."

      Nobody will be mislead because you wrote #8 instead of §8 and Eckhard instead of Eckard. However, I anticipate getting deliberately ignored by physicists. What about Hausdorff topology, I admit that I just felt encouraged to utter criticism when I was told that topology cannot even perform a symmetrical cut. Being not a mathematician I may be wrong in this field and have to hope for getting convincingly corrected

      My very best regards

      Eckard Blumschein

      Dear Heinz Luediger,

      Thank you for your comment. You are an EE as I was too,and you were perhaps not forced to deal with Hegel's dialectics while I didn't like dialectic materialism which was obligatory to me as a precondition of promotion. Didn't Heg,l say "Die Atomisten denken zu materiell"? Donn't get me wrong.I consider thesis, antithesis,and synthesis valuable. However, if I recall correctly, it was Marx who criticized "abstruse Hegelei". What about physics I would like to rather trust in Kant who wrote in Kritik der reinen Vernunft: "Die Eigenschaft von Größen, nach welcher an ihnen kein Theil der kleinstmögliche ist heißt Continuität. Raum und Zeit sind quanta continua". Notice his word Eigenschaften. Both being finite and being infinite are properties, in other words qualities, not quantities. Please read $ 2 of my essay carefully.

      I didn't use the word metaphor exactly as perhaps do you. To me, a metaphor is an imaginary way of describing something by saying that it is something else which has the qualities that I am trying to describe.

      Because you seem to be a prolific essay writer, I would like to ask you for any hint to some overlooked imperfection in basics of mathematics and/or physics.

      Of course, I would also like you to take issuw concerning my views on the addressed in my essay positions by Fourier, Hilbert, Hausdorff, Einstein, and Feynman.


      Eckard Blumschein

      Bravo Eckard,

      and I can add little to Ed's accolades. You say you are no mathematician but you have always had me fooled, and I am only just understanding enough of what mathematics IS to appreciate it.

      Your essay should be awarded the full 1/3 weight of scoring for relevance by the judges, for if not then none other should be. I've bookmarked it on my reader as a favorite, there is such a wealth of information and accompanying reference.

      I must do more reads, especially to get my head around your stating that you have discovered an error that profoundly impacts Fourier. If you would elaborate a bit that would be instructive. I recall some years ago dialogues between you and Rob McEachern which I at the time thought was simply a difference in preference for either cosine, or Fourier transforms. I have thought in my own simple modeling that cosine transforms were ontologically most representative of physical realism in energy concentration in a 3D+T soliton waveform, while Fourier Analysis more applicable to distinguishing specific frequencies among polychromatic emissions.

      I viewed an interesting science program recently and was surprised to discover that whales are a relatively young species. What was in particular pertinent to the program was about the whale's ear bones which are remarkably dense, and which enable whales to locate direction of sound through the water. It corroborates your contention that the ear distinguishes frequency from interpreting backwards from 'end of signal'. Where humans under water hear sound from all directions, it is because human tissues are nearly the same density as water so the sound wave penetrates through the head and reaches both inner ears at so close to the same time that the regions of the brain interpreting direction from a lag time between the ears, cannot differentiate. The sound wave warping around the head in air provides a significant time difference, which the high bone density of the whale provides as a direction finder.

      Your essay lays out the distinction between physics and math, and addresses the Topic of the Essay Contest in a most fair, informative and respectful manner. Thank-you jrc

      Dear Eckart,

      I don't think we really disagree on the notion metaphor, rather we seem to look at it from different perspectives. Maybe my forthcoming essay can clear up matters a little bit...

      Generally my reasoning rests on the impression that neither physics nor mathematics are monolithic (coherent) blocks of knowledge, but sets of Absolutely non-contradictory (orthogonal) theories, theorems, etc. So, everything seems to be connected by being Absolutely disconnected in quasi-space. If so, logical positivism tried to logically (the math is just heuristic) connect things which share no common measure and thus created loads of conundrums. Logical positivism is dead - long live logical positivism!

      Heinz Luediger


      page 6 [15]

      physically, if we pass the pole of a magnet past a conductor, a rise and fall of induced voltage will occur, but the direction of the induced current will not reverse bias. The rate of change of flux density in proximity to the conductor is proportional to the value of induced voltage, so it makes clear sense that only positive reals are necessary and while the sinusoidal shape of rate of change would approach a nil value of voltage tangent to either the upper or lower limits of a continuous sinus, there would exist a real positive voltage level in the same direction of potential in the conductor.

      I have long thought that such a scenario as this, rather than the typical plot with a 'zero' baseline and positive and negative deflections commonly interpreted as the signature of a transverse wave; might be the realistic signature of a soliton of linearly projected electro-magnetic emission. Perhaps both Newton's corpuscle of light, as well as the wave model, are at least half correct. jrc

      Dear John,

      "... your stating that you have discovered an error that profoundly impacts Fourier. If you would elaborate a bit that would be instructive."

      I promise I will do my best in an even more understandable manner. When I just supported Tim Palmer's criticism of Hilbert space, I was nonetheless aware of the importance to avoid terminology like "infinity-adic" which is definitely not appealing to those like Lorraine Ford and Rob McEachern. In this respect I am trying to learn from Feynman although he was sometimes also forced to admit that he couldn't explain something like half-spin without resorting to a sophisticated theory (spinors).

      Let me begin for this morning with telling you why I didn't shy back from critically reading the many pages of Fourier's "Théorie Analytique ...". Reacting to FQXi attempts to question causality I decided to look for the reason behind non-causalities from which I was befitting for fife decades. Admittedly, I had collected insight over the decades in which I dealt with complex calculus, dual circuits, power electronics, arc welding, auditory frequency analysis, and even a bit of neurophysiology. The fact that Fourier transform implies an arbitrary and therefore redundant phase was not new to me. My surprising revelation was that the mistake arose from what I quoted in my essay: A function of time(arbitrarily) given by a mathematician is not identical with how nature works. Mathematics is too wide. Now I have to make a break.

      If you like me to continue,I will later refer to details with respect to Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions.


      Dear John,

      I don't have [15] at hand, and I am not yet aware of your essay. Perhaps, it will take me time to check your idea althoug I am not unfamiliar with hearing and waves.


      Thank you, Eckard.

      I am not writing at all presently, nor have an essay to submit. I was only using a physical example of how positive reals would suffice. And it has long seemed to me that many times, the practices used in graphing actually cause a non-physical interpretation.

      I agree that time as treated mathematically, and in physical theory, is not what it is in nature. It is a problem that I think arises in the analytical need to isolate a particular aspect of time, and then treat that as the whole measure of time itself. Yet we have our metronome counting time in our laboratory in unit seconds, while we calculate a light velocity proportional difference across electrical and magnetic field strengths, so we have at least two kinds of time in practice at the same time. At each of any instant in that one second duration, that proportional light second is existential. And that definitely does NOT mean that past, present and future are the same thing. But we are actually confronting two different aspects of time.

      And, take your time, you have brought a lifetime of accumulated knowledge to bear on the Topic, most of which I have only casual acquaintance with but at least enough to find your essay illuminating in your presentation. I very much liked how you laid out the problems of how a continuum can or must be treated, and whether we can even say that a continuum is possible. Yet if it were not conceivable intellectually, we wouldn't bother with discussion. Best Wishes jrc

      Dear all,

      Rethinking the question

      "Are there, for example, real consequences for physics -- including quantum mechanics -- of undecidability and non-computability?"

      I would like to once again support T. Palmer: Back to basics!

      Past and future are not undecidable from each other, except for theories that are used as putative fundament of physics.

      I promised to John Cox to elaborate, and this will take me some time.

      Just one detail:

      Having checked my essay for decisive loopholes in my reasoning I realized that I did perhps not yet clearly enough distinguish between Fourier's undecided with respect to the choice of t=0 and therefore redundant complex transformation on one hand and Heaviside's fictitious split into an even and an odd component on the other hand. Heaviside introduced the reference t=0. Fourier or Heaviside, on which fundament should QM be based? For convenience, one may calculate as if Fourier was right.

      Eckard Blumschein


        While I in priciple appreciate your dealing with categorization errors, I will perhaps have to read your essay more carefully in order to learn something. Why did you not even give references and page numbers? From the very beginning of your essay I feel challenged to disagree. To me the chicken-egg problem and Zeno's paradoxes are just stupid confusions while the question whether the universe is finite or infinite is most likely undecidable.

        You and Hegel cannot persuade me that being infinite is in any sense not eimply the lingistic as well as logic negation of being finite.

        You and Einstein will not make me disagreeing with Shannon on the distinction between past and future with no present (your reality filter)in between.

        What about the interpretation of QM, you should contact Rob McEachern.

        Eckard Blumschein

        Dear Eckard,

        already I'm in over my head. But in browsing to get a better idea of what (and how) Fourier distributions are and 'get back to basics', I ran across this very brief and concise paper on Fourier Transforms of a Heaviside Step Function: a Tragedy.

        and have to wonder if Bueler is demonstrating the same, or similar, problem that you identify in the operations of F & H.

        It strikes me that if we take the energy signal as going to infinity, then that is really a mathematical convenience not an existential property. It simply allows an open ended process that would integrate any number of steps once a signal was switched on... that is, the duration of repeated pulsations is unknown and contingent on putting in by hand, an 'off' switch. Also, the 1/2pi term would naturally apply to the orthogonality of electromotive induction, or in a 3D+T wave model - the 90* rotation between the planes of direction of field strengths of the electrical and magnetic components of an EM signal. best jrc

        Dear John, dear all,

        "Fourier Transforms of a Heaviside Step Function: a Tragedy" ??

        I prefer using the word tragedy to human lives. Just a few excamples:

        Archimedes was killed: Don't disturb my circles

        Matrin Luther saved Stifel who had calculated and predicted the immediate doomsday

        Georg Cantor got insane, claimed having got the CH directly from God, and died in a madhouse

        Kronecker was mobbed and died

        Ritz and also Minkowski got suddenly ill and died

        Suicides by Boltzmann, Hausdorff, Turing

        Gödel's paranoia

        Grothendieck's disappearance

        In the case addressed by Buehler, there is a quite simple logical solution - admittedly one has to get free from traditional formalism but go back to basics as I tried to indicate in § 2 of my essay.

        My style of teaching is a bit different from Feynman's. I hope, you may find the solution yourself soon. I will give you just a hint. Feyman allegedly refused to explain half spin. Why didn't he just mention that a full circle (360°) of cos equals to 720° of cos squared?

        Once again, the solution is easily to find out for anybody with readiness to critical tinking. Don't shy back from questioning a very basis of mathematics. Admittedly I was inspired by a Professor Schwarz of South Africa whom I met in Milano in 1992, Dean Mückenheim provided me with many details, and I recall having read a lot of literature in German, e.g. Hans Gericke and Oskar Becker.



        We should not neglect what John addressed: My suggestion "calculate as if there was no causality but be careful" does also relate to the artificial boundaries of the interval under consideration.

        However, I claimed having a simple logical solution to the Fourier transform of the Heaviside function. Here it is:

        H(t) can be split into two fictitious parts, the even one = ВЅ and the odd one = ВЅ sign(t).

        Notice: Frequency analysis of measured (i.e. past) data requires H(-t) and sign(-t).

        With cos(пЃ·t) + i sin(пЃ·t) as kernel of Fourier transform, integration from minus infinity to plus infinity yields the real part of H(пЃ·) = ВЅ and the imaginary part = 1/пЃ·i

        Bueler's example doesn't share the widespread mistake to define H(t) with t>=0 instead of t>0, and it illustrates that calculating as if setting t=0 in H(t) was correct may lead to wrong results. Use of distributions is not easy and perhaps unnecessary.

        Notice: Euclid's ideal point, something that has no parts, contradicts to a notion of number which is, as illustrated by Hausdorff, rather based on embedded dots.

        By the way, Heaviside hated geometrical evidences. Gauss criticized the desire for unnecessary acuity. Why? A point "at zero" cannot be split into a positive and a negative part. The only solutions are to calculate as if or to have a 0+ and a 0-. According to Salviati the relations larger than or smaller than are invalid for indefinitely large (as well as small) numbers. We may add: They are invalid for any truly real numbers, not only for infinity and zero.


        Anyway, if there is no natural reference as with the t=0 of H(t) but not with Fourier, an arbitrary choice is unavoidable.

        Thanks Eckard,

        that is reasonable and easy enough to follow. The clarity rests with the distinction that "greater than, or equal to" zero; is fundamentally different than simply "greater than" zero. So Fourier requires the choice of calculating one or the other sign firstly, and separately. Not to become confused with corresponding terms of steps of the opposite sign. Some may say that casts the whole exercise in an arbitrary measure of observer dependence, but in physical fact the observation of any signal is fundamentally arbitrary. We set the criteria of what we want to observe in the first place. When we get a noise free result returned, then we have the information we want. So in that sense, yes, I can see how Heaviside's method would be 'noisy'. best jrc

        Yes, Eckard,

        on giving further consideration, I think with that clarification your essay makes the case quite well. It all holds together very nicely. Perhaps for the present we must content ourselves with the only thing definite about 'zero', is that it has an indefinite value. cheers - jrc

        Thanks for your comments on my page Eckard...

        This essay looks very interesting, judging by the abstract, and I shall look forward to reading it. For the record; Hilbert was not alone, and many people have put faith in the 'excluded middle' when in fact there was a middle ground, spawning what I call 'false dilemmas,' and much confusion of course.

        More later,
