Hi John Hodge,
On the first reading I did focus on your discussion of math as that is a psychological issue for me. In your response you ask about photons. I did ignore the photon issue as my system rejects that particle. I have light and all EM radiation as simply waves (within beams). The photon particle Einstein supported was needed to account for wave energy. Waves do impact, the result of the waves arriving at a mass, and the measure varies with the frequency. At some level the waves could be particulate. So, the equations and physical reality of the Newtonian scale apply to the very small scale. The waves themselves are not particles as currently defined. The double-slit experiment supported the wave nature of light.
I have not reviewed a 'future' wave and I haven't accepted faster than light travel.
Atoms for me depend upon electrons which occur as intersections of waves traveling opposite directions from each other. Any interaction of my gravity waves with an atomic element will cause change in the element and release a higher frequency wave. Gravity waves are very low frequency and get converted to higher frequency light waves.
Orbits don't decay because, just like moon or planetary orbits, pushing gravity causes a variety of flows that provide both the attraction and the 'directional flow' (all motions). Gravity is the driver.
We are partly connected, but my model backs away from so many physics concepts that matching is rare. Perhaps ongoing communication would help. You do provide your model here but my model covers too many topics from pushing gravity to EM nature of space. For details see the general science journal.
Best wishes,
Paul Schroeder