Dear Lockie Cresswell,
Thanks for reading my paper.
Your theory sure is an antithesis of my thinking. I guess I am backwoods practical thinker. What I see and experience is what I know and assume throughout. . Your ideas are just difficult for me to follow. The philosophy of life is separate from the activities 'now'. The ideas of Le Place, and Maxwell are too philosophical. Wave duality is wrong due to mis-defining waves rather than an invalid determinism.
Perhaps the philosophical theme of your paper limit the interest in your theories, but you did get high ratings. I also have no peers in the journals and little connection within FQXi. My challenge is that physicists have to give up too much to contemplate the pieces of my model. For your paper, Philosophy allows speculating in too many directions.
I don't accept nor care about determinism , nor any total effect of the past or future causes. The hard topic you cover is 'time' including as the arrow of time and your extension to consciousness. For me the topic of time is just for speed analyses.
I did contemplate a bit about your lost memories topic.
Best wishes to you,
Paul Schroeder