Essay Abstract

Although nature seems most knowable when its wave-particle duality is intact, it hides that dual nature upon physical observation. Physical reality and the mathematics which describe it are further constrained by limitations of what may be logically proven, computed or predicted. However, these limitations of the observer effect and number theory would not apply if nature's duality could be fully described in purely geometric terms in probability space. This essay suggests a radical way to do just that. Starting from the prime numbers as the simplest elements of mathematics, the base-12 number system as arguably the most efficient number system for nature and the complex numbers as its natural language, a simple 3D double-helix waveform emerges in 4D quaternion space. When the 2D projection of this waveform is then interpreted as the fundamental probability waveform of physical reality, remarkable alignment is found with the way nature appears to work at all scales - including compelling explanations for open mysteries such as dark energy, dark matter, quantum gravity, time and the particle structure of the quantum world. Even if it's too simple to be true, it offers a back-to-basics approach to view nature at its conceptually simplest.

Author Bio

Now retired, I received a BS degree in mechanical engineering from General Motors Institute in 1986 and MS degree in applied statistics from Oakland University in 1988. A professional engineer in manufacturing for 30 years, my main areas of focus were operations management and process/lean improvement. A life-long student of science and numbers, I am captivated by the mysteries of nature and enjoy pursuing those mysteries wherever they may lead!

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Your words.................. the path of wisdom is necessarily an infinite one, each discovery we make a special case of a more general truth yet to be proven, computed or predicted.................

Wonderful idea please, nature is truly master of secrets, the more you discover , the more will peep through curtains

Your words...............Since the detection of the Higgs boson in 2012 [2], no new fundamental particles have been discerned through the full-contact method to supplement the Standard Model or decipher the longstanding mysteries of dark energy, dark matter or gravity at the quantum scale.....................


Well said, Higgs was the last.

These "the longstanding mysteries of dark energy, dark matter or gravity at the quantum scale".... are creating lots of other problems like: Wastage of highly intellectual human resources, Draining of financial resources etc.. Further research on these is not taking us anywhere.

As you have suggested, other models are also to be considered. Please see the foundational thinking of "Dynamic Universe model" in my essay.... "

A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy "


SNP. Gupta


    If you are replying any of comments I posted on your essay, I request you to post a copy or intimation that you posted reply, on my essay

    "A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy"

    also,so that I can continue discussion....

    Best Regards


    9 days later

    Thanks much Shawn,

    Depicting projections with "poor man's CAD" (i.e. Excel) can be a little limited, but worked out OK in this case!

    - Michael

    5 days later

    Dear Michael,

    Perhaps it's time to learn OpenGL (if you haven't already)?

    - Shawn

    a month later


    I think you identify the key duality and far more, the twin helix. We seem to agree on much in principle, I've identified it's import in previous essays, and it's an underlying cyclic dynamic deriving the wide but related solutions posited in this years. As you say, we need to move our theories up to reach the really valuable 'fruit'.

    Also nicely written expressed and illustrated. I agree it's definitely time for less maths and more physical comprehension. I have it noted down for a good score - it's presently far to low! I hope you'll read mine, but be prepared for yet more old assumptions to be challenged!

    Have you considered octonians yet?

    Very best of luck in the contest.



      Thank you much for your encouraging feedback. I read and rated your article just now. It's excellent and we seem to share a similar quest for a simpler way to the truth!



      25 days later

      Dear Michael

      I greatly appreciated your work and discussion. I am very glad that you are not thinking in abstract patterns.

      While the discussion lasted, I wrote an article: "Practical guidance on calculating resonant frequencies at four levels of diagnosis and inactivation of COVID-19 coronavirus", due to the high relevance of this topic. The work is based on the practical solution of problems in quantum mechanics, presented in the essay FQXi 2019-2020 "Universal quantum laws of the universe to solve the problems of unsolvability, computability and unpredictability".

      I hope that my modest results of work will provide you with information for thought.

      Warm Regards, `


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