Hi Dr. Landsman,

I sent you an email a few weeks ago. I'd just like to make sure that you received it.

Thank you,

Dale C. Gillman

a month later

Congratulations Klass Landsman...

In that "Quantum Mechanics Needs a New Theory " ~ Roger Penrose 2020 Nobel Physics Prize Recipient... and "emergent" implies evolving, I thank you for your endorsement of an "Emergent Quantum Theory", and for exposing semantic issues that must be resolved to facilitate that emergence... e.g. indiscriminant usage of THEORY and MODEL, RANDOM and INDETERMINANT, etc.

A purturbative analysis, mathematical or observational, is not conducive to fundamental assessments... i.e. in that one cannot generate an infinite series to verify that the outcome of a flip of a coin has a 50-50 chance,"(allegedly) making the coin fair", is impossible, it is not a valid means to assess the underlying/fundamental nature of quantum mechanisms as being deterministic, indeterministic, or other... but coin flipping is applicable to an investigation of functions enabled by a QUANTUM ENERGY EMISSION MODEL in which spatially addressable minimum/indivisible quanta of Energy (QE), as substance, are spontaneously, harmoniously distributed within a QUANTUM SPATIAL GEOMETRY MODEL... i.e. a digital CAD environment quantized by addressable minimum/indivisible quanta of Space (QI)... on each pulse... i.e. digitally SIMulated quantum emission mechanisms.

A QUANTUM MODEL of Space-Time as an emergence from a single pulsed sourced QE emission, requires resolve of a geometry singularity and its associated field coordinate system... i.e. logic map... which implies intelligence... i.e. directives/determination... but it facilitates a fundamental principle in which spontaneous, harmonious distribution of Energy (QE) in Space-Time, is neither INDETERMINANT nor RANDOM, nor is it determinant... i.e. it must be SOLVED for the entire system, on every Q-Tick, by internal, scalable, system wide, intelligent network monitoring circuits... e.g. humans.

A QUANTUM MODEL in which system intelligence is geometrically demonsratable, warrants an investigation as to whether internal monitoring circuits can address the system wide networked intelligence with a binary query... i.e. Yes/No... and influence the outcome of a coin flip.

I can repeatedly preform an experiment which demonstrates that a finite string of human, singular, binary queries... i.e. Yes/No... can influence the outcome of a flip of a coin, and resolve a coherent logic series... REF: - Topic: "Modeling Universal Intelligence"

Are mental functions... e.g. attention... "subliminal"?

In that attention does not occupy space as QE substance... i.e. is not a physical entity in the GEOMETRY MODEL... it is "subliminal", but as a system internal logic circuit query mechanism, it can be verified by the amount of chaos that occurs if it is not functioning... i.e. by application of an GEOMETRY MODEL specific codec between the Space-Time logic frame and Spaceless-Timeless logic frame, attention facilitates a link, often unconscious, to networked intelligence.

Might I suggest that prior to a "New THEORY", "quantum mechanics", as fundamental QE emission and distribution mechanisms, would benefit from a GEOMETRY MODEL that facilitates an unbroken kinematic logic chain from observation to the dimensionless single point... i.e. LOGIC SINGULARITY between the Space-Time logic frame and Spaceless-Timeless logic frame... encapsulated by the 3D GEOMETRY SINGULARITY from which the GEOMETRY MODEL emerges, as the Space-Time logic map in which to spontaneously, harmoniously resolve pulse sourced QE emission and subsequent distribution... i.e. a QUANTUM MODEL that is not purturbative, inherently supports a cosmic intelligence.

"All matter originates and exist only by virtue of a force... and we must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. The (that) mind is the matrix of all matter." ~ Max Planck, Quanta Author and Physicist

S. Lingo

UQS Author/Logician


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