Essay Abstract

In natural science and in technology, decisions are commonly taken on the basis of uncertain information. Since three decades Bayesian estimation has become quite popular in technical control methods and in the interpretation of uncertain information. Physics is more like technology than like mathematics.

Author Bio

PhD in experimental physics (Leiden) in 1989, thereafter work at the European Patent Office in a.o. the field of error correction coding and decoding (CD, DVD, BD), thus meeting information theory (Shannon), which clarified a lot conceptually.

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Dear Professor Martin van Staveren,

It was nice 'paragraph essay' filled with facts!!! Your words........The problematic situation of foundational physics is that it is caught between formal mathematics and technology. So in a realistic sense undecidability and unpredictability are the normal conditions of life, ...... Physics is not mathematics. An alphabet is not a book............

I just elaborated what should be the freedom available to an author when the " real open thinking" is supported. Have a look at my essay please.

"A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy"

Best Regards


    Dear Satyavarupa,

    Thanks for your reaction. I agree that superstition etc should be avoided. That is the subject of Bayesian probability. We should Not believe everything, but not everything can be 100% certain, either. So how do we take rational decisions? Quantum theory is accepted because it works extremely well and it is rational to do so. Do we really understand it? What does "understanding" mean?

    This is a copy of my comment to you in response to your comment to me on my paper's page on Mar. 21, 2020.

    Dear Martin,

    The high frequency radiation is produced by electricity and the electricity is produced by solar energy collection. Since solar energy collection does not generate pollution and since the burning of hydrogen gas also does not produce pollution, but only produces water, the whole system produces pollution free energy. The amount of solar energy collection just has to be enough over the amount that is immediately needed to supply current electrical grid usage to allow for the production of enough hydrogen gas to supply hydrogen gas powered electrical generators to produce electricity when the solar energy is not available like at night or is reduced below the amount needed for the grid like on cloudy days, etc. In addition to this, enough hydrogen should also be produced to power all motor vehicles. It would not be a bad idea to build nuclear power plants to supply electricity in case of a meteor strike or some other problem that would cause a lack of solar energy collection on a large scale for a long time, but they would not need to be completely implemented unless such a thing happened. In such a circumstance they would be preferable to use of fossil fuels that would make recovery time much longer due to their pollution production. Of course, there are other more advanced ways of producing electricity and motive power, but they are now considered secret and may not be allowed to be used by most people.

    I looked at your paper. Generally, less than one hundred percent decidability, computability, and predictability, result primarily from one of two sources. The first is the current state of advancement of observational abilities. The ability to observe things with ultimate accuracy has not been achieved and likely will never be attained. As you mentioned the noise factor is one of many limiting factors that contribute to this problem. Over time observational abilities have increased based on new conceptual advancements, but could only reach one hundred percent accuracy if we get to where we know everything. That is not likely happen any time soon. The other problem is the incompleteness or the inclusion of errors in conceptual understandings. As an example, in Quantum Physics The observations of the various outcomes to particle collisions and their probabilities compared to each other have been mathematically coded to create a model that is very accurate, but it is not based on any understanding of the internal structure of the particles or of their external interaction mechanisms between them. This has led to much confusion and even the belief by many that it is impossible to ever know these things. It should be apparent to anyone that the theory is greatly lacking in its understanding of why only the certain outcomes can happen and why each outcome has a certain probability of occurrence. This is due to two problems. The first is that man currently does not know how to observe the particles in adequate detail to understand their internal and external behaviors. The second problem is that man has not looked adequately at existing observable information to allow for the formation of an adequate hypothesis to allow for the development of new observational equipment that can give a better observational look at the particles structure. This second area is where the conceptual work needs to be done in order for man to make further advancements. This area is what I am currently working on. This is much like developing a molecular theory before molecules could be observed or like the development of atomic theory before atoms could be observed. Some of the things contained in the early theories turned out to be wrong or lacking in details, but they ultimately led to a better understanding of those structures. Currently the same thing needs to be done concerning the structure of fields, energy photons, and matter particles that make up the next level of structure.



      This is a copy of my comment to you in response to your comment to me on my paper's page on Mar. 23, 2020.

      Dear Martin,

      I have seen estimates that it would take coverage of about one percent of the earth's surface with solar to generate all of the power that man currently uses. If it is done right, much of this area could come from already used land areas, such as on houses or buildings or on their properties. This would be best because the energy removed by the solar panels would be used and then returned to the same place that it came from. Heat could also be harvested from the panels to heat water and the buildings as necessary. It is true that much work will need to be done to convince those in charge to do such things. The alternative is to use up the coal, oil, and natural gas and have many people die due to not having the fertilizers, etc. that those resources provide. Electric cars will only be able to take the market when one charge can give a range of 300 to 400 miles and a recharge can be done in the time that it takes to fill a current vehicle's gas tank. That will be some time yet. That is why I think that hydrogen is the way to go at present for vehicles.

      When you understand that the structure of an atom contains a complex field structure and that the electron is composed of motions that are continually moving around in it and has its own field structure, it is easy to see that the math needed to model the complete structure will be more complex than what is currently used by man to try to understand it. I find it very interesting that man has not long ago determined that energy photons and matter particles and angular and simple linear motions are all constructed of the same basic material, which is motion because the results of high energy collisions between matter particles, like two protons, yield large numbers of matter particles, and energy photons that could only have been constructed of the great amount of linear kinetic motion of the initial two protons. Once this determination is made and it is determined how simple linear motions can be combined to construct energy photons and matter particles, it is an easy step to see that fields can be constructed out of simple linear motions.

      You are welcome. I like to pass on what information that I can to all that can and will receive it.



      4 days later

      Respected Prof Martin van Staveren,

      The following message was sent to me by Professor Paul N Butler to post as reply, he sent me by mail. This problem happened to me also twice

      Best Regards




      Dear Martin van Staveren I have a return comment to you ready to send, but I can't login to my account because it says that it does not recognize my email address. I will get it to you if FQXI gets the problem fixed. If you or anyone else wishes me to send any answers to any comments you send to me on my paper's page before then, you can put an email address in the comment to me and I will send my comment to you that way. This puts me at a great disadvantage in this contest, since you can't make any comments to anyone without being able to first login to your account."




      Respected Prof Martin van Staveren,

      Thank you for reading my essay, First of all let me clear one point, that Dynamic Universe Model mainly works in Cosmology and astrophysics.

      According to this model, all the decisions are taken after computer calculations and simulations. That way they are "Rational Decisions"

      In this N-Body problem solutions based on the Philosophy as mentioned in my essay, we will do data-mining and graphical visualization for understanding the large amount of data which is sometimes in millions of records. To down load my papers and books freely please visit the blog...

      " "

      Best Regards


      Respected Prof Martin van Staveren,

      Can you please send me a mail to my id " ", so that I can send Dynamic Universe Model's new paper to you on "Cosmic ray origins " for your learned comments???

      I dont know how to send that paper via this forum....

      Best Regards


      12 days later

      Dear Martin

      In my thread you left a comment where you mention that:

      Writing a function as F(x,y,z) does not mean that F really exists in physical space, even though x, y and z seem to refer to physical space

      My reply is: The electron density [math]\rho(x,y,z)[/math] depends on the spatial variables, and exists because electrons exists, so if the density exists why not its mathematical representation? The problem as I argue in my essay is that we most people think that what exists is what we can detect with instruments and/or our senses but that just half of the story. I think you should first start by telling what you understand by "exist". I would be glad if you read my essay.


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