Hi Edwin...
I was unable to add a new post to your FQXi Essay Contest (2009) CATEGORY: What's Ultimately Possible in Physics? Author Page, as per my Jun. 8, 2020 @ 06:53 GMT post to our thread above.
In order to give continuity to what I consider a highly relevant discussion, I am herin posting a summary of my initial review (now essay length) of your - TOPIC: Fundamental Physics of Consciousness https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/561.
Your willingness to wager your credibility is admirable, and I suspect it has contributed significantly to subsequent FQXi Essay Categorical focus... i.e. effectively opened the flood gates for thought provoking discourse on risky, cross-discipline extrapolations.
I might even be able to multi-task my verbose review of your 2009 essay, in its entirety, in terms of the next FQXi Essay.
"In fact, the problem becomes, how does the universe emerge from consciousness, not how does consciousness emerge from matter."
REF: Author Edwin Eugene Klingman Oct. 11, 2009 @ 00:37 GMT post to 2009 FQXi Author page... https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/561
Terminology... e.g. "PHYSICAL"... utilized to verbalize a Space-Time THEORY/CONCEPT without specifying the relevant Space-Time GEOMETRY MODEL, inherently lacks definition in terms that can be correlated to FUNDAMENTAL GRAPHIC elements of a specific Space-Time GEOMETRY MODEL... i.e. "SPACE" and/or "MOTION ENTITY" must be graphically illustrated before any term that is defined in terms of "SPACE" and/or "MOTION ENTITY" can be given visual context within a specific Space-Time GEOMETRY MODEL.
Correlation of conceptually derived terms, to FUNDAMENTAL GRAPHIC elements of a specified GEOMETRY MODEL can be the key to convergence of seemingly incompatible THEORIES/CONCEPTS.
The Unified Quantization of a Sphere (UQS) resolves a single point source charge emission geometry, which graphically illustrates initial Space-Time REALITY emergence.
REF: "DIFFERENTIATION of SPACE-TIME REALITY ENERGY by CAUSE ENERGY" http://www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/UQSMarcelMLTD.jpg
The initial frame of the UQS Space-Time Emission SIM, graphically illustrates the root Space-Time logic entity... i.e. "COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS"... as the Spaceless LOGIC SINGULARITY point... i.e. the ORIGIN of the UQS CAD environment... of transition/transformation between the Spaceless-Timeless CAUSE logic operatives and our Space-Time REALITY logic operatives.
If CAUSE logic operatives facilitate a Spaceless "AWARENESS" of a Timeless NOW, the initial Space-Time graphically depicted logic element... i.e. "COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS"... as the (0,0,0) coordinate of ORIGIN for the UQS CAD quantization, can acquire an "AWARENESS" of Self that is consistent with operatives of UQS Space-Time logic framework.
On key-frame 2 of the UQS Space-Time Emission SIM, initialization of the UQS CAD environment, graphically illustrates an "AWARENESS" of Space-Time INTELLLIGENCE, as the available address/occupancy structure of the 3D GEOMETRY SINGULARITY that encapsulates the UQS Space-Time ORIGIN... i.e. the GEOMETRY SINGULARITY is the fixed graphic representation of a spatial Self-Aware "COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS".
REF: UQS Space-Time Differentiation Video (9sec.)... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbzf6NlU8q4UQS
Key-frame 3, QE Pulse-1-Open, of the UQS Space-Time Emission SIM, graphically illustrates a Timeless... i.e. Time as a single Q-Tick is undefined until QE emission Pulse-1-Close... "AWARENESS" of a CAUSE ENERGY sourced Time-Space ENERGY emission Pulse, as impetus... i.e. "VOLITION"... to make application of INTELLIGENCE... i.e. the address structure... to spontaneously harmoniously resolve initial occupancy as 24 minimum/indivisible quanta of spatially defined ENERGY (QE), equally distributed within the 24 unified 2D planar minimum/indivisible quanta of SPACE (QI), as defined by the UQS 3D GEOMETRY SINGULARITY, and close Pulse-1-C as NOW.
REF: "UQS P-1-Open/P-1-Close Illustration" http://www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/GameQIscrnP-1.jpg
The unified/uniformly defined QI address geometry structure of the UQS SINGULARITY expands infinitely in shells of radius = 1 UQS volumetric Base Unit (BU).
REF: "UQS Root Architecture Illustration" http://www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/UQSWTEE.jpg
As a consequence of UQS emergent composite circuit complexity hierarchies, the pulse sampling rate of subsequent Self-Aware entities/circuits within the UQs Space-Time logic frame, are progressively greater than 1QT, but as a consequence of a unified field address structure, all subsequent circuits inherit the properties of the initial Space-Time "COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS", and therefor all processes of "brain in the CONSCIOUSNESS field", can be reduced to the most FUNDAMENTAL GRAPHIC elements of the UQS GEOMETRY MODEL.
Your theoretical explanation of "how matter (neutrinos, electrons, and quarks) derives from a "CONSCIOUSNESS field", suggest a definition of mass/"stuff" as hierarchal choreographies of QE.
REF: "UQS Hydrogen Proton Illustration" http://www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/UQSPAECST.jpg
Observations of the "C-field as the weak force that transforms particles"... i.e. Energy Phenomena (PHE) events.. seemingly suggest mass/"stuff" density as a variable in C-field processes, but given an exponentially smaller minimum spatial resolution than that which is consistent with Plank's constant... REF:Stephen Wolfram ... those observations do not invalidate C-field mechanix having infinite range at QE resolution.
I agree with your comment to [linK:fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/3437]J.D. Crowell's 2019 FQXi Essay[/link] that we have "no need for new theory".
In my comments to J.D. Crowell I reiterated your comment to him, I also insisted that what we do have an immediate and critical need for is conversions of speculative theories into CAD environment geometry/structural models, and I defined a "rigorous math model" as:
... requires all GEOMETRY ELEMENTS... i.e. as elements of spatial definition... are derived from a digitally coded CAD environment quantization algorithm that is codec compliant with the CAD engine.
... requires all GRAPHIC ELEMENTS... e.g. minimum/indivisible spatial unit (QI), minimum/indivisible icon/sprite (QE) that experiences SIM animation... are defined in terms of (x,y,z) coordinates to pass to the CAD engine.
Note: if the THEORY/CONCEPT requires an EMERGENT INTELLIGENC, the quantization of the CAD environment must be a unified field... i.e. one in which an identical geometry algorithm generates all spatial occupancy addresses (QI).
... requires all EMMISION and subsequent DISTRIBUTION PROCESSES... i.e. (x,y,z) transformations of GRAPHIC ELEMENTS from time 0 to SIM duration time... be digitally coded to output (x,y,z) coordinates for pass to the SIM module of the CAD engine.
I have completed the above "rigorous math model" code requirements for UQS, and coding of a preferably cross platform CAD/SIM interactive environment to utilize my code, can be outsourced to any game developer with 3D OpenGL/vulcan/dirextX experience. or to a CAD/SIM app developer.
Admirably, J.D. Crowell replied: "I am looking for good CAD/SIM modelers. Do you have a recommendation?".
In that an EMERGENT INTELLIGENCE .. i.e. the ability to resolve the next SIM frame without external (perturbative) input... necessitates an additional level of complexity to a CAD/SIM interactive environment, Info Process Emergence, 3D kinematic Sequencing, and Artificial Intelligence, expertise is required.
The alpha version of the UQS Virtual Quantum Lab/Game (UQSVQLG), associates EMERGENT INTELLIGENCE with an INFERENCE module that reads conditional CAD (x,y,z) data, and compares QE choreography differentials between Pulse-Open/Pulse-Close sequenced frames of the SIM, to digitally code the UQSVQLG Technician's/Gamer's binary visual resolve procedural... i.e. VOLITION?.. .as a SWITCH FUNCTION, and with an AVAILABLE INTELLEGENC module that logs all emergent switches and conditional dictates for access by Lab Tech/Gamer resolve of subsequent QE/QI Pulse-Close.
The intended function of the UQSVQLG as an interactive CAD/SIM environment, is to formulate Lab Tech/Gamer procedural sequences, as digital code to augment human VOLITION limitations, with digital process assistance... i.e. at UQS Emission Pulse 75, it is evident that as a consequence of specifying a unified address geometry structure, the graphic elements and logic switch types are exquisitely finite, but the Lab Tech can no longer sequence the switches, or verify on a per pulse basis that the solution is consistent with conditional dictates, whose per pulse emergence diminishes on subsequent pulses, but are most probably infinite.
My recommendation would be to establish a collaboration of a sagacious Physicist with Micro Processor Design expertise, "Animation Master" Martin Hash, and "Mathmatica" author/logician Stephen Wolfram.
"FUNDAMENTAL" as a GEOMETRY MODEL selection criteria implies least INITIAL STATE inferences/assumptions, and any GEOMETRY MODEL candidate that warrants investigation must survive rigorous INITIAL STATE analysis... REF: "Directionally Unbiased Point Source Emission www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/UQST-TVNH.php... but "It is unlikely that there will be more than one such correct model." ... REF: E. Fredkin; 'Five Big Questions With Pretty Simple Answers'... IBM Journal Res. & Dev., Vol. 48, No. 1, Jan. 2004.
It is highly likely that the "correct model" can be verified by graphical/visual analysis of "FUNDAMENTAL" process SIMs within specified CAD geometry candidate environments.
Sue Lingo
UQS Author/Logician