Essay Abstract
Given the broad scope to which a decision making process can be applied... e.g. "Should I eat this apple?", "Do black holes emit "stuff"?" ... it is necessary to establish a scale at which the decision differential is to be processed. In that FQXi is a Fundamental Question Forum, and analysis from principle to general forces establishment of an absolute evaluation criteria, I herein scale the decision differential in terms of a theoretical minimum/indivisible unit of spatially defined Energy (QE) witch can experience a Space-Time differential, and one must make a clear distinction between Quanta of Energy (QE), as minimum/indivisible units of spatially defined Energy, and Phenomenal Energy (PHE) as the quantification, in terms of observable measurement... e.g. heat in degrees... of the observed event of a QE's experience. In that a temporal interval is implicit in an entities experience of a spatial differential... i.e. a dynamic process... I utilize a logic construct that facilitates pulsed sequential evaluation. To encourage relevant discussion, I solicit my reader for an assessment of my application of herein modeled Absolute Intelligence, to a logic evaluation criteria for my essay.
Author Bio
UQS Author/Logician/Independent Research: ... 2000-2020 Unified Quantization of a Singularity (UQS) website annually logs up to 5K worldwide downloads of UQS Data Base open source materials ... 2019-2020 UQS Virtual Quantum Lab/Game dashboard screen design and screen map DEF FN code to facilitate utilization of prior UQS geometry derived code for a CAD/SIM environment Academic: ... 1972-1979 University of Washington Dept. of Architecture, Seattle, WA Research Biases: ... as a consequence of undergraduate and graduate studies, structural/geometry as the foundation for analysis, mandates "form follows function" ... as a logician I refrain from perturbative analysis of fundamental processes