Essay Abstract

If the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct, is there any way to harness the computational power of the multiverse to compute in practice intractable problems? We introduce the Computational Censorship Hypothesis to answer this question and explore its implications.

Author Bio

Dr. Ruben Ruiz-Torrubiano is computer scientist and Chief Technology Officer of Untis, an Austrian based optimization and timetabling software firm. He received his PhD from the Autonomous University in Madrid in 2012 and initially pursued optimization and machine-learning oriented research. His main research interests include combinatorial optimization, machine learning, complexity theory, management science and philosophy of science.

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Respected Prof Ruben Ruiz-Torrubiano

Your words............The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic example of a problem that is easy to state, easy to verify and hard to solve........are very correct! Using brute-force methods will take trillions of years. probably we can use some methods specified in Operations research, like simplex algorithm or artificial intelligence methods ....

So you are telling that multiverse are not possible??

You may please visit an alternative cosmological model as mentioned in my essay...



    Hi! No, I'm actually not saying the multiverse is ruled out, but that by means of the Computational Cersorship Hyphothesis we are not able to use the multiverse for computational tasks. The multiverse may as well exists, and I personally think it will not be possible to rule it out completely, although I personally don't believe in it.

    Respected Prof Ruben Ruiz-Torrubiano

    Thank you for your nice reply. Have a look at my essay " ", where the example model is Dynamic Universe model developed by me where multiverse not required.... Its many predictions came true...

    Best Regards



    Thank your for your comments.

    I will surely take a look at your essay, too.

    Best regards,


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