Dear Prof. DeDeo,

This was an awesome essay and is tied with the paper by Flavio Del Santo for my favorite of all the essays I have read for this contest.

Your application of Kolmogorov Complexity to the universe as a whole was brilliant,but it was the way you expressed these deep thoughts with style and humor that left me most impressed.

My two favorite lines were:

"A being equipped with only RLKC can use simplicity to decide between explanations, but can't consider explanations that themselves invoke simplicity. Among other things, this means it will be unable to judge this paper."


"The equation on the t-shirt is simple, but the t-shirt is a mess."

Best of luck in the contest!

Rick Searle

Hi Simon,

I apologize for not getting to this sooner. This was a very interesting essay! KC is something I have thought a bit about at various times in my career. Anyway, there's lots to digest here and I feel like I need some time to do the digesting (but I love the reference to Robert Anton Wilson!).


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