Essay Abstract

In this article we argue that the Nature has both External and Internal features, in that the External observables that we observe may not correlate with the Internal observables, resulting 'Undecidability', 'Uncomputability', and 'Unpredictability', that are only the External features of Nature. This requires explorations for Indirect evidences to correlate Internal events with external observations, and for that an alternative cosmological paradigm of, String-matter Universe is proposed with axioms in correspondence with Mainstream Physics. It is concluded that the Nature of Time in Particle scenario is the cause for this constrain, that may be resolved by sequence of Non inertial moving reference frames for Eigen-rotational One-dimensional String-matter segment between two nodes that represent two particles, in an external reference time. As Quantum Mechanics is Non-local with indeterministic reference clock, an alternative wave mechanics for wave function is required for space-time indeterminism and thus this String-matter scenario is proposed. While computational complexity is the prime constrain to resolve the misrepresentations of all these three external features of Nature, on focusing with Dynamic quantum clustering of the variables of Nature in Holarchical reference time may provide more predictability on Nature, from external to inwards. Thus, working on this further is expected to resolve Levinthal's paradox and thereby paves basement to identify the in-vivo characteristics of many protein molecules that includes for those for the manifestation of Cancer, Invading protein of Corona Virus and many other.

Author Bio

Medical graduate and was practicing surgeon. Working in, Alternative Cosmology and Realtime Digital Healthcare. Detailed biography at:

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6 days later

Dear Jayakar,

I have read with great interest your essay, beautifully designed, with original alternative ideas and conclusions, which are very important for overcoming the crisis of understanding in the basis of fundamental science at this time of ever-increasing existential threats and risks for all of Humanity, for life on planet Earth. Today, as never before, it is important to develop a new paradigm of science as a whole. I believe that biology and life sciences are coming to the fore today. I have only one question: What place and role do you assign to the category of "memory" in your conception?



    8 days later

    Dear Vladimir,

    Thank you very much for your interest on this work.

    Distribution of Lattice of Declarative & Nondeclarative Elastic Potential-Energy may correspond to memory distribution. The Lattice sockets with same type of molecules and/or with other type of molecules, define complex structures. Density of these molecules with other molecules vary, representing specific memory areas.

    Much eager to read your article and shall be soon.

    With Best regards & thanks

    JayakarAttachment #1: 2020_05_07_FQXi_Additional.pdf

    10 days later

    Dear Jayakar,

    I greatly appreciated your work and discussion. I am very glad that you are not thinking in abstract patterns.

    While the discussion lasted, I wrote an article: "Practical guidance on calculating resonant frequencies at four levels of diagnosis and inactivation of COVID-19 coronavirus", due to the high relevance of this topic. The work is based on the practical solution of problems in quantum mechanics, presented in the essay FQXi 2019-2020 "Universal quantum laws of the universe to solve the problems of unsolvability, computability and unpredictability".

    I hope that my modest results of work will provide you with information for thought.

    Warm Regards, `


      2 months later

      Dear Vladimir Fedorov,

      Thank you for your interest on this work.

      I have gone through your article, "Practical guidance on calculating resonant frequencies at four levels of diagnosis and inactivation of COVID-19 coronavirus".

      It's a great work.

      Problem may be by Multiple Pilot wave effecting from Time paradox that is inherent with Particle scenario.

      In this paradigm, as Planck time is not applicable, a Holarchical time is applied for Spectroscopic Feedback control, that effect the possibility of only Environmentally Guided Molecular Self-assembly, to neutralise CoV proteins.

      Anyhow, I think, Pilot wave theory seems to be the bridge between String-matter Universe Paradigm and the Particle Universe, mathematically.

      Regarding your other article, I shall go through soon and express my thought at that page.

      With Best regards & thanks


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