Essay Abstract

This essay postulates an alternative perspective of reality that cannot be proved nor disproved. The objective of this essay is not to convince the reader of anything, but to provide another narrative about the origin of the universe and another proposal as to why there is something rather than nothing. Our universe is entirely made up of the interactions of two directions imposed on each other within an infinite and infinitesimal void. All the way out to infinity and all the way down and in to every electron infinitesimally, there are orbits. The two constituents of orbits can be modeled by gravitational direction and a projected bullet's direction which has been caught in orbit around the gravitational direction's central point. As well as another version of reality, this essay also provides a means by which it can be practically used. Currently the global human community has many narratives on the origin of the universe and therefore no consensus on any single core belief of what reality is. The humans on this planet do not share a philosophy, world-view, myth or any paradigm of understanding. The infinite continuum postulate is a new narrative, a story that everyone can provisionally accept (the word provisionally is carefully chosen as its definition is: "subject to further confirmation; for the time being"). An acceptance of physical infinity and the infinitesimal is for the purpose of having a basic and common agreement among all of humanity. We require a common understanding of reality to compute what the best decisions would be in order to predict that our species will have a sustainable environment in the future. The concepts in this essay offer a means for provisional global agreement.

Author Bio

Michael Falconar is a shop teacher and survival instructor, part time philosopher.

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Dear Michael Hugh Falconar

Your well thought words are exactly correct viz.. " The universe started infinity ago (it never did start) so we have to use our imaginations to conceptualize when there was an absolute and infinite void where nothing pervaded the everywhere, from infinitesimal in every point to infinite in distance, size, and time. "

A almost similar concept is given in Dynamic Universe Model also. Hope you will get some time in seeing my essay " A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy " ....



17 days later

Michael - An interesting essay - quite off the beaten path from most of the submissions, and, frankly, more to my liking. I was very interested in your starting point - infinity and the void. These were key metaphors in my earlier FQXi Essay - The Hole at the Center of Creation ( ) - my key point in that essay was that the paradoxes in physics and math were analogous to finding ourselves at the edge of the abyss - one that could not be crossed - just as we cannot actually cross into the infinite or talk about the void (nothing). I was quite please to see this year's essay contest as it was one of my main points!.

I also fully endorse your conclusion that "The prescription and the requirement for human survival into the future is that we live in harmony with each other and the environment." THAT was the thrust of my first FQXi Essay - The Tip of the Spear ( )

While I like your optimism - I'm not sure I entirely share it. I think the disparities in world views (including the struggle in physics to address QP in a coherent way) demonstrates an innately human irrationality. Among these is the refusal to accept the limitations to what we can see, know, understand and accomplish. Humility and curiosity are in short supply - and they would help immensely.

Wishing you the very best - George Gantz The Door That Has No Key:

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your interesting essay.

I have some remarks about Space.

No experimental evidence of empty Space - Void. There are at least gravity field of Universe in the Space. The "infinite continuum" is only presumption. Much closer to reality is the assumption that space does not exist in itself. The Space is only gravity field. In other words: the Space and gravity are synonyms. More in: New Concept of Space.

Emergence of Universe from nothing is disclosed in:

Big Bang without Bang.

Before Big Bang.

Best regards


10 months later

Your well thought words are exactly correct viz.. " The universe started infinity ago (it never did start) so we have to use our imaginations to conceptualize when there was an absolute and infinite void where nothing pervaded the everywhere, from infinitesimal in every point to infinite in distance, size, and time. "

A almost similar concept is given in Dynamic Universe Model also. Hope you will get some time in seeing my essay " A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy " ....

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