The most impressing is that the brainwashing apprently has well worked , they are all perauded now that we have only these photons and GR like primary essence and that all the works of einstein are true . The photons are massless, the gravitons are the quantas of gravitational waves, the QG must be renormalised like this too, but in fact, we cannot affirm that all is true.
Nothing has proved that newton is false, nothing has proved that the GR is the cause of the SM and the baryonic matter, nothing has proved that the strings or points in 1D at this planck scales are connected with a 1D comsic field of the GR to create the reeality, nothing has proved that the photons are massless really and the gravitons too. Nothing has proved that these gluons are massless, and we continue with the mmaths and theories in this logic to explain all , it is the most impressing . The problem is really the philosophy of origin, the fact to consider these photons, the quanta of light like the basis of all. The problem is to consider the mmatter energy equivalence of einstein not complete. All they are persuaded that God plays at guitar with the fields of this GR to create this world, all they are persuaded that the fields are the cause but that has never been proved dear all.
That is why I don t understand how it is possible that since more than 100 years we turn in round in this logic and that nobody has thought beyond the box, between us I could be true too with the 3d spheres instead of points or strings, I could be true with the philosophy and how god creates this universe with the 3 systems merging.So why the majority continues on this road , all is easier if we rethink the generality and if we reinterpret the universe and this SM. That is why like I don t understand really why, I beleive that it is a trap created by some secret of private systems wanting to imply confusions and during this time, during that the thinkers turn in round, the others them work in knowing the real truth and improve the knowledges about the matter energy . What we know on wickipedia lol is just things knwon and found, they don t tell the new relevant discoveries, even the LHC there are probably secret experiments concrete.
The relativity so has been the biggest trap of this earth , the biggest lie even I d say .