Steve A , I am not sure that this competition is the best way for the sciences and the researchs, we are not in a gmae of chess or a game of soccer , it is not this wich implies a kind of adrenalin to increase the potential. It is better for me to utilise the complementarity in team , but I garee that even in team , so there is a competition to be the first to find,but paradoxally and globally that decreases our potential this competition even if we are obliged to do it in our globalo actual system. Imagine if we live oin a planet without competiton and that all the countries and best thinkers focus on the same problem tognether in complementarity, it is sure that we knew more than we know actually.

For the sciences I agree, they are the only one way to be sure , the experiments, the measurements, the equations, the lwas proved, the axioms proved them are true and not assumptions like in philosophy or in the religions.

so I like this competition when it is a nice game for the pleasure, like the soccer or the other sports where we make this by pleasure without the parameters that we consider like the money, the celebrity, the power.....

I like to mplay chess but the life is not a game of chess , I know that the game of chess has been taken into account for the computing, the machine learning,tthe AI but it is more complex than this the universe at my humble opinion.

A Science TOE is a multidimensional puzzle with peaks and valleys and we are looking for the highest peak, not just the highest local peak. If you ask very smart people to solve a complex problem they will tend to find the optimum local solution, not the optimum solution overall.

Science therefore needs lots of engaged but otherwise ignorant people to search for peaks in crazy places where the smart people do not venture. MyTOE is just such a crazy place and is fun as well...

you are far to be stupid, don t make a false humility lol. It is not only important to be smart, the fact to be creative, conscious universally,to be humble, to be a part of this universal puzzle is important. Many are smart but in fact stupid generally about the consciousness, they are just smart in their topics but cannot speak about the generality of things, sciences..... so lol like you know the devil in the details but the genius in the generality, conti nue to be so a general thinker, you are a general thinker , do n t underestimate yourself, you are smart and conscious and an interesting guy even If I dont agree with all your assumptions of course but I like your works that said, dont attach inmportance with sometimes my arrogant words, I react too quickly by proudness, but I can recognise a relevant general thinker when I see one, and you are one of these guys,

The relevance is now to consider so the DM encoded in this spacde vacuum of the DE like the photons are encoded, and if the 3 systems merge together to create this baryonic matter , that becomes relevant in considering the higgs , the axions and the gravitons under a specific universal mechanism.

The higgs activate so a process permitting the mass. The gravitons can be taken like correlated with this DM encoded and after we can consider them having a very small mass and so the higgs and supersymmetry can be improved for the distribution of mass. I am not sure if we must consider a photons with a very very small mass, but if all this is under a specific mechanism of mass energy and that the 3 systems under the codes of this DE permit so the activation of mass and fields, it is relevant, even the antimatter can be correlated.There is so other fields , not just the higgs , but a gravitational one of course and deeper logisc to superimpose. It is like if these3 codes of the DE encoding the photons and the DM permit so the fields and so the specific mass in taking so the E of photons and the mass of this DM, there is also a new field for the diversity of matter , because we need too to explain the diversity of this mendeleev table but also the evolution with the chemistry and the biology, there is so other fields due to specific particles.

The axions, the gravitons, the antimatter appear in this SM due to fact to be encoded in this SM due to the codes of this DE and are from the cosmological free photons and cosmological free cold DM.

    The massive gravitons correlated with the DM seem an answer . That implies a new physics , the neutrinos, the gravitons, the axions,and probably others are all under this logic probably correlated with the cold DM, like the bosons of our electromagnetims are correlated with the photons, these particles them are correlated with this DM and even the antimatter can be explained better.

    The fact that this vacuum of the DE possessing the main codes encodes these photons and these particles of DM, permit to understand a lot of things , it is there that the tool that I have invented for the 3 series primary of 3D spheres cosmologically free,the photons , the cold DM and the DE become relevant when they merge to explain our SM and this matter baryonic. The combinations become relevant in playing with different partitions and the SUSY .

    We can simply complete this SM and furthermore this new physics is incredible technologically speaking if we check these particles and fields due to these new particles. There is too a fith force appearing and new fields, not only the gravitational quantum fields., but fields too from this DE and DM encoded. It is revolutionary if we check these parameters.

    We are arrived at a new era for the physics , we were in a kind of prison in considering just the GR and the photons like primary essence , but in adding this DE and this DM , it is incredible the possibilities and furthermore it is a revolution for the philosophy of origin of our universe too.

    These parameters, particles , fields correlated with this DE and DM are more difficult to observe, measure and experiment due to fact that they interact differently , weaker and farer too but it is fascinating and exciting this new physics arriving. The theory of informations too can be improved and we have even roads for real quantum computers.

    It is important to know that the higgs field does not explain all the mass , it just give the mass to elementary particles like the electrons and quarks ,we know that these quarks are in the protons and neutrons. So it lacks somethings and it is there that this DM encoded become relevant. Of course without the higgs field we could not exist because the electrons d be massless and so we could not exist but it is just a necessary field complemetary this higgs field but not the cause of the mass, it activates a process in fact at my opinion.

    We must a little bit forget the fields like origin of all, the fiels and the mass and the energy them are the 3 systems permitting to create the reality and the matter baryonic, it is different. It is there that it becomes relevant to forget the GR a little bit to renormalise this QG because these gravitons are not the quanta of gravitational simply .And the gravitational field is more than we can imagine.

    I need help for this puzzle and the spherical geometrical topological algebras and the 3 main systems cosmological of 3d spheres and the fourth one when they merge the baryonic matter.

    We must rank all this and we have many predictions furthermore appearing.The relevance is that when the 3 systems merge, the fourth one implying this standard model keep the number of spheres and probably that the volumes don t change, so it is the motions, oscillations, densities wich become the key . The fields emerging and the particles emerging can be ranked. Imagine the combinations possible and the experiments to do . There is a thing wiuch intrigues me about what is a particles if they are spheres, do they keep the serie or can we have free spheres alone, I believe that no and it is just a question of activation but there is something to search too there maybe.

    Furthermore if a fith force appears due to this DE possessing the main informations, how to take this E , my equation intuitive is there for the matter energy but how to check this DE and this DM , this QG,this gravitational field too and this antimatter too.

    So my reasoning for the QG is this one, the axions so come from this DM and so are encoded in our standard model like the photons are encoed too creating these bosonic fields, the axions permit the mass with the higgs in beging activated but with the higgs just for the bosons without considering the photons, but maybe the photons must be rethought about the massless interpretation. More the mass is small of an axion less is the coupling , so that is why the gravitons have a very small mass less than 1MeV and so explain the weakest quantum force. We can see so the force protons electrons appearing and that respect the newtoniam mechanic furthermore because they are massive. The gravitons so are not the quanta of gravitationa waves, but are quanta of mass and from this DM. It is not so that the higgs explain the mass but just activate a mass for the bosons , the higgs fied so is a reality yes but don t explain the fermionic mass , that is why we need these axions.

    It is a new physics dear all, we can complete this standard model and furthremore there is this mfith force and a fadscinating road for the main fields of this DE possessing the main codes, that explains the diversity of the mendeleev table and why we have this chemistry and afte this biologyu and the complexification,The SUSY seems importnat and we can rank all this with the spheres. The fields of the DE are fascinating really and is probably antigravitational for the stability. The antimatter too can be explained with this reasoning of the DE encoding the photons and the DM, and implying so the fermions, the bosons and bosonic fields and gravitational fields. The axions are essential for the complemetarity of the mass and for the quantum gravitation .

    The puzzle to find so is the link with the Dark matter and what is really this dark matter and after how is considered these gravitons, the axions, the gravitinos, there is so a mechanism and the field too of this DE possessing so the main codes seem important and permit the other fields when the DM is encoded and the photons in this field of DE.

    The gravitino and gravitons can be candidates for the DM if several things are solved about the stabilities mainly of these particles, maybe the problem of densities is important to solve.

    The strong CP problem too can be better understpood with this reasoning and the axions,

    What is really all this, what are the mechanisms superimposed to our actual mechanism.How to consider the charge, the spins, the couplings, the fields, the mass ,....there is a partition , it seems evident where all is logically understood. I insist about the 3 primary series of spheres cosmologically free , the photons, the DE , the cold DM, they seem to be real in this superfluidity.

    In all case if we consider that these gravitons are the quanta of gravitational waves, that does not solve. The problem is really to consider this GR and the photons like primary essence philosophically speaking.

    see that the gap mass problem too can be solved because the vacuum is from this DE possessing the main codes. It is still not possible to solve the problem if we take our actual general philosophy correlated with this GR and the correlated yang mills theory. It is correlated too with the problems of gluons, the glueballs.

    All is different in taking into account the DE , the vacuum, and so the differences in E are different and so that permits to solve.....

    the universe seems acting like this with the Qutrits universal mechanism due to this DE possessing the main codes and after this DE encodes these photons and cold dark matter and so the baryonic matter and our SM appear and have its properties . The axions, the DE, the gravitons, the gravitons, the gap mass, the glueballs problem, .....all they can be unified in a deeper mechanism if we just change our general philosophy . The QFT , the GR , the photons of course are important but are just emergent from a deeper logic.

    it is the same with the quarks confinement and the glueballs.They must be massive and the reasoning that I explained in adding the DM and DE permit to solve the problem of gap mass and gluons problem. In a simplistic vue, these gluons are just photons encoded with a number more important of photons than for the weak force and electromagnetism, the just permit to quanrks to have a balance and a stability with strong forces. It is not that the mass is from the photons and a specific mechanism , it is that there is a mechanism permitting to solve the problem with the photons and axions like the higgs have permited to give a mass , so there is a different mechnism and the same I d say for the massless photons having maybe a very very weak mass . That changes all our physics this reasoning .

    It is a little bit if I said that in fact all is a question of electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields and distribution of mass and energy in function of codes of this DE encoding these photons and this cold dark matter and after the mechanisms for the distribution of properties are made with specific mechjanisms and fields and so the charges, the spins, the mass....a^^ear for the particles. It is like if all was encircled by the main fields of this DE and after we have the garvitional and electromagnetic fields inside balanced permitting to create the standard model, see that the codes , informations of this DE permit the diversity of the mendeleev table and the chmistry, the biology and the evolution. We cannot just generalise the SM simplistically, we need to add these unknowms fields and particles and informations.

    That is why I insist and I am persuaded that we must rethink all, even the photons mass less, the universe acts with 3 systems, this energy possssing the main codes in the vacuum of the DE wich is an opoosite gravitational reasoning and after we have the cold DM possessing more mass than energy and after the photons possessing more energy than mass and when they merge under the codes of this DE , so they create the SM and the baryonic matter in distribution the codes and so the mass, the fields, the energies of matters.

    The photons and the electromagnetic forces for examaple are not diue to photons massless but due to photons having a very small mass, the same for the gravitons they have a very small mass . The mass of the SM is under codes so of activations due to this DE and after it is the DM and photons wich permit with mechanism to give this mass to particles, all bosons have a mass, the gluons too , and all fermions too and the higgs mechanism is for a part activating the mass due to this DM and for the photons there is an other mechanism and for the gluons too there is an other mechanism simply. And for the quantum gravitation there is too a mechanism , even the antimatter is correlated with all this and this DE .

    Personally, I believe that we have made the biggest error of all times in physics in considering these photons massless, we know all that the photons massless are a result in theory. That is why even this GR is a problem, sometimes I tell me that it is a kind of trap created by systems to turn in round.

    The Compton effect, the compton scattering in fact tells us a lot about this and even prove that these photons have a mass. The mass energy equivalence must be rethought at my opinion and the newtonian mechanics seem correct at all scales. That is why even the thinkers cannot renormalise this QG in considering these gravitons massless and the quanta of gravitational waves. Einstein has created a prison and the most impressing is that it is accepted, maybe there were too much marketing aroun his works and maybe there were also systems around wanting to imply confusions mybe by conflicts of interest, I don t know but it is odd.

    The most impressing is that the brainwashing apprently has well worked , they are all perauded now that we have only these photons and GR like primary essence and that all the works of einstein are true . The photons are massless, the gravitons are the quantas of gravitational waves, the QG must be renormalised like this too, but in fact, we cannot affirm that all is true.

    Nothing has proved that newton is false, nothing has proved that the GR is the cause of the SM and the baryonic matter, nothing has proved that the strings or points in 1D at this planck scales are connected with a 1D comsic field of the GR to create the reeality, nothing has proved that the photons are massless really and the gravitons too. Nothing has proved that these gluons are massless, and we continue with the mmaths and theories in this logic to explain all , it is the most impressing . The problem is really the philosophy of origin, the fact to consider these photons, the quanta of light like the basis of all. The problem is to consider the mmatter energy equivalence of einstein not complete. All they are persuaded that God plays at guitar with the fields of this GR to create this world, all they are persuaded that the fields are the cause but that has never been proved dear all.

    That is why I don t understand how it is possible that since more than 100 years we turn in round in this logic and that nobody has thought beyond the box, between us I could be true too with the 3d spheres instead of points or strings, I could be true with the philosophy and how god creates this universe with the 3 systems merging.So why the majority continues on this road , all is easier if we rethink the generality and if we reinterpret the universe and this SM. That is why like I don t understand really why, I beleive that it is a trap created by some secret of private systems wanting to imply confusions and during this time, during that the thinkers turn in round, the others them work in knowing the real truth and improve the knowledges about the matter energy . What we know on wickipedia lol is just things knwon and found, they don t tell the new relevant discoveries, even the LHC there are probably secret experiments concrete.

    The relativity so has been the biggest trap of this earth , the biggest lie even I d say .

    Retruning about these fields created by this DE, see that the higgs field is like one of these fields permitting so to the DM and photons to be under a specific mechanism to distribuate the mass, the energy, the fields..... so this DE has several fields , one for the QG, one for the quarks and gluons, and others probably too.

    See too that consctant cosmological problem can be solved in considering the DE and the scalr fields become relevant to analyse.Maybe it is just a question of energies and levels of E to understand all this.....

    That implies 4 fields for the SM more one for the main codes wich can be different furthermore considering the diversity for the mendeleev table, the chmistry , the biology and the evolution. So we have the higgs field , the electromagnetic photons field , the graitational one, the nuclear one, and one for the whole encircling all . 5 Fields from this DE .