It is complex to really be sure about all this, I have remarked that many consider the geometries and topologies from fields like with this E8 and the geonetrical algebras, so they consider that the geonetries and topologies come from these cosmic fields and quantum fields, my model is not like this, I consider this 3D spheres like coded and I deform them with several tool, in fact it becomes very philosophical this main foundamental objects, have we points, strings or 3d Spheres, we cannot affirm, but I have remarked in ranking a little bit of all that the spheres, spheroids, ellipsoids are everywhere, you live on a sphere, your turn around an other, you see them with spheroids, your eyes, the fruits, the glands, the brains also are in this logic of spherisation seeing the evolution of hominids, and the favorite sports of humans, this and that , in fact why this shape ? I don t know but it seems that they are simply the choice of this universe and that they permit to create all shpaes, they have no angle, they are the perfect equilibrium of forces, they permit the perfect motions also, in fact for me they seem foundamental at all scales and the universe is logic also is in this reasoning, probably that all at all scales follow this sphape and its deformations and complexifications of interactions and couplings. The thinkers can tell all what they want, we seem to live in a spherical universal logic, feynman told us that one day we shall see all the truth and we shall say all, oh my god how is it possible that we have nots een a thing so simple before, maybe the persons have too much focused on details and complexity instead to see this simple generality. You know I want to convice nobody, all are free to think like they want but it seems so evident these spheres and their codes and informations, the details become very complex when we consider the 3 main series that I cited, don t forget that I don t consider these fields to create the geometries or the spheres, I consider that all is made of particles and that these fields them are emergent with the 3 main series, the coded space and the two fuels. I don t consider this E8 , my theory is totally different, I like these geonetrical algebras but for me they are not the foundamental truths, now all they are focused on this E8 and fields, I don t understand why like the strings and yang mills , it seems odd , becxause the coded particles seem more logic, the causalities are not a problem with these 3D spheres and the 3 series of spheres , see all the combinations possible if they have the same number than our cosmological finite serie of spheres,regards