Steve Dufourny,

While I am not familiar with the work of Alain Connes (feel free to cite an example), there are certainly many mathematical possibilities,re "non-commutativity. My fav is a cross product of two wreath products.. which I first read about in the 80s


Professor Lundberg, you could like his works , he is specialised in several topics about the non commutativity geometry, like the spectral standpoint or the links with scaling hamiltonian, the fixed map points , the spectral truncations, ....I like hos works and methods, I learn them for my theory, you could like his reasonings I beleive, regards

what I find relevant is that he try to unify the electromagnetism and this gravitation with several spectral tools and links with the hilbert formalism and the works of riemann, I consider like foundamental objects the 3D coded spheres and I consider an intrinsic ricci flow for the geometries more other tools like the lie groups, alg, and derivatives , I try to converge with the topological and euclidian spaces also , I have considered also on the 2D surfaces of these series of spheres the hopf fibrations to rank the quasiparticles, I have reached this quantum gravitation also in considering the cold Dark matter encoded in nuclei for the balance , I have changed just the distances to respect this newtonian mechanics ,

ps the clifford algebras also are important in my theory, the aim being to harmonise the couplings and respect the lagrangian and hamiltonian, that permits to renormalise and quantify this quantum gravitation and explain the emergent topologies and geometries in a dance of electromagntism and gravitation

I have utilised this general method for the quantum gravitation and oddly I have a number near the dirac large number for the number of cosmological spheres , and I consider this number for the finite quantum series of the space and the two fuels, the cold dark matter and the photons, it seems that we have a kind of link between the cosmological scale and the quantum scale and the numbers , a real partition exists and the most impressing is that it is necessary to link the electromagnetism and the gravitation at all scales......

there is something of very relevant for the actions coupled in matters and the spectral analysis in considering this cold Dark matter encoded like a balance , negentropy entropy, heat cold, +, electromgantism gravitation..... the aim being to make like an einstein hilbert action and yang mills action but in chaging the senses of rotations of my 3D psheres and in considering the densities, volumes, rotations, oscillations.... and the topologies , geometries also are considered with this main coded space, the primoridal finite series of spheres and the two fuels, finite series also, the operators become relevant like this ricci flow and the deformations of spheres respecting a kind of poincare conjecture. All this to tell that in fact the newtonian mechanics is respected and that quantify this quantum gravity because the main codes are farer and that we must change so the distances , this electrongantism is like encircled by this gravitation.


I like any work that helps connect standard theories - but have found that the fundamental geometry is systemically overlooked (I'll get into why later).

Here you mention "I consider fundamental objects {to be} the {ref?, need image} 3D coded spheres"

My early concern was with understanding quantum state algebra (s). I found a very straightforward way to map to the state algebra representation of the 8-fold way. But it has one "problem" - it has no mass or temporal (time coordinate) term. That precluded publication -for decades, really. Then comes Seiberg's causality criterion (2000, but I found it later) saying, in feeble terms, that isn't a "problem" that is a REQUIREMENT

It is complex to really be sure about all this, I have remarked that many consider the geometries and topologies from fields like with this E8 and the geonetrical algebras, so they consider that the geonetries and topologies come from these cosmic fields and quantum fields, my model is not like this, I consider this 3D spheres like coded and I deform them with several tool, in fact it becomes very philosophical this main foundamental objects, have we points, strings or 3d Spheres, we cannot affirm, but I have remarked in ranking a little bit of all that the spheres, spheroids, ellipsoids are everywhere, you live on a sphere, your turn around an other, you see them with spheroids, your eyes, the fruits, the glands, the brains also are in this logic of spherisation seeing the evolution of hominids, and the favorite sports of humans, this and that , in fact why this shape ? I don t know but it seems that they are simply the choice of this universe and that they permit to create all shpaes, they have no angle, they are the perfect equilibrium of forces, they permit the perfect motions also, in fact for me they seem foundamental at all scales and the universe is logic also is in this reasoning, probably that all at all scales follow this sphape and its deformations and complexifications of interactions and couplings. The thinkers can tell all what they want, we seem to live in a spherical universal logic, feynman told us that one day we shall see all the truth and we shall say all, oh my god how is it possible that we have nots een a thing so simple before, maybe the persons have too much focused on details and complexity instead to see this simple generality. You know I want to convice nobody, all are free to think like they want but it seems so evident these spheres and their codes and informations, the details become very complex when we consider the 3 main series that I cited, don t forget that I don t consider these fields to create the geometries or the spheres, I consider that all is made of particles and that these fields them are emergent with the 3 main series, the coded space and the two fuels. I don t consider this E8 , my theory is totally different, I like these geonetrical algebras but for me they are not the foundamental truths, now all they are focused on this E8 and fields, I don t understand why like the strings and yang mills , it seems odd , becxause the coded particles seem more logic, the causalities are not a problem with these 3D spheres and the 3 series of spheres , see all the combinations possible if they have the same number than our cosmological finite serie of spheres,regards

If I can Professor Lundberg, I am curious :) we speak about the causalities, what is your philosophy about this physicality, me I am frank I consider an infinite eternal consciousness, a kind of God of spinoza like Einstein in respecting the pure determinism of our physicality, so I consider that this infinite energy that we cannot define beyond this physicality codes and creates this puniverse from this central cosmological sphere that we cannot see in my model, it is there that we have for me a kind of super matter sending the codes, informations and 3D finite series of spheres to become what they must become, about the consciousness that becomes relevant because we are fractals of this consciousness, this center intrigues me a lot, maybe that this thing eternal have taken an eternity to create it is very philosophical but without a general philosophical causality we cannot encircle this universe at my humble opinion but a sure thing nobody can affirm the real universal causality

Well, there is also a 1-1 correspondence to geometric objects (as you seem to seek), which I identify with. Here I don't just code quanta in, but recognize that each fundamental geometric representation has its own state algebra (that of a sphere being too simple - sub-sufficient). But each object also has two (exactly two) properties: area and curvature. These of course require quanta and metrics.

Imagine my surprise, when I went to APS 2009 (I rarely bother with APS mtgs...) to hear Prof Hartle give the Einstein Prize talk - and he used an equation of the EXACT SAME FORM for {fuzzy} instantons.

I my theory, they are simply NOT fuzzy... just very very FAST.

...via classical causality? meaning as in classical mechanics?

The quantum world is held in balance with a negative-time-going duality, but it does require a causal formulation in order to be consistent with the REST of Physics

interesting, well like you told, you have not answered about your philosophy , and I beleive that you have not taken into account the deformations of spheres and an intrinsic ricci flow and the poincare conjecture, these spheres are not too simple, I d like to have your idea about the foundamental objects, do you consider points and algebras and why and what is the cause so philosophically, what create these geometrical algebras , a mathematical accident due to what ? the curvature is natural for me with these spheres , the instantons are for the motions if my memory is correct and consider still these fields like the main essence, but it is a hypothesis not sure, it is pure mathematicas of fields, nothing of exceptional, don t confound the emergences and the comportments, behaviours of fields with what is the main causality if I can say, so you like the yang mills, so you consider these geometrical algebras, so you consider cosmic strings or fields like main origin , and if yes, why and how can you be sure ? in other words, what is the cause of these fields and why , the effects of fields are one thing, the real main cause and foundamental objects an other for me,

the problem is that all are too much focus on these fields, so they conclude with the E8 , or yang mills, or others to create the geonetries and topologies, but they cannot affirm nor the main causality, nor the origin nor the foundamental objects, the fields can be explained with the two fuels and the space and these series that I explained and so the couplings and so the fields, but the real interesting thing is what is the main origin, causlaity and what are the foundamental objects at this planck scale maybe even, points, strings, 3D spheres and why

of course these fields seem inmportant because they exist and we can try to explain their effects and try to fractalise them and try to encricle their causes, but philosophically speaking we cannot affirm their origins, nor from what simply, a foundamental problem for me are the dimensions, I don t agree with these extradiemnsions and it is due to fields, yang mills and strings still, they begin with a 1D and extrapolate towrads 11D or 12 D now, it is due for me to fact to consider only a photonic space time and photons and fields and so nonpertubatives analysis in gauge theories, so they create the various dimensions, but it is odd

the foundamental problem is philosophical so in resume, and due to strings theorists and their maths now, and all they are focused on this , hop hocus pocus, they consider only photons like primordial essence and hop they put strings inside and hop the instantons and yang mills and the E8 and hop the extradimsensions and hop they have all understood about this universe and its causalities, you beleive really that it is this the truth lol, for me it is simply a fashion due to Witten and Einstein and even if they are relevant, they have created a prison for the thinkers and now they turn in round inside this logic forgetting to think beyond the box and insert deper logics and parameters, it is the reason why they cannot even explain our deep unknowns, you know

There will be... 1st ask yourself: "What is the simplest geometric space-filling 'object' in 3+t dims?"

or, more obviously, in only 3D, with the question: "when or where is time stopped?"

the time stopped ? where and how and why, I d like to know more because inside this physicality, the time is real and cannot be stopped, and what is the simplest geometric space filling object ?

see also that these 3D spheres and their volumes can be ranked in homotopy groups due to deformations and this intrinsic ricci flow, not need of an external field to create this, but just instrinsic codes and informations inside the spheres,

Professor Lundberg, all this to tell that I can recognise several interesting mathematical tools for an understanding of these fields but I speak about the foundamental objects and tha main origin of our universe, these strings and all the philosophical extrapolations linked with them are pure assumptions, it is only simple than this, we are not obliged to agree with this fashion of strings simply, and yang mills or the geometrical correlated algebras or the extradimensions, sometimes it is well to think differently and try to be simple and general, these strings furthermore have a problem philosophical considering the evolution and the main cause but it is an other story, of course I know that we are all persuaded and that this vanity inside our theoretical sciences community is enormous but we can also recognise when we have an assumption or a proved law, axiom or equation and these strings are an assumption simply, they are nor proved nor sure , the same for the 1D towards the 11D Aand the yang mills theory ,

My point is, quantum theory IS classical physics. It has just been completely misinterpreted, as was suspected ever since it was created, a century ago, due to physicists utterly confusing Shannon's conception of information, with there own misconceptions. Classical, World War II era, RADAR signal detection processes, applied to entangled, polarized objects like coins, perfectly reproduce the so-called "Bell Correlations", with detection efficiencies that are supposedly, theoretically, impossible to obtain, in the classical realm; but they are, in fact, perfectly and easily obtainable, by exploiting Shannon's insights into the nature and behavior of information. The problem is, physicists have never recognized, that in addition to the well-known detector inefficiency problem, another far more consequential problem exists, that has gone unrecognized for an entire century - real detectors will always produce frequent "false alarms" (AKA bit-errors), under the test conditions required by every "Bell" test - just as Shannon predicted, long before Bell ever even derived his theorem. In other words, Bell's theorem (as well as other aspects of quantum misinterpretations) is based on idealistic (unreal) assumptions, that have no relevance whatsoever, to the real world; we do not live in an idealistic world, composed of "perfectly identical" particles and "perfect error-free" detectors.

Rob McEachern