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From the Nature abstract cited:

"There is no theoretical reason to expect evolutionary lineages to increase in complexity with time, and no empirical evidence that they do so. Nevertheless, eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic ones, animals and plants are more complex than protists, and so on. This increase in complexity may have been achieved as a result of a series of major evolutionary transitions. These involved changes in the way information is stored and transmitted."

Rather than making an entropy or information argument for complexity I think the key question is does increasing complexity allow life to get a greater return on the energy invested to support that complexity? Does more complexity allow life to access an energy niche that is impossible without that level of complexity? If we think of the energy returned on energy invested then the mitochondria makes sense, as well as photosynthesis, predation and why the human brain uses only 12 watts of power.

From anthropology we know that the Rift valley experienced gradual but dramatic shifts in climate. This allowed species to adapt slowly to change but climate change happened fast enough to discourage specialization. Species that specialized went instinct but those able to switch strategies flourished. Using fire means hominids extracted a previously untapped energy source which physiologically means we evolved smaller stomachs and bigger brains. Cooking predigests food by breaking more complex molecules into smaller ones while also killing energy sapping parasites. Fire means we do not need night vision to hunt nocturnal animals. We can use the eyeshine from fire to spot even the best camouflaged nocturnal prey and predators in the darkness. Fire means we do not need to expend as much energy to stay warm. Without fur persistence hunting is easier. Groups of people have to be able tolerate each other without fighting around a fire which makes pack hunting easier.

Technological complexity did not really take off until agriculture. There was no need for writing and historical records until the creation of the complex society needed to support larger crop yields. Even trade makes sense in terms of opportunity costs being lowered for both parties in the transaction. Your energy is better spent creating what you have a comparative advantage in producing and trading for what is harder to produce on your own.

Agriculture is odd. The average hunter-gatherer worked between 10 and 20 hours a week and the average farmer does more work and is more vulnerable to climate shocks. But it makes evolutionary sense because a little bit of extra time devoted to agriculture means that the land can support a few orders of magnitude more people than land used by hunter-gatherers.

9 months later
  • [deleted]

We humans have one defining quality that sets us apart from all other higher brained animals, and that is our ability to project ourselves into our own individual future. In otherwords, we have wants and aspirations of what we want for ourselves or others in our own future. Perhaps other animals may have some sense of the immidiate future but they certainly dont think about what they want to achieve in their own distant future. We humans do this as children, to mentally project ourselves into the future.

a month later

Over the course of our lives, each of us observes how the whole world, everything around us changes and evolves, we constantly move forward and try to share as much as possible.



2 years later

Times arrow is functional in time reversal symmetry in the atomic decay of monoatomic coordinated to our neurotransmitters. Back in 2013 I stumped into what I now believe to be the first-time travel device that I created using a atomic energy food.

If you think that is crazy then please consider the following. The Paschen lines in hydrogen confer a wavelength of 820 nm that corresponds to a distance whereby NH3+ dopamine amine protonation acts as the quantum engine room for the tunnelling of protons into the faraday cage aromatic ring. All of a sudden I discovered a Paschen from an atomic cross in the time reversal symmetry of monoatomic system operating in our neurotransmitters. Yes, this is where quantum features of the mind operate in terms of half-life timings and binding kinetics. The warm wet environment of the mind has a quantum competent system operating with long term atomic half-lives. Locked away in a vault of neurotransmitter complexation chemistry. The single atom that resides within is a light storage system that performs time reversal symmetry associated with the atomic decay of the stored light in the atom.

Have you ever experienced Deja Vue? Now we can see the light coming back out of the atom in its slowed down decay timings. Hence the reason why the conscious mind lives in the past. Ever experienced fight, flight or freeze response and time slows down. The decay of the isotope as the light head into the atom from the atomic amine appears to be the mechanism responsible for the changes to our perception of time in fight, flight or freeze. The Tau timings of 3E-13 second. Muon timings of 1E-6 s and the good old timings of the stable electron. Three dimensions of time and one of space within the singularity physics model.

Hi, I'm a quantum biologist based in Wellington, New Zealand. I make regenerative medicines that turn the clock back on aging. I believe I discovered something that was previously overlooked by others. A new opportunity exists that allows one to unlock time itself and experience a negative time dilation and this is known as transcendence.

See https://www.qbri.org and https://www.ohbeehave.co.nz
Quantum Biology unlocks time using a new science model called SUSY inversion which unifies the Gravitational Force with the Strong Force through inversion through the atomic singularity created after 13.8 billion years of inward trajectory of energy from the initial He-BEC isotropic singularity. The new science model for the isotropic universe is easier to understand because of the negative time dilation that alpha particle emission gives via a velocity of v = 2990637811 m/s. At 9.97 times faster than the speed of light the expansion of the universe is able to be understood through this new framework.

Timing is everything and it is about time people worked out that there was no Big Bang. Just a SUSY inversion event and alpha particle emission from the He-BEC singularly. I discuss this on my website also. https://www.qbri.org

There are non entropic processes in biology that are only just now being discovered. This includes the monoatomics involved in the unconscious mind. The physics of single atoms is weird because they are able to come back to a stable state through atomic decay. The released energy does the work. The atom returns to its original functional position and the amount of energy obtained appears to be greater than that what was put into the system in the first place due to the confinement of the energy within a Faraday cage system.

Take a look at https://www.ohbeehave.co.nz
This is a royal jelly protein isolate from Manuka honey that contains monoatomic mineral coordinated to the hexagon rings in the plant phenolics. It is under a NanoSight microscope where the photons excite the single atoms. It is postulated that time reversal symmetry of atomic isotopes created through the tunnelling of protons into the atomic nuclei in the rings generates the quantum features of the product as the light is released during the decay processes.

This product changes time perception because of the isotope effects of various atoms and their decay energies. Atoms can be released all at once to give cosmic transcendence experiences. This is a technology that changes with exposure to light. See here
The products I am making are quantum in nature and made using light and the role light plays in the electromagnetic field within atoms clearly shows some unusual properties.

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This is a biophoton generating system which gives you some further indication as to the communication systems operating within cells. Biology is an advanced quantum coherent system made through quantum tunnelling and entanglement. You could say biology and the light it uses is timeless. Take time to consider the implications of the technologies I have developed.

As biology reveals what time is in terms of the atomic clocks operating with the unconscious minds memory system.

Time to start again from a new position.

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