"Stefan, the Bell shaped curve seems very important to you."
Yes, self-evidently, since every local-realistic account must match with that curve. This is totally independent of what Bell wrote or not wrote.
"Sorry it is not to your liking but no dishonesty is intended. I'm not presenting finished work but tying to elucidate what is going on myself."
It's not about liking, it's that claiming things that aren't the case isn't scientifically meaningful. Claiming "Results will be as are found experimentally." when that isn't the case is like i would refuse any account for local-realistic explanations by just saying to you "Your account is inconsistent" - without ever proving that inconsistency. I think you wouldn't like that if i or something other would act this way.
"Assuming there is something within each particle, a fixed characteristic causing the outcome gives Bell's inequalities. But that is not what I'm proposing."
I know. But nonetheless your proposals must reproduce QM probabilities. Up to now your scheme hasn't consistently reproduced a single angle. If something works for 0 degrees, it fails at 90 degrees and vice versa.
"I think the closer the angle gets to 0 the more likely to have anti correlation ( closer to-1 )."
That's not a matter of "i think" but a matter of fact.
"Experimental line sags below what would be expected for a fixed characteristic. Less angle less torque difference altering partners differently."
This only works if the 0 degree case together with the source's orientation relative to the magnets is somewhat a preferred reference frame. Since you assume that it is the relative angle of the magnet's field with an incoming particle's orientation that dictates the outcomes, a preferred reference frame makes it necessary that ALL particle pairs send out from the source have identical orientations relative to the 0 degree case. Otherwise you again do not arrive at the correct probabilities.
This "preferred frame" assumption can easily be tested by subsequently turning both magnets the same amount in the same direction to preserve the 0 degree case but to counteract the "synchronization" with the source. I think these experiments have already been done since it is highly unlikely that there was not a single scientist that tried to falsify QM. In fact there have been many scientists who originally started their work with the assumption that QM must be flawed in some way. The assumption always was that the source sends off the different orientations of all particle pairs with equal frequencies and i think that must have been tested in the past - since it is a vital ingredient of Bell's assumptions.
"At 90 degrees there is max torque difference, giving least similarity of outcomes of all angles."
Although it is true that at 90 degrees there is "least similarity of outcomes of all angles", your explanation with torque isn't locally-realistic. Let's assume for the moment that the left magnet is turned 90 degrees apart from the 0 degree case, the right magnet remains unchanged.
Whatever mechanics (torque etc. this can be generalized to ANY kind of local mechanics) is responsible for the torque on the left side to produce the probabilities you want - for symmetry reasons the same must also be the case for the right side when this side is also turned 90 degrees (in the same direction as the left magnet had been turned).
Having turned both magnets in this manner we then arrive again at the 0 degree case but with the difference that now the outcome should be what we would expect for the 90 degree case!
You may say that due to the anti-correlated features of the particle pair, the right particle will not show this behaviour when we turn the right magnet the way i just decribed but somewhat will preserve the behaviour it had before turning the magnet.
But for "anti-symmetric" and locally-realistic reasons then it should show the same behaviour as the left particle (remember, we have assumed that the left particle is somewhat "randomized" when confronted with a 90 degree change of field) when we turn the right magnet 90 degrees in the opposite direction (means not in the same direction as the left magnet has been turned) to somehow avoid the logical conclusion above.
But by turning the right magnet just as described, we then arrive at a relative angle of 180 degrees for the magnets and our scheme says that we now should expect outcomes that are identical to the original 90 degree case! Again that's not what has been measured.