• Cosmology
  • The Effects of Inertial Forces on the Dynamics of Disk Galaxies

Tomer Zimmerman & Roy Gomel of Tel Aviv University alerted me to their preprint arguing that that phenomena of dark matter (on galactic scales) could be attributed to Inertial forces.

From their abstract:

When dealing with galactic dynamics, or more specifically, with galactic rotation curves, one basic assumption is always taken: the frame of reference relative to which the rotational velocities are given is assumed to be inertial. In other words, fictitious forces are assumed to vanish relative to the observational frame of a given galaxy. It might be interesting, however, to explore the outcomes of dropping that assumption; that is, to search for signatures of non-inertial behavior in the observed data. In this work, we show that the very discrepancy in galaxy rotation curves could be attributed to non-inertial effects. We derive a model for spiral galaxies that takes into account the possible influence of fictitious forces and find that the additional terms in the new model, due to fictitious forces, closely resemble dark halo profiles. Following this result, we apply the new model to a wide sample of galaxies, spanning a large range of luminosities and radii. It turns out that the new model accurately reproduces the structures of the rotation curves and provides very good fittings to the data.

Hi , thanks for sharing your work, it is a good idea, we need to know more about this DM, since the works of Zwicky, we search answers, we need to explain this big mystere inside the sciences community, many considered that it comes from white dwarfs or neutrons stars, BHs but there is a problem , it is not sufficient. Others have tried to modify the newtonian mechanics to explain this problem of rotation of galaxies but it seems also a problem, this newtonian mechanics seem foundamental.

Your idea is interesting , but of course we need to kmow more and have proofs. Personally I consider this DM in the cold to balance the heat and standard model, I consider even that they are also encoded in nuclei and permit to balance at all scales, and other point is that this matter non baryonic can explain the evolution with the DE wich is an antigravitationa balancing the two others also, and I repeat that explains the evolution when we consider the Two fuels, the photons and this cold dark matter nore the main codes in the space vacuum energetical coded of thia DE, and when they merge, they create the topologies ,m geometries, matters and properties of fields electromagntic and gravitational. I consider the foundamental objects like 3D finite series of spheres, I don t consider that all is made of fields like in the strings.

In fact you have made a little bit the same than the MONDs modifying this newtonian mechanics with a modified inertial parameter, I beleive that it is a good idea but for me we must respect this newtonian mechanics at all scales , it seems a foundamental, and also philosophically speaking it seems that we need to consider universal balances, and also it d be odd to think that we have only photons like primordial essence and fields like origin. This gravitation is fascinating that said, it seems to be the main cheif orchestra, I have reached this quantum gravitation in encoding this DM cold in our nuclei, I have respected this newtonian mechanics, it is a question of distance in fact because it is the standard model electromagnetic wich is emergent, not the gravitation. , and a fith force appears also, I liked your idea, like I said , we need to know more and have proofs about all this. Regards and congrats also

    All is a question of direct detection , it seems unfortunally not detectable and this detection needs to see the collisions between the inertial mass of two systems without for me the necessity to modify the newtonian mechanics, the problem is really that this matter does not interact with our ordinary but if my reasoning is correct, this matter is also in our actual standard model and probably in this quantum gravitation and also in the antiparticles, because the cold dark matter balance, now of course, we need to analyse for the detections a different logic superimposed to our stabdard model. There is something to analyse about the inertial mass of two systems but it is different and without modifying this newtonian mechanics. The gravitational mass so becomes the secret and if my reasoning is correct, so the quantum gravitation has something to do with this. See the freefall effect maybe to see better the gravitational mass, the aim is not to unify this GR and this QM but all in fact, the DE, the DM, the GR and the QM, the problem is really to consider only the photons like primordial essence and this GR. That implies that the gravitational forces, the internail forces, tha gravitationa, mass, the inertial mass can be unified simply in a pure newtonian logic of freefall. This spacetime is more than we can imagine, we have 3 aetehrs and not only one with this GR.

    see also that if my reasoning is correct about the theory of spherisation and the 3D quantum and cosmological spheres in an universal 3D sphere in evolution, see that the spherical expansions and systems can be relevant to see the effects and distributions of matters.

    What I tell in resume is that for a good explaination of the cosmologicalzation and so the spherisation, we need to consider this DE and this DM more the ordinary matter in superimposing the 3 aethers , see the relevance of the anti gravitational push spherical for this DE permitting to explain this evolution spherisation balancing the two other matters belanced themselves with the cold and heat , the series finite of quantum spheres become relevant considering 3 main series , and this serie has the same number than our cosmological finite serie of 3D spheres, oddly I have calculated it approachs the dirac large number.

    it is the meaning of my intuitive equation, E=m(c^2+Xl^2)+ Y with X a parmeter correlated with the cold of this dark matter, l their linear velocity and Y a paramter correlated with this DE, our standard model is not complete, now the real secret is to find how and where these parameters interact in our standard not complete model.

    2 years later

    There is something to analyse about the inertial mass of two systems but it is different and without modifying this newtonian mechanics.

    The gravitational mass so becomes the secret and if my reasoning is correct, so the quantum gravitation has something to do with this. See the freefall effect maybe to see better the gravitational mass.

    The aim is not to unify this GR and this QM but all in fact, the DE, the DM, the GR and the QM, the problem is really to consider only the photons like primordial essence and this GR.


    9 days later

    Yes, rotation of SMBH is partial answer to the missing dark matter


      Hi Amrit, could you develop a little bit here on FQXi , regards

      Steve yes, I can,

      centres of SMBH are rotating with extreme angular velocity. It means SMBH have relativistic kinetic energy that can be seen as a mass. This relativistic mass increases gravity

      this is part of BISTRA'INITIATIVE

        Ok Thanks for sharing , I see now what you meant, I consider this DM very important in my theory and intutitive equation, we need to know more about this DM, I wait the results of experiments for their couplings and decays, like for XENON and PANDA experiments, we shall see in the future what is this DM really I believe, regards

        Hi Amrit, personally I believe that this CDM is like quanta of mass non baryonic . For example if we take the Higgs mechanism, this Higgs mechanisn can be simply scalar massless fields of the DE possessing the main informations and with the massive scalar fields of the DM , they give a mass to these W and Z boson, we can even extrapolate for the gluons a kind of same logic for the missing mass and with the axions probbaly , that permits to solve this missing mass. So the problem is mainly philosophical about the mass energy equivalence of our ordinary matter . That is why I have my intuitive equation rethinking this mass energy equivalence in adding these scalar fields of the DE and DM. Furthermore the Sclar massless fields , this Fifth force of the DE antigravitational permit to balance and can explain the broken symmetries due to fact that it possesses thre main informations and that it encodes simply these photons and this CDM.The problem I believe is to have considered this GR and photons like the only one primary essence . This DE and DM can solve many things .

        Amrit, I don t hink it is an illusion, we just need to better understand it at my humble opinion. The problem like I explained is mainly also philosophical about this mass and energy and its origin, we cannot affrim actually , we need to know more about all this and I hope that the experiments soon shall prove my equation .

        Look Amrit at this , E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc², this equation considering the mass energy equivalence of the oridinary matter permits to understand the mass, the energy, the informations in a logic way. The main informations are in this space vacuum of this DE antigravitational and it is a fluid dynamic made of series of 3D spheres and they are scalar massless fields. This DE are quanta mainly of pure primary informations. It is Y in the equation. After we have the quanta of mass and it is the cold dark matter, they are scalar massive fields , and we have the quanta of electromagnetism and heat ,they are the photons. And when they merge due to the main informations of this DE they create the ordinary baryonic matter of our standard model.If we have 2mc² it is because the system is balanced with the antigravitation of this DE and all this implies a fifth force . This equation permits to unify the lambda CDM model with the GR, the QM and QFT and permit to better undestand the higgs mechanism and permit also to explain the missing mass. Einstein if I am right was not complete and all is different about how the reality philosophically is created with the ordinary matter which is not due to this GR and specific fields of photons and the mass energy equivalence of Eisntein, I know that it is difficult to change a philosophy and that Einstein has taken all the minds, but if I am right and it seems logic, that changes all .....

        we see that mass, energy, informations are separated cosmologically speaking but not for the ordinary matter where we have an equivalence and a logic with specific mechanisms.

        It is mainly how we approach the philosophy of origin of the ordinary matter and reality . Einstein has created his equation in thinking that this Universe or God trabnsformed the energy in mass like this with specific oscillations, vibrations,frequences of photons and that is why they have invented these strings in 1D at this planck scale or the points even connected with a 1D cosmic field of the GR like if God with the fields played with these photons to transform these quanta of E in mass at specific topological points in the spacetime and with geometries. But the CDM and DE were not well known still and also when einstein has pondered his GR and SR, all the philosophes, even the religious and the scientists have told woowwwww he has understood god and how is created the universe with this light , but in fact it was just an assumption, the informations, the energy and the mass cosmologically free are not really the same , and if the 3 systems merge togentehr to create this ordinary baryonic matter, that makes sense .....the error that we have made probably is to consider that mass, energy, informations insider the photons are the same and can be transformed in function of fields, but it is just an assumption also....

        Big Bang or others or a decoupling of a kind of super matter energy , a central sphere sending the series of 3D spheres finite for the DE , DM and photons.........this center if it exists is fascinating because it is there that this infinite eternal consciousness in 0D has maybe taken an incredible time to create it and after these decouplings of this center permit the 3 main systems and they merge after to create the diversity of atoms, and after the chemistry and the biology, see that this DE is antigravitational and that the 2 others are gravitational, so the balance is ok

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