Here are ideas for the quantum computing
the real secret is to converge with the foundamental objects , and the philosophy of origin, Forget the waves and fields, they are emergent, now consider the 3D finite series of spheres , the same number than our cosmological finite series of Spheres, one for the particles of DE the space vacuum possessing the main codes, and the two other series are thye phtons and the cold dark matter, and when they merge they create the baryonic ordinary matter and its fields, so the aim is to converge with the actual results of D waves and the annealings in considering the spherical volumes and their motions and oscillations, the quantum computing appears, and after that you can create a good revolutionary metal music of rebelion for your quantum computers converging with the informations, shannon, gibbs, von neuman and my spheres lol-
The foundamental objects are essential at my humble opinion, if the strings or fields are tyaken into account considering only the GR, I doubt that a real universal computer and turing universal mechanism can appear, but it is just my opinion of course, there is that said a conjecture with the fields, strings, dimensions and these 3D spheres.
I believe even that the secret is in these informations of the vacuum and we have qutrits .....
The boolean algebras so added to the equations and concrete algorythms and the 3 spacetimes and the qutrits........
In considering the fields and waves only and the GR only and photons and qubits, that will not solve even with the best algorythms and boolean algebras.
entanglement is important
All is a question of qubits converging with the qutrits , the number and the complexity is essential for these qubits, the most we have of qubits the most we can reach this universal turing mechanism in converging with the qutrits and the foundamental objects, the quantum fluctuations metaheuristic systems of annealings so can converege because they oscillate too these spheres in the superfluidity of the 3 spacetimes
it is there now that all become interesting with the spherical topological geometrical algebras that I have invencted converging with the Lie groups , that can permit to better understand the couplers, the connectivities, the sortings, the synchros, the topologies, the geometries, the thermos,....and it is there that the boolean algebras and the qutrits become relevant for the thermos because we have the photons and the cold dark matter encoded in this space vacuum, this vacuum furthermore is the key for the hard problem of consciousness
The optimisation of problems solved so are for the artificial intelligence with the annealinhs and metaheuristic systems but they are not sufficient for the free will and consciousness, the schrodinger equatioms and the actual standard model is not sufficient, so the correlated combinatory analysis are limited, all is due to fact that we lack of real parameters universal of evolution
The annealings of 3D spheres can help.
so I insist on the fact that the universal general philosophy of origin is essential , the actual problem is that all they consider only this GR and photons and strings or points inside at this planck scale connected with a 1D cosmic field of this GR. They are all persuaded that our reality is due to this and that the fields are the main cause . But in fact it is an assumption, they cannot renormalise or find the deepest unknowns due to this philosophy.
If IBM or others want to have real universal quantum computers, the spheres are the secrets, the biggest challenges and problems to solve can be solved, all is a question of complexity of variables and the electrons alone are not sufficient, the same for the fields of our actual SM. It is also about the speed of solutions found. So it is too about the quantum algorythms wich must converge with pour universe, the multidimensional analysis is not necessary, we can work in a pure 3D and fractals and spherical volumes more the motions and oscillations to solve the complexity and improve the speed
It is not about the computational spaces but about the spherical volumes and the superfluidity
The cold and heat correlated with the photons and cold DM, more and it is the most important this space vacuum possessing the main informations are the key , that implies 3 superfluids and that can be correlated with the conductors simply and after you correlate the qubits with the qutrits , and so the waves, fields, particles converge and the spheres , so no need of mustidimensional spaces for the superpositionsand the entanglements
The actual quantum computers of D waves or IBM are not real quantum computers, they are just pseudo quantum computers working in surfaces with waves and fields and qubits, it is different.