Hi John,
I beleive that the origin of our topologies geometries , properties don t come from this GR and the fields in resume, I believe strongly that there is an enormpous philosophical problem in considering these photons like the only one primoridal essence of this universe and that they oscillate , vibrate at this planck scale in 1D connected with the EFE and the GR like a 1D cosmic field of this GR.
I beleive that they are just a fuel for the matters baryonic ordinary and permit the electromagnetic fields and the heat. I believe and it is just my interpretation that the electromagnetism is emergent from this coded space vacuum of this DE anti gravitational. This vacuum coded encodes in resume these photons and this cold dark matter permitting to mass and matters baryonic to emerge. That is why this central cosmological sphere if it exists intrigues me a lot because this thing sends the informations in these series of 3D spheres and is a kind of super matter energy. The real informations primoridal so are in this vacuum , we utilise the waves for our computers and the photons and sound waves but they are informations that we have created, the universe is for a deeper logic about the real primoridal informations.
These photons and cold dark matter when they merge with this vacuum in my model preserve the volumes, the number of the serie does not change, so the densities and properties of spherical volumes, yes, and the symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes can explain the deformations and assymetries permitting the uniqueness of things. That is why even all is unique even us,the planets, stars.....This evolution so becomes essential. All in resume is a little bit the same when the motions are not there but when the fuels permit to activate the properties of this vacuum, they create all the diversity of the mendeleev table more the complexity of interactions of exchanges in physics, chemistry and biology more the evolution and even this consciousness. So indeed the densities are essential and seem a key like the motions rotations and oscillations of these spherical volumes.
The mass also is emergent from this vacuum of the DE. An interesting point also is that the evolution can be predicted because we have this DM and DE disponible at this cosmological scale and the life death also can be correlated like the recycling due to photons and electromagnetic fields, because all seems to have a life time. The real complex thing to know so is the informations of this space vacuum and why we are conscious and what is the future of all this. The GR of course is a beautiful intepretation of einstein having interpreted the gravitation like a curvature of the space time at high velocities, he is right for this referential, newton also is right for his referential at slow velocities like a force between mass. But if the gravitation is the main chief orchestra balances between the anti gracvitation of the DE and the gravitation of the ordinary matter, that becomes fasciating to consider it like the main chief orchestra.
That is why this Quantum gravitation is not an emergent electromagnetic force in my reasoning that I have quantified. If you take the distances not of protons and electrons ,and that you consider this space vacuum coded and the cold dark matter encoded, that explains the animatter and the QG.....Friendly