Well, there still it is an affirmation about the modified gravity , the scalar tensor vector gravity is still an attempt to contredict the newtonian mechanics anf the dark matter . It is an assumption not proved like the MONDs of Verlinde or others. In fact we return still at the same philosophical problem, several thinkers consider only this photonic spacetime like the primordial essence and it begins to be very odd. Wilczek that I respect and I find very relevant with several publications has made the same foundamental error for this quantum gravitation in considering the gravitons like quanta of the gravitational waves, so we return still at this spacetime of this General relativity like the only one truth. And since that they try all to unify G c and h , the QM and the GR in trying to quantify this weakest quantum force with the best mathematical tools , they have not successed even with subgroups of this E8 and the non commutativity and non associativity. In fact the problem is this General relativity and the fields like origin of our topologies, geometries, matters, fields, all they consider that we are connected in 1D of this GR with strings or points in 1D at this planck scale.
Why the thinkers consider this general reasoning ? why the photons like primordial essence ? why strings like foundamental objects ? why this QG like an emergent electromagnetic force ? It could be well to return at the old school for the proportions of motions and in adding deeper parameters, the dark matter has a mass and is non baryonic, the dark energy is an energy anti gravitational and can solve the constant cosmological problem, and both can permit to reach and explain our unknowns. The GR of course is important but is just a part of the puzzle and we need to consider the DM and the DE at all scales to explain these unknowns.
The BB and photons and strings and this GR alone have really created a prison for the majority of thinkers and now they turn in round in trying with different partitions in maths to explain all, that has no sense for me. The photons are mass less and are encoded in a thing that we don t know probably, it is probably this space vacuum of the DE, possessing the main codes and the dark matter cold permit to balance with the photons encoded , they have a mass furthermore and if the higgs mechanism is activated by the photons and that it distributes the mass of codes of this space vacuum , so that explains all, if this DM is encoded so it can explain the antiparticles and also this quantum gravitation. So we arrive at a conclusion, the gravitation is the main force and chief orchestra of the universe and the 3 known forces them are emergent simply, they are just photons encoded in this space vacuum permitting the 3 known forces of the standard model and the fields. Why to consider the photonic spacetime like main essenc3, they are just there to observe and propagate the waves at c or others, they permit just the 3 main know forces of this SM. Einstein said himself that this GR was probably not the only one piece of puzzle. Sp why now all they consider this GR like the only one truth ? The universe is more simple with the motions of 3D spheres than all this non necessary complexity of strings and photons. I give new roads of thoughts , I don t affirm, but the thinkers affirming could stop to affirm things not proved because first of all the GR like primordial essence is an assumption, secondly the photons and fields like the cause of our reality and its topologies, geometries,matters, fields..it is an assumption also, the strings in 1D and the extradimensions it is also an assumption, the MONds and other modified theories of newton it is also assumptions, the DE and DM wich don t exist, it is alsio an assumption, and when you mix all assumptions together to crate a new assumption, it is so an assumption.