Usual time is not measurable. It is an abstraction. I do not have any reproach towards religions except for they demand to not question very basic tenets.
In church I learned: Our father in heaven, you were and will be in eternity. The intention is the same with regard to time and space. Our horizon is obviously limited. Anti-worlds and anti-time (strange transinfinite Schwarzschild solutions) are mere speculations similar to the religious idea of rebirth. When I was a child, I was told that nobody can provide evidence for that god does not exist. That is correct. Outside our experience there is room for speculation and mysteries.
When I was a student, I learned that there is no absolutely closed system in reality. We may speculate that the world is infinite, or it has a beginning (creation) and possibly and end, or it repeats itself. I would like to say it quite bold: Such speculation do not have anything to do with serious science.
What can we measure? Spatial distances and temporal distances within the past. Arrogant physicists object that they are able to prepare experiments and therefore the future is as real as the past. However, the outcome of their experiments does not exist before it got past.
Are there more positive and negative numbers together as compared with just positive ones? No. The property to be open ended cannot be enlarged. Mathematicians are speaking of the same cardinality. While I do not like Cantor's naivity, already Galilei used bijection and wrote that the relations larger, of equal size, and smaller must not be used for infinite quantities. The scale of reasonable bilateral time is not larger than the scale of anticipated elapsed time.
I already told you that I worked hard as to understand why the complex theory of signal processing cannot compare with how the ears work really works. The ears can only calculate a spectrum of sound that has already been arrived. When I understood that, I found out that future is not something in the dark that can be illuminated but something that does simply not yet exist. The distinction between reality and theory is difficult only to those who live in a world of abstract belief and illusion.
The usual bilateral time scale between -oo and +oo is too wide. Therefore it requires a redundant arbitrarily chosen reference point. Elapsed time has a natural reference point. What do you not yet understand?
Cosine and sine are abstract purely mathematical functions. They contradict to some obvious properties of reality. This is not a matter of quality of approximation but a fundamental one.
I see the crisis of banks resulting from ignorance of the fact that the world is an open system and predictions are always uncertain to some extent. Theory is not identical with reality. Future events did not yet happen. I see the notion of causality badly mistreated with the so called causal signal. I got the impression many teachers tell their students physics from an unrealistic godlike perspective.