Re physics versus the upcoming COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow:
Let's not forget that physics models of the world say that people can have no genuine effect on the world. Physics models say that the laws of nature determine every number for every variable that represents every aspect of every outcome in the world.
According to physics, people are 100% a product of these laws of nature, i.e. people are mere epiphenomena that can only ever have the superficial appearance of responsibility for outcomes. Physics models say that the world is such that people can have no genuine responsibility for outcomes, and no genuine effect on the climate.
Physics says that the world is such that the laws of nature determine every number for every variable that represents people's own brains, hands, arms, legs and vocal cords. Physics says that the world is such that people can't assign any numbers to any of the variables that represent their own brains, hands, arms, legs and vocal cords.
So how could people be responsible, how could people have any effect on outcomes, if people can't assign numbers to their own variables? How could people have any effect on outcomes if it's the laws of nature and nothing but the laws of nature that are responsible for every number for every variable?
I hope that there will be some straight-talking physicists at the conference, soothing and reassuring the participants, and telling them not to worry, because physics models of the world say that whatever happens is inevitable: the laws of nature are responsible for every outcome, and people are mere epiphenomena that have no ability to have any effect on outcomes.
(But clearly, physics models of how the world works are wrong: the world is such that people ARE assigning numbers to their own variables.)