The present state of the R.I.c.P. explanatory framework
Uni-temporal time for existing, observer independent things and happening of, among and between existing things.
Uni-temporal passage of time pertaining to change of the arrangement of existing things: accounting for; the arrow of time and causality for existing things. How physical and chemical events happen step by step as required.
Relative passage of time applying to observation products. Allows non simultaneity of same events seen by different observers. Different order of receipt of sensory information gives different order of seen semblances of events shown by the observation products generated using it.
Prevents Grandfather type paradoxes. As with uni-temporal time pertaining to existing there is only one time at which to exist, so no travel between different times is possible.
What is an observer?
Understanding an observer converts input existing, observer independent sensory 'information' in the environment into relative observation products. Different 'temporal' composites of 'information emitted or reflected at different times (i.e. different configurations of the existing)
Observer generation of observation products. The reference frame is the viewpoint of the observer, each observer producing their own from the sensory data.
Prevents bug -rivet type paradox by understanding what is an observer
By understanding the differences between absolute uni-temporal existing and relative observation product formation and it's relationship with sensory 'information' transmission through the environment, the Andromeda paradox can be understood as not a paradoxical scenario given the understanding of the difference between what's sensed and what exists, observer independent.
Observation products are within generated virtual spacetime, which appears to be exterior to the experience-er. Existing objects are not within this space only observation product semblances of objects.
Evidence is hallucination that can cause subjectivity experienced deviation of self generated and seen observation product semblances by an affected individual but the existing objects are not altered and the semblances formed by other unaffected observers, from unaffected potential sensory 'information' are unchanged.
(Light clock and twins paradox) based on different observers receiving different sensory 'information' input from the environment. This should just effect the observation products, produced from the received signals. That there is not just temporary alteration of timekeeping in plane /clock experiments indicates that the motion involved is effecting the existing material clocks. So its not just the difference of distribution of the base existence at different altitudes that effects clock function passing through, or being passed through, but how much is passed though, or passes through, at the same altitude.
Curvature of space time is not a cause of the bending of light paths it is an effect. A relation between characteristic of the existing environment and observer independent, electromagnetic radiation. The characteristic of the existing environment responsible for the deviation of electromagnetic radiation paths may have involvement with gravitational potential.
Categorization error failure to differentiate existing, absolute, observer independent things or happenings of, among and between existing things.
Feynman's steak
Is the moon there when nobody looks? or an alternative, do you think the Moon only exists when you look? Thorough analysis of the question shows that the question is inadequate as it does not differentiate observer independent existing from the observer relative seen observation product.
Light clock thought experiment-has category omission, as the seen path of the light is used in the mathematical analysis, which is an observation product.
Evidence for object permanence. Analysis of Is the moon there when nobody looks? or an alternative, do you think the Moon only exists when you look? Illusion-appearance and transformation illusions Rabbit from hat and 'fire into doves' examples. Peekaboo.
Replacement of abstract wave function in place of absolute, observer independent, unmeasured thing (with uni-temporal time pertaining to existing things, a composite/smearing of what will be and could but won't be can not be physically real) with relative, measured this way abstract outcome.
The state or value pertains to the relation between the measured and measuring apparatus or measured and protocol (if a coin toss is used as an example, it would be between the coin and whichever measuring protocol used [catch then open palm or catch flip onto back of opposite hand, expose])
The state or value is not a property owned by the measured thing itself. Its a measurement product. Not an innate premeasurement property but The existing things condition is the outcome of the particular relation with the apparatus and method used as it transpired
The replacement is solution to the measurement problem. As the wave function was never physically real it does not really collapse.
Different observers can replace the wave function at different times without paradox. Each replacement is their own relative perception. When the observer individually replaces the wavefunction predictive stand in does not cause the condition of the existing thing being considered to be actualized. The existing things condition is the outcome of the particular relation with the apparatus and method used as it transpired-Its a measurement product.
More going on here
(Light clock and twins paradox) based on different observers receiving different sensory 'information' input from the environment. This should just effect the observation products, produced from the received signals. That there is not just temporary alteration of timekeeping in plane /clock experiments seems to indicate that the motion involved is effecting the existing material clocks. Hypothesis- its not just the difference of distribution of the base existence at different altitudes that effects clock function passing through, or being passed through, but how much is passed though, or passes through, at the same altitude.
Curvature of space time is not a cause of the bending of light paths it is an effect, because seen light is a product. A relation between a characteristic of the existing environment and happening observer independent, electromagnetic radiation. The characteristic of the existing environment responsible for the deviation of electromagnetic radiation paths and effect on timekeeping, likely has involvement with gravitational potential. Hypothesis - that characteristic is due to the distribution of base existence.