Hi Olivier, like you know I have read your works and I respect like I said your attempts. Philosophically we need indeed main primary informations and we must define them .We have invented the binary codes and the informations for the computing and with the boolean algebras and algorythms we evolve for this computing. If now we consider how the informations act to create this universe, it becomes complex , but we need informations for the symmetries breakings and the diversity of matters and its evolution , we must have changes in fact.
If we consider now the actual reasonings with the general relativity and photons massless carrying the informations like if we had strings for example inside these photons at this planck scale and that this 1D comsic field of the GR carries informations, so they are inside photons massles , so they cannot have a mas. In my model it is different I consider that the main informations are in this spacxe vacuum massless of the DE , in both cases they have no mass these informations . The mass seems to need a cause , we have a missing mass to explain for our standard model even if the higgs have explained a part with the W and Z bosons and the higgs mechanisms, I beleive that the scalar fields massless and massive of the DE and the DM are these higgs mechanism and permit to give a mass, the same kind of reasoning can be considered for the missing mass and with axions from the DM encoded and with the scalar massless fields of this DE we can explain thje missing mass with these gluons and quarks. That is why the mass baryonic is mainly due to this non baryonic mass in fac and the informations them seem massless. See that if the main informations are massless in this DE and is antigravitation, that permits to balance the gravitational systems of photons and CDM encoded in this vacuum. It is the meaning of my intutitive equation about the mass energy equivalence. We need cause, if there are informations primary they seem to be in this space vacuum of this DE and it seems massless. We need to go farer than this GR and SR at my opinion. That is why the aim seems to unify the lambda CDM model with the3 QM instead to unify the GR and the QM. In all cases that permits to consider a deeper logic and that explains many things . If the universe is mainly made of partiles in this fluidity of spacetimes due to specific spherical volumes and specific series for the photons, the CDM and the DE , the motions rotations oscillations of these 3D spheres in this fluidity become interesting. If the 3 systems merge together to create the ordinary matter under the main codes of this vacuum of the DE antigravitational , that becomes relevant considering the pure motions rotations oscillations of these spheres if the volumes are preserved and the number of series also. That implies a new theory of informations in fact considering this DE possessing the main informations. They seem to have no mass simply, the mass is baryonic or not baryonic, the DM seems quanta of mass and the photons quanta of heat and electromagnetism , the universe seems simple, a kind of fifth force appears also and is antigravitational balancing the whole and seems to be not constant , the relevance is there considering the changes and broken symmetries. that is why the informations of this DE are more than fascinating epistemologically, philosophically, physically speaking.