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Essay Abstract

The possibility of physics in multiple time dimensions is investigated. Drawing on recent work by Walter Craig and myself, I show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, there is a well-posed initial value problem---deterministic, stable evolution---for theories in multiple time dimensions. Though similar in many ways to ordinary, single-time theories, the multi-time theories have some rather intriguing properties which suggest new directions for the understanding of fundamental physics.

Author Bio

I'm an assistant professor in the Dept. of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo, and an affiliate of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. I've previously taught at Princeton University and Dartmouth College. In addition to time, I'm interested in the foundations of quantum theory, quantum gravity, and thermodynamics, as well as other, more generally philosophical issues such as the problem of induction and the nature of the mind. When I have time, I play a highly-modified '52-reissue Telecaster through an original '56 Fender Deluxe. As loud as possible.

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  • [deleted]

Great stuff, Steve!

This essay comes pretty close to saying something that I've been considering lately, but haven't seen anywhere else: that one of the "problems" solved by cosmological inflation may not be a "problem", but instead a *clue*. I'm referring to the fact that causally disconnected regions of space-time somehow have the same temperature.

You don't quite come out and say it, but are you suggesting that the same sort of natural "non-local" constraint that you're discussing might obviate the need for cosmological inflation entirely? If so, it's tempting to think that the apparent non-locality of entangled particles and the apparent non-locality of the early universe might have a similar underlying explanation, rooted entirely in the allowable boundary conditions on local field equations.


8 days later
  • [deleted]

Thanks, Ken!

I do think that nonlocal constraints represent a promising and largely unexplored way of explaining nonlocality. I don't think of them as boundary conditions, however, since they hold on every "slice" of spacetime. Thus, like the constraints arising in gauge theories, they must be maintained by the dynamics.

- Steve

6 days later
  • [deleted]

Dear Steve,

What a pleasure it is to go through your humble attempt to try multi-dimensional time and see the mathematical outcome as explaining the singularities of the early universe with the present one. I am not a theoretician but this study of yours appeal to me as very meanigful as an experimental physicist. Physics is both . More often, theoreticians tend to forget it while experimrntalist have to remain grouded to the realities.

Let me start philosophically taking acient Indian scriptures which talk widely of different universes ( called ' loks') with widely varying time scales, as much as million of years to a single year! Correspondingly, the life scales also vary accordingly. The higher conscious states belong to higher lifetime scales! These have alwaqys fascinated me as a child when i use to hear stories from grandparents in this regard.

In my own posted essay, i have indicated the need for different Physics to tackle the very early universe. The attached posts by way of two other manuscripts provide the background for my essay.For example, there is a write-up 'Inconstancy of the Physical Constants and the Strengths of the force/fields.

The problem with any profession lies with following aqn established 'habit' that the methodology eveolved compels one to find it hard to innovate or may i say become 'unbiased ' of the existing knowledge/information.

i need to stop here before any further discussion till i get your valuable response!

6 years later

It is very nice to read these old essays and still be able to comment on them. I don't know where Weinstein is now in his journey in time, but he really came very close to the truth about time.

Unfortunately, space got in the way and he never did make it to a quantum time. After all, one you create a spacetime, time loses its meaning and simply becomes a displacement in that spacetime.

Reconstructing a 2D time with matter and not space will reveal the truth.

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