• [deleted]

Dear Fotini,

I simply want to draw your attention to my FQXi essay (submitted less than a week ago), whose abstract I conclude with

"Moreover, ETS suggests the primacy of the new temporal representation over conventional spatial representation, and it is not difficult to envisage that the latter is actually instantiated on the basis of the former, as has also been suggested by some quantum gravity researchers."

You are, of course, one of those "quantum gravity researchers" ;-) ,

and I initially learned about your ideas from your FQXi essay.

Best wishes,


25 days later
  • [deleted]

Well, I'm late to the scene here..

but I found your essay very interesting.

I like your assessment of why time appears

to be the central problem in integrating the

Einstein continuum and quantum mechanics.

I think the pure gravity solutions of general

relativity pose an insurmountable obstacle only

in an abstract theoretical sense, because spacetime

and energy, as Einstein's metric 'says', exist ONLY

as connate, reciprocal counterparts: no matter/no time.

So fundamental time does exist, because we have matter,

and I agree, space is just a theoretical artifact. But

I think you're missing the essential connection between

time and gravity... singularityshuttle.com

  • [deleted]


your essay is going forward our thinking trying to move us to the imaginary virtual world where "imaginary" dimensions (like fundamental time) are "measurable" while "real" dimensions (like space) are converted to the unconceptive (and "umeasurable") dimension.

In other words time is the forth imaginary dimension (unconceptive, unmeasurable, ...) in the real reference system where the three spatial dimensions are real (conceptive, measurable,...). Instead, in an imaginary reference system: space is converted to the one collective real dimension (unconceptive, umeasurable, ...) leaving the other three imaginary dimensions (conceptive, measurable,...) to be determined (one of witch may be the fundamental time).

Everthing depends on how you see it.

synpan.blogspot.com (in Greek)

  • [deleted]

By the way a naive question from a non phsicist (to experts):

If [math]x1^2 x2^2 x3^2 u^2 =0[/math] in what sence these four quantities are consindered independent to each other resulting to a four dimensional space-time

5 days later
  • [deleted]

Sir, I agree and suggest that Time/All exists at the infinitesimal pulse of Present Time (i.e., with each pulse being the creation of a neoteric Universe)--while the necessary Anti-Pulse is, as you propose, simply Space/Zero! One, then, should consider that Energy/TIME = Mass/TEMPERATURE!

8 months later
  • [deleted]

This paper was a look into the future.

Fotini surely did inspire me in her paper. Moreover, is generally beautiful in the sense that we can somehow look past the immaculate bonds of geometry and time. I believe Fotini was absolutely correct in stating that the final theory will not be interested in the geometry of space, since quantization mathods seem to be indicating that degrees of freedom are inherently a world for subatomic, pointlike particles i.e. dimensionless manifestations.

Fotini - well done!

    5 months later
    • [deleted]

    The mechanism to generate space is nice here, but the same mechanism can also generate time. Only causality is needed for that.

    In computer science exist many different models of time. First is Universal Continuous Time. It is the one people usually think as time, it is the same everywhere and measured by real numbers. Can be interpreted as time coordinate. But it does not exists, sorry about that. Second is Discrete Time, advancing by discrete ticks and measured by integer numbers that count ticks. It is better, classical single processor computer is well described by it. The main property is that tics can be counted, but there is no information about how long they are, meaning two different sources of ticks cannot be compared. This give the next time model, the Branching Time. This model systems that consist of multiple interconnected computers. Each computer have its own ticks, but periodically two ones synchronize by exchanging information. This create network of ticks with occasional synchronization points that make also some common metrics possible. If to look from far then it converge to the first model, to the Universal Continuous Time. Thus revealing mechanism of how Universal Continuous Time may be created.

    So, the time together with space may be created as network of occasional synchronization of normally not synchronized events. The light and other massless carriers fit well for synchronizing agents.

    8 months later
    • [deleted]

    I'm guessing this forum is waning, but none the less if you are interested in this topic you may find my site interesting...


    What I am suggesting here is that perhaps it makes sense not to first ask 'does Time exist?', or 'what is Time?' because even these innocent questions are leading.

    Instead perhaps we should ask 'what do we directly observe?' and then 'is this enough to explain all that we see ?(and attribute to time)'.

    It seems to me that we directly observe 'objects' that can move and interact, and that this is enough tot explain all that we attribute to 'time' existing.

    - especially if we see that matter (just) existing and interacting is enough to explain how we seem to accumulate a collection of memories that grow in a linear way.

    ( see https://sites.google.com/site/abriefhistoryoftimelessness/basic-timelessness/the-past/-x--plaining-away-the-past).


    a year later
    • [deleted]

    Dear Fotini,

    I have independently created "TIME THEORY OF EVERYTHING".

    My main research interests are Physics, Modern Cosmology , Philosophy, Particle physics, Relativity, Time, Theory Of Everything and Economics.

    My interests are very broad, extending from origin of the Universe and the origin of life, to the deeply philosophical.

    I like to ponder the big questions of existence: How did the universe begin? What is the destiny of mankind? Is there a meaning to the universe? and includes the nature of time, the properties of black holes and quantum field theory.


    [Time Cosmology: Time to re-study Time.]

    Created and Written by KHALID MASOOD

    TIME THEORY OF EVERYTHING is The Time Universe Theory.

    I propose, only Time exists in the Universe. Only Time exists and all that exists is Time.

    At the heart of physical sciences is physics, and at the heart of physics is Time. The Universe itself or the laws of nature are time.

    Time Creates Space, Life, Consciousness, and the Universe itself. You, the computer, everything is part/form of time.

    Time is the only entity. Our classical and modern view of the physical world is wrong.

    Time tells matter how to create, matter tells time how to survive!

    No particles, no waves, not both and no vibrating or dancing strings. Only "FLUCTUATING EXTREME LEVELS OF ENERGY" write Everything of the Universe, including our consciousness and also Theory of Everything!!!

    The only truth about the physical universe is that the universe is not physical. Life and matter of the universe, is nothing but a physical illusion.

    The smartest phenomenon of the universe is the universe itself.

    On the whole universe is shapeless, massless and weightless.I CAN PICK IT UP!!!

    Einsteins second law, m = E/ c^2 i.e. m = E/ c2 [ How mass drives from

    pure Energy] raises the question whether mass can be understood more deeply

    as energy. And can we build, as Wheeler put it, "Mass Without Mass"? are the

    best predictions in favour of my "Time Theory of Everything."

    In my view the first question is How pure energy drives from time?. The

    universe is not what it used to be, nor what it appears to be, as Frank W

    ilczek of MIT quoted in first chapter Getting to it of his book titled "The

    Lightness of Being" [ mass, ether, and the unification of forces ] also

    supports my theory. Infinity is finity on the whole.

    There is nothing original under the physical phenomena. All physical

    properties of the universe are secondary in nature.There is a universe behind

    the physical universe which is dark and primary universe. If a Theory of

    Everything is Holy Grail of cosmology, Time Theory of Everything is Holy

    Grail of Modern Physics!

    Physicists are hunting for an elusive particle that would reveal the presence

    of a new kind of field that permeates all of reality. Finding that Higgs

    field will give us a more complete understanding about how the elusive

    universe works!

    I believe in bold imagination in research. I believe the universe is not acadamic,

    and is not bound by our physical theories. Capture Higgs particle, eyes on a

    prize particle, the search for the Higgs boson [God Particle] and creation

    of micro black holes is nonsense idea.

    Higgs boson is not destiny. We have to re-study TIME and ETERNITY.

    Basic and primary stuff of the universe is not physical. All matter, energy,

    and fundamental forces of nature are secondary and referred by a unified

    primary force of nature. There is a co-ordination force in between God

    and all secondary forces of nature, which is more important than Higgs boson.

    I suggest this force is TIME.

    Higgs boson [God particle] should be named Time particle.

    Time is invisible presence and the only basic building block of the universe and everything in it.

    Time is so central to the state of physics today, so crucial to our final

    understanding of the structure of matter, yet so elusive,

    that I have given it a nickname: 'The God Force'!

    Time is at the very heart of physical discovery from the nature of matter

    to the origin of the universe.

    It is also a fundamental driver of everything in the universe. Many of

    tomorrows discoveries and technologies will emerge from Time physics.


    [A union of forces and time]

    Time is mother of all fundamental forces.

    "Forces-time" in which time exists as fifth force with four fundamental


    Deep down, the particles and forces of the universe are a manifestation of


    TIME is a coordination force of the universe and multiverse referred by


    Nothing has independent existence except time.

    Password of time is in the Mind of God!

    Everything in the universe,followed the laws of time.

    Tell me about the nature of time, I will create the Universe!!!

    If all cosmologists of the world say a foolish thing it is still a foolish



    God does not play particles' game with the Universe.

    Spacetime has no fourth Dimension.Universe is three dimensional.

    The theory of time "t" as a fourth dimension of space, three dimensions of space and one dimension of time is wrong.

    All dimensions of space are time's dimensions. Time is not the 4th dimension.

    Space is not 3D T, space is 3TD. Time is the distance between two dimensions.

    Time is the longest and shortest distance between two dimensions.

    Time is mother of all dimensions. Dimensions are the result of time.

    TIME IS NOT A MANUFACTURED QUANTITY. Time has independent existence and

    is fundamental. Space is a manufactured quantity and secondary form of time.

    Space is only a display of time.

    I believe in infinite extra time dimensions only, and I know what

    these dimensions are, but I don't believe time as extra dimension with space.

    I dont believe in extra spatial dimensions.

    The universe exists in three or 10 dimensions of time.

    [as string theory proposed, 10 of space and one of time dimension] There

    isnt just one dimension of time, says Itzhak Bars of the University of

    Southern California in Los Angeles.There are two. One whole dimension has

    until now gone entirely unnoticed by us. Two time / 2T Physics [New

    scientist 13 October 2007, Hypertime, Cover story] Why we need two dimensions

    of time? Why not we need 11 and many more dimensions of time?




    The study of the theory that all fundamental particles and vibrating one-

    dimensional strings are fluctuations of zero-dimensional and unidimensional

    Extreme Levels Of Energy.

    Extreme Level Fluctuations create the universe.

    Extreme level connections create mass, gravity, forces and everything in the universe.

    No-particle Proposal:

    Elemental building blocks of Nature are not particles.

    I dont believe particles in any shape or dimensions as basic building blocks

    of matter, energy, and everything in the universe. I have an alternative

    Fluctuating Extreme Levels hypothesis which is a part of my Time Theory of

    Everything [Extreme Level Theory] Extreme Level Theory suggests that basic

    building blocks of everything in the universe are composed of Fluctuating

    Extreme Levels of energy. In Extreme Level Theory of time, Extreme Levels

    correspond to different entities and quantities.


    proves correct, photons, electrons and neutrinos are different due to changes

    in the fluctuations of extreme levels. Prior to Extreme Level Theory,

    subatomic particles were envisioned as tiny balls or points of energy.

    Extreme Level Theory works on the premise that the tiniest subatomic bits

    that make up the elements of atoms actually behave like Fluctuating Extreme

    Levels and not like vibrating or dancing strings. Photon is no more now a particle, a wave, or has features of both.

    Photon exist at fluctuating extreme level of energy.

    About the "Origin of Mass."

    For decades, the prevailing view in physics agrees that the Higgs field gives mass to matter, with the mediated by a boson particle called Higgs.

    But no one has seen the Higgs boson yet, despite the considerable time and money spent in his quest to particle accelerators.

    Time Field:

    The mass comes from the interaction of matter with the "Time Field" or "field Time" and not from field Higgs. There is noHiggs Field.

    Time field is "zero point field" and zero energy state of time-space.

    Time field is the lowest energy [zero-energy] state of time. That is extreme level of time in my T.T.O.E.



    Gravity is time's force.

    I believe in my 'physical' motto: "Time tells space how to create, space

    tells time how to expand and bend."

    Deep down, the particles and forces of the universe are a manifestation of


    Time is the distance between two places.

    Time is the longest and shortest distance between two places.

    Gravity is a manifestation of Time-space.

    P.S: It's Time-space and not space-Time. TIME COMES FIRST.

    Our entire research focus must be on "How time interact with matter and

    energy?" and "Time, matter and energy, how they interact with each other?"

    Time can take the form of motion, light, electricity, radiation, GRAVITY.....

    just about anything honestly.

    Time theory of gravity is the best rival of General Theory of Relativity and

    Quantum Loop Gravity.

    TIME THEORY OF EVERYTHING will change the phenomena of new physics-extra dimensions, entanglement, entropy and information, black holes, tunneling, Bose-Einstein Condensates, chaos and complexity, dark matter, dark energy and meaning of Matter, Energy, Natural Forces, Consciousness, Life & Extraterrestrial Life and Death.

    It's not time, it's matter which is disappearing from the universe.

    Time is God, God Time.


    The Universe Is nothing but a Time travel.

    God can't exists outside of Time. Nothing exists outside of Time.

    I am part of the universe, as my heart is part of me. Therefore I am part of God.

    Khalid Masood


    Street Address: 36-B, HBFC, Block-A, Faisal Town, Lahore,


    Phone: 00923334642637

    a year later
    • [deleted]

    Space is omnipresent, the essential and main component of all matter,the most tangible of all tangibles. Time and gravity are perceptions,tangible temporally but not universally,expanding universe testifies to the infiniteness of space but intangibility of gravity. Time loses meaning beyond the fringes of universe but space endures.

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