If we take the works of Bob Coecke for the categories of physical process and if we consider the information theory, we could extrapolate with the 3D spheres like foundamental objects and the 3 main primitive series of spheres , a photon, a particle of DE or a particle of DM having a finite serie of specific spherical volumes, so that become relevant in considering the primary informations in the vacuum of this DE . This DE encoding the photons and the CDM to create the ordinary matter , the complexity appears due to the volumes, their motions, oscillations, densities....if the number is preserved when they merge. The ZX calculus so can be extrapolated for the categories , phases......That implies a kind of universal turing machine converging with the universe and how this universe creates, simulates this reality. No need of extradimensions and strings, just a pure 3D of these spherical volumes.