In this brief historical essay from our dystopic future we describe the problems of contemporary science and their logical consequences once the current scientific system will be integrated with the technological advancement.
Chronicles from a Simulated Science
I found this essay very much entertaining to read, having forced me to laugh several times, especially about the footnotes. My favorite of the latter: “I am not real, now what?”. Wonderfully humorous in my opinion. I am curious who has this marvelous humour...
Brilliant essay. Both amusing and foreboding of the direction in which humanity is heading! I found concern over this spreads beyond Earth and an alternative, represented by intelligent aliens, are happy to help us get back on track! Will we take any notice of the far better physics? Of course not. But they felt they should try anyway, so you may enjoy the interview. I couldn't falsify the tiniest part of it, but please do try!
Thanks for the 'light'? relief.
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Hello OliveGuineafowl,
Read this clever piece awhile ago, forgot to leave timely comment but here goes on the last day to rate. (BTW, I forget what time or zone, is it midnight EDST?) Your fantasy essay is charming and I get much of the allusions and name-drops, such as in the clever fictional references. Props for creativity and boldness. Yet I can't put together a point that it's all driving to (although maybe it isn't meant to in that conventional sense.) Would appreciate some more explanation. Also would you (and anyone reading this) please take a look at my essay too, which attempts to disprove AI reductionism about minds. I use both a philosophical argument about existential knowledge (a sort of update of Descartes famous experiment) plus inferences from quantum mechanics. Thanks, and rem. again: this is the last day to rate essays!
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the word language appears in this essay.
comparing a blind to a deaf, the person that lacks hearing from birth is a lot more extraterrestrial
Stefan Weckbach Thank you Stefan! I wrote this essay the 28th of February 2023... now it all seems incredibly plausible. I wonder if in about 10 years we'll be already there