Physics vs Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Aliens and parallel universe/s, freedom in the Universe, Gödel theorem and incompleteness, “happy” end, Two emperors, infinite consciousness, Philosophy and God.

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For me there is not difference between religion which based on believing & mystic experiencing and science based on observation and reason: the two displines converge to a UNIFIED SCIENCE: one complete the other.

    Alaya Kouki I agree, both religion and science began at the same time probably. They meet the inherited need of humankind: moral and knowledge. Both were developing gradually, so I do not see the need for conflict, we can not get rid of moral and curiosity.

    Removed by Moderator: Essay threads are for discussing the original author's essay.

    6 days later

    Both religion and science are means to explain the reality around us, they are explanations. Religion on the base of thinking that is becoming law and science is based on experiences becoming law. The problem with both is those laws cannot be changed and if there is one thing that is not sure that is laws made by mankind.

    13 days later

    Finishing the essay reviews, I decided to check my objectivity. I state. The opinion has not changed.

    "The innovation in the
    publishing field could involve four science investigators i.e. one non-subject expert for the
    outsiders interdisciplinary perspective, one subject expert for reviewing the approach and why a
    particular scientific topic was chosen for investigation, two technical reviewers for robustness of
    data and conclusions that are claimed. An online repository of video filming the experiments i.e.
    how the experiments and investigations were carried out so that the emphasis is process driven."

    Science will become bureaucratic"

    Thank you for your thought-provoking essay entry.

    I am currently temporally constrained but will make a quick comment in regard to your being in accord with Stephen Hawking's assertion that: "There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, [and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works."

    sl Through observation and reasoning Stephen Hawking became a mainstream media credentialed "authority" on Black Holes, but in less than 10 years, expanded observational capacities and enhanced logic models have given us reason to suspect observational and conceptual tool limitations produced flaws in his reasoning.

    sl At any time T, this is true of Science and Religious authority, but in neither case are we justified in devaluating the process of observation and reasoning, and any assessment of what "works", must be T-conditional.

    S. Lingo
    UQS Author/Logician

    15 days later

    For me there is not difference between religion which based on believing & mystic experiencing and science based on observation and reason: the two displines converge to a UNIFIED SCIENCE: one complete the other.
    end of quote
    OOPS, spoilers alert. Mystical experiences get used due to this one
    What does Gödel's incompleteness theorem say?
    Can you solve it? Gödel's incompleteness theorem ...
    In 1931, the Austrian logician Kurt Gödel published his incompleteness theorem, a result widely considered one of the greatest intellectual achievements of modern times. The theorem states that in any reasonable mathematical system there will always be true statements that cannot be proved.
    end of quote
    We turn to religion when we have to go to the incompleteness of certain axiomatic choices / As an example,
    What is meant by parity violation in physics?
    P violation occurs when the rate for a particle interaction is different for the mirror image of that interaction. Electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces have the same strength for left-handed and right-handed particles.
    end of quote
    Mirror image of that interaction ? Well most of the time Parity IS conserved. As to why we have VIOLATIONS of parity explanations can become quasi religious in that we observe parity violations, but we really do NOT know why it happened. It is observed, we record it, but it becomes a metaphysical issue only because its violation is so unusual.

    Good essay, bringing together some diverse points, particularly that we're all at liberty to hypothesize rather than just follow our human doctrinal teachings. In answer to your question 'where are the aliens' I've passed on an interesting answer, seemingly direct from them. We're not yet ready as a civilization, but they wish to help us get there, thus provide us with the answers we're looking for! Sounds crazy but how else could they communicate?! It seems your concepts are somewhat supported. Well done. An enjoyable read.

    I enjoyed reading your essay.
    You described AI to humans as Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes. I worry that soon AI will form a fake Sherlock Holmes that probes possibilities much faster than Holmes but not as deeply as him. You can imagine that the outcome can be out of control.
    I understand the community's excitement about AI, but I also agree with Geoffrey Hinton and Elon Musk that Al can have dangers, and we need to think more seriously about its safety.
    AI can be misleading without new mathematical tools and deep theoretical understanding. Maybe in the future, AI can also help us to discover new theoretical concepts and mathematical disciplines. I wonder what is your opinion about it.

    21 days later

    intriguing , what if kardashev scale not for volume, or infinite conscioussnes for line or surfaces

    3 months later

    Hi Peter...

    Good to finally uncover you out of the new FQXi website mud!!

    On the basis of your previous 2 FQXi essays, I am very much interested in the progression of your ideas over the past 3 years.

    Hopefully an essay author to title index is on the website to do list.

    Did you catch last week's YouTube Space Wind Channel interviews in which mainstream media credentialed Roger Penrose gives academia the green light to explore Space-Time Energy emergence from an initial state structure.
    REF: Roger Penrose: {"We Detected Hint Of Previous Universe Existed Before Big Bang ](
    @7:50 Penrose .. "characterize initial state of the universe as the physics before the big bang"

    In that you obviously did not wait for the "green light" I assume it will come as no surprise that investigation of Space-Time Energy emergence demands reassessments.
    REF: Roger Penrose :{"Quantum Mechanics Wrong And Consciousness Isn't Computation}("
    @1:48 Penrose... "something new has to happen .. spontaneous emergence... in which consciousness emerges as a feature of the new physics that we need"
    @13:00 Penrose ... "consciousness rooted in the unexplained aspects of quantum world"
    @14:00 Penrose... "a universal organizing principle"
    @16:00 Penrose... "consciousness as a consequence of fundamental processes... woven into the fabric of the universe"

    Perhaps humankind is about "ready" to encounter an "alien" intelligence... i.e. the Cosmic Consciousness... and I suspect the aspect of that encounter most "alien" to human nature, will be the individual's responsibility to query/consult the wisdom of the Cosmic Consciousness before condescending to mainstream media.

    Did you submit a 2023 essay?

    Would give it a close read if you will re-me the title?


    S. Lingo
    UQS Author/Logician

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