This essay discusses how science could have emerged in order to solve our basic enigmas of life and death, matter and mind. A reason for the shortcoming of the scientific community is proposed as well as a way forwards to take natural sciences to a new level.
How could science have emerged differently, in order to have solved open basic e
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Thank you for contributing a thought-provoking essay... i.e. I was compelled to make a written reply to many of your premises.
"... to have solved open basic enigmas for humankind today"
sl A world view that contributes to the quality of the human condition should indeed be prioritized.
sl However, application of suppositions.. e.g. parallel universes/branes... derived from a model of Space-Time dynamics that can not verify an unbroken kinematic logic chain, from a universal momentum mechanism to the observed event, generate dogma.
"... to include physical and nonphysical/mind phenomena into a common model."
sl To include physical and nonphysical/mind phenomena into a common model, one must objectify "physical " within one"s model, and then verifiably differentiate an objectified "nonphysical"... or one's model must eliminate any distinction between "physical" and "non-physical".
"Materialism today asserts that thoughts and conscious impressions have no energy in themselves and are created by physical substances such as those found in the brain."
sl Is energy an event or a spatially defined minimum/indivisible quanta of potential for motion (QE)?
"Tesla said that ""The day science starts to research nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence""
sl In the interim, as a consequence of an inability to objectify "physical" and "nonphysical" within a common model, models in which "physical" is defined in terms of 2D minimum/indivisible quanta of spatial occupancy (QI), and Energy is spatially defined as 2D minimum/indivisible quanta of momentum (QE), have eliminated the distinction between "physical" and "nonphysical".
sl Your "Proposal for a physical model supporting mind and consciousness" relies heavily on suppositions derived from String Theory, which does not differentiate a "physical" entity from a "nonphysical" entity, nor does it unify the two, and with no specified momentum mechanism to vibrate the strings, strings can only define a 1D spatial entity.
"Matter multiplied by force multiplied by distance makes energy.
sl If energy is an event... i.e. observable consequence of accelerated particle/matter... what is a particle/matter?
"So where is consciousness in this scenario? I would prefer that we define it as not part of the mind. We are able to observe thoughts, emotions and memories that are part of the mind."
sl If one's model unifies "physical" and "nonphysical", and the atoms of "atomism" are 2D spatially defined minimum/indivisible quanta of momentum (QE), consciousness and mind can be defined in terms of the resolve dynamics of QE distribution... i.e. as.Mechanix... within the model, but spatial units of QE occupancy must be addressable... i.e. space must be uniformly quantized... and a momentum mechanism has to emerge as the most fundamental process.
"The observer must necessarily be different from the observed."
sl There are logic models that have survived for many thousands of years, whose proponents view this statement as indicative of an inability of one's reality model to resolve an indivisible quantum with which to unify all manifest form... i.e. the premise can not be derived from a valid "Quantum" model.
sl One of Western cultures most familiar extractions from a model that theorizes an indivisible unified unit of manifest form, is a quote credited to Jesus of Nazareth: "I see the christ in every face and form".
sl Thought by many modern historians to have been acquired during his years in India, Jesus's Quantum model seemingly resolves the observer and the observed to be composites of a uniform indivisible unit of "stuff "... i.e. a unifying substance... and any distinction between observer and observed can be attributed to composite complexity scale of logic circuits as manifest by resolve of QE distribution on each Q-Tick... i.e. pulse of the momentum mechanism.
"I would also prefer to combine the one who acts with the observer and call it the innermost me, me the life, or consciousness."
sl The function of the "I Am" body-mind logic circuits is to observe... i e. be conscious of... and resolve or report internal QE/QI disharmony to the Cosmic Consciousness.
"Spiritual development could increase our ability to observe and act with the different bodies as our consciousness incorporate more and more of the total cosmic consciousness
sl Spirit is a conceptual lexicon, but developing a model of Spirit objectified as QE, does enhance the "I Am" s ability to perceive and resolve internal QE/QI disharmony in accord with the dynamics of "Cosmic Consciousness".
"This world view can be called an extended materialistic world view and it supports both dualism and panpsychism."
sl As would any world view that unifies "physical" and "nonphysical?
"Mediation widens the scope of view inwards so that we get in better contact with our nonphysical bodies and their sensors. We are not normally capable of observing nonphenomenal thoughts when being self conscious. But intuitive thinking is the source we use when “"being in flow"".
sl I repeat, nonphysical requires a definition of physical.
With regard to FQXi rejection of my 2023 FQXi Essay (, in that one could reasonably argue that your essay is essentially a promotion for String Theory as the foundational directive for the FUTURE of Science, rather than a discussion of "How Science COULD BE different", FQXi reviewer determination of your essay's competition compliance, exposes the capricious nature of review.
May String Theory as a T.O.E, evolve a unifying element, and a momentum mechanism,
S. Lingo
UQS Author/Logician.
Sue Lingo
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