Excellent essay!!
Your comprehensive analysis of Q-status quo provides justification to investigate process as the root of the "fundamental" hierarchy.
In that physics can be reduced to a study of spatial displacement of spatially defined elements in time, then the process initial state construct requires a pulsed momentum mechanism, a means of spatial differentiation, and the geometry of elements as occupants of space, and these must be clearly specified prior to derivation of any fundamental laws as a consequence of process within the specified construct... i.e. valid processes are construct specific.
Science has been reasoning from the general to the specific.. i.e. trying to resolve the equation from the result.
Fundamental laws are derived from an understanding of a process, and a clear view of the process underlying Q-mechanix has been muddled by media spin...i.e. application of "clear the slate" methodologies is currently essential to any "theory of everything".
Ref: 2023 FQXi Essay: "Science in Search of Neutral Ground"
A conceptual construct that facilitates a non-perturbative framework in which to analyze process is the only "choice that will work"... i.e. from which order/intelligence can emerge.
“This is [a] very embarrassing thing that we don’t have a single quantum field theory we can describe in four dimensions, nonperturbatively,”
Ref: Dr Kasia Rejzner... https://www.york.ac.uk/maths/staff/kasia-rejzner/
In that a non-perturbative analysis has not been criteria of theoretical physics, one is justified in suggesting that "Scientific progress is drastically constrained by the false notion that novel theories ought to retain any particular feature of incumbent theories."... e g. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal.
Ref: 2023 FQXi Essay: Two scientific wolves
Would rate this essay a 10, but FQXi rejected my 2023[Essay (https://www.uqsmatrixmechanix.com/2023FQXiEssay4pdfconv.php) as being an ""alternative "theory of everything," not an essay about how science could be different.".
Thank you for your knowledgeable contribution of momentum to a non-perturbative analysis framework... Science can get better!!!
S. Lingo
UQS Author/Logician
www uqsmatrixmechanix.com