The question of how science can be different can be understood as: different from how 'it' is now. Based on that understanding, the following story has emerged as a possible setting for how that 'otherness' might be expressed. The story tells of patterns that make it possible to qualify and quantify what we Are and Know (or Can Be and Can Know) and thereby make it available and, above all, applicable in an exuberant variety of cooperative techniques to expand life and nature in general, and our own in particular. For a continuation of the complete story, see the website. There, similar patterns can be found and discussed in addition to the scheme presented in the story. For contact, an email address is available.
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Wispo (World Intelligent Science Potency Organisation)
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Person Fields
Fields answers 14, 15 and 16 to question 12
Fields contemplation on 17, the Unity
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The patterns that gave rise to them
The ontology on which those patterns are based
Stories on Being, Function, Will and Unity
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Can you please give a worked example of the method applied to a simple real world example?
In the essay, I use Hedronics as an example. Hedronics is a geometric theory of the construction of 'reality'. It is a geometric theory of everything. Hedronics can be used to generate models such as the Wispo model described in the essay. Such a model can then be used to build and or analyse a particular structure or system, somewhat like a Turing machine does.
The model used in the essay is a part for an A.I. system that I am in the process of modelling. In the essay's technical appendix, the model is described as a Category Theory model. That CT model is a good example for a complete identity feedback system. You can also apply it to yourself, for instance as a self-awareness game.
What you want to describe, you do according to the meaning of each circle and arrow where you are at that moment. Like Fields in the essay, you answer the questions Bot Bridges asks him, but you do so then in relation to your own theme. Please, invent your own personal theme. When you have answered all the questions, you will have created a coherent story about yourself that you can study and analyse.
Every story describes some kind of reality. That reality can be fantasy, but as a story it is real. Harry Potter therefore really exists. Every fairy tale can therefore be true, provided it goes through all the steps of the model. If not, the story is incoherent, incomplete, etc. By applying the model, you can see whether something is complete or what is still open as a question.
The meanings of the circles have been mentioned in the essay. I can't give you any other examples now, because then I would no longer be anonymous. Then you could find me on the internet.
Can Hydronics give a solution to the disparency in the value of vacuum energy as given by GR and as by QM?.
Can you give me more information on your subject? Like websites, where I can study it to answer your question.