Hello AzureFlyingfish. I enjoyed reading your essay and agree with the concept that the fundamentals of changing should be included in science. I also agree that the fundamentals of changing can incorporate the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and general relativity. However, the statement “ we can have no experience or understanding of the outside world except that of change.” Is too all inclusive for me. My work shows that the world/cosmos is both qualitative (changing) and quantitative (unchanging). Each of these share the same fundamentals and both are needed to fully explain the origination and functioning of the the universe and its contents. I agree that two key factors need to be initiated 1. Finding the “correct formulation” that includes changing and 2. Someone needs to construct a scientific theory that includes the formula for successful changing.
My essay in this competition introduces what can be done to construct the scientific theory of successful creation - which I believe includes successful changing. Successful creation creates/becomes the “formulation” of the the universe and its contents - all of which are both qualitative and quantitative. I would appreciate it if you would read my essay and then discuss with me the similarities and differences of our essays as well as how the combination of ideas can improve each of the individual contributions.. The title of my essay is “Could Science Be Different And Improved? Yes. A Specific Proposal.
Regards. FlaxTern