Lorraine Ford
As indicated above, physics has no verbs: physics only has nouns and adjectives, i.e. equations that, despite the delta symbols, only describe relationships between categories.
Physics has nothing that animates the world. However, physics tacitly assumes that the world moves its own numbers that apply to the categories (1); and physics tacitly assumes that the world knows its own time-and-place categories and numbers, i.e. that the world is conscious of itself.
Is it any wonder that purely religious views of the world, with Gods and Saviours, are proliferating, when the physics, that is supposed to be the ultimate way of explaining the world, can’t even see or acknowledge its own tacit assumptions that the fundamental-level world is in fact animated?
So, despite obtaining the knowledge that made it possible to send a spacecraft to Mars, physics has failed to explain the world, because physics has no verbs.
- The equations of physics represent number change, due to mathematical relationship, but only IF other numbers change. The “IF” is the problem.