Some species are studied by many civilizations of higher intelligence, to learn and to conserve if needed. The views and assistance of the most advanced species in the area studying the most advanced species on Earth are apparently subliminally communicated here to help conserve our species. Advice on requirements for survival and the different, Alien, approach to Physics is given, along with responses to key questions. A quite different and apparently far better approach to science, and in particular to fundamental physics and education emerges. Ways to re-start both our stalled intellectual evolution & theoretical advancement are suggested. Self-apparent and coherent solutions to some of the hardest questions encompassing all of physics are identified, but only where already hypothesized here, meeting an apparent 'prime directive.' It becomes clear that most current human theory is too reliant on old assumptions, maths and embedded beliefs, but that change to ways of thinking is likely the hardest task we face. Better research, and the training of young brains to dynamically visualize and rationalise nature and the universe is suggested.
Alien Physics. The Interview.
Dear ThistleLion,
You are one of the few who dared to cite specific facts of falsification of experiments in science. Therefore, I appreciate you perfectly, understand and subscribe to almost every word you say.
My essay is devoted to the key facts that lead to new key laws that are not noticed by the generally accepted concept. But these laws may form a new science of studying reality without studying abstractions. I think you will also be interested in the elements of the deterministic functioning of the quantum solar system on the new laws that are given in the appendix, and which are similar to the quantum laws of the functioning of the Hydrogen atom.
I wish you success!
Many Thanks,
Your essay sounds interesting and important. Yes, I will be interested in the 'new science' and deterministic functions you describe. I'll have to try to work out which one it is!
Dear ThistleLion,
Thank you for understanding my work! Unfortunately, few in this field are able to look at the root of the problems of science. They do not believe many statements that are not supported by experiments, in particular, which I have presented. Therefore, I immediately appreciated your views.
I wish you success!
I came to your essay late, but wow, I was engaged from the start. We both think from the same 'songbook', I was amazed how many ideas of yours are similar to mine. Congratulations on a fine essay, my fav as of today! Hope you can take time to read mine as well. Good luck.
I just read your reply to CeruleanJasckal and I agree it is difficult to find the essays from the animal moniker. The organisers need to add the number ID, moniker and essay title together so a search can be made easily. It has stopped me from rating many essays I have read because I could not find them.
BTW My essay is called"My electrons are spinning" and you can search on that!
Once again, great essay and good luck.
Dear ThistleLion,
I was really writing to thank you for your really helpful and kind comments about my essay and to say I posted a reply.
I've read your essay and was intrigued by the idea of hierarchically nested kinetic states of space and feel the need to find out more! Having an interview with an alien was a brilliant idea - the alien seems to know so much that we don't! We clearly have a lot to learn - but I guess that is what makes physics so interesting!
All the best.
Peter Jackson
<<A. Yes, but I can only correct the basics for now. Questions remain even in Alien physics.>>
Very interesting essay with radical ideas - questions and answers.
Hi ThistleLion
I see you have 7 ratings and so need another 3 to qualify for the next stage of the contest. Would you like to help each other get across the line by reading and rating each others essays over the weekend? Mine is titled "Age of Knowledge"
Hi Swan, I'll certainly comment on and rate yours. I had a quick look and like the approach so noted it for a read and expect to score it well, I'm interested what a current AI will say! I've been offered a long trip from this Sunday so will do it today.
- Edited
trying to decipher i thought about alien interaction , this piece here could be a genuine extraterestrial communication.
after a while i've jumped in between lines and reached the conclusion that is written composition that is meant to be read . if i were the alien i would chose a different communication style that slow down and accelerate , slow down and accelerate , beaks down clarifies stops, in stepwise operations protocols and alternating with meaning or content message delivery,
maybe this comment should be more complex
Peter Jackson I'm going to have a look at your essay now. I'm looking forward to it
Peter Jackson I agree with you on many points, the physics and the state of science establishment. I'm an advocate for variable C, but of course in our local frame, we cannot observe the variation. For our perception is affected by the variable rate. And that science does a good job of ignoring speculations outside of its doctrine, it is very apparent. I'll continue reading your essay
Peter Jackson Hi ThistleLion. Its funny how your essay and mine are both conversations with a second party. Yours with Aliens and mine with AI. I can tell that you're dedicated to your science cause. You've spent a great deal of time learning and problem-solving science. This we have in common. I was delighted to hear you identify the polarizer playing a role in Bells Inequality that resolves the mystery. I came to the same general conclusion, and the idea I like is that the anomalous results are due to a dynamic interaction between the photon/particle and the filter. Having said that, I'm not fully content with my solution as yet. But I felt I was onto something. The other thing I was delighted to hear is how you think about "time". Time is just the rate of causality, you have my full agreement on this. These conclusions of yours are how I know you're accomplished, and in my mind this marks you as being a step ahead in the game. Even the celebrated academics cant seem to wrap their minds around these aspects of the world, and science. I'll rate your essay now and good luck in the contest
Peter Jackson Interesting essay. You seems to cover all of physics -- at least what goes by the nae of fundamental physics. But there is something about it that confused me -- because it is written as a conversation, there are "answers" to many problems, but in most cases it is not clear how to reach those answers. Did you do that on purpose, or was it because of length constraints?
I have given a rating on your essay. Good luck for the next round.
Hi Amarinth, The subliminal 'communication' likely WAS more as you suggest you'd do yourself. But it also covered wider topics, so here I just tried to get in as much of it as possible in the very limited space. It does indeed need to be 'read', and carefully, with thought. I probably included too much, but, for instance, the true meaning of the Fine Structure Constant Gamma emerged, which would have taken a lot of explanation and proof. It's very important, but will have to wait for a paper of it's own. Thanks for your comments. Now scoring is over I think I can now safely reveal my past essays on specific topics using the same source have been 'peer scored' both 2nd and 1st (2015) in the past. But of course the official judging doesn't consider such advancements in understanding, a problem I suspect well understood by greater intelligences!
Hi Peach, The limited explanations were entirely due to length constraints and the wide range of advancements included. I didn't accept any apparently questionable solutions, so challenged all, which means I received and can certainly provide the missing background explanations to any and all. Many are already included in published papers on each topic. i.e. the Classic QM solution was accepted and has been published by Springer-Nature in 'Foundations of Physics', but is of course ignored so far (as was Einsteins '52 SR correction), it seems because old beliefs are still too deeply embed. A free access preprint here;
You hackers demonstrate a central reason why we struggle advance our understanding of nature and the universe. The true answers can be set out before us but we're to easily distracted by mundane matters and money so rely on our old embedded beliefs rather than applying intelligence and courage to advance..