An alternative idea of science is presented where the most widely recognized concept of Mathematics as solely inclusive of numbers is challenged. Instead, math is characterized as a logical thinking process and this understanding is used to perceive science as an activity that is always inherently inclusive of math. And by virtue of the definition limitations placed on science by certain technical conditions as defined by court cases like the scopes trial as well as historical epochs like cuneiform texts and ancient stone cave paintings, it is suggested that science is a pictorial activity that has been continually refined through the years to include numbers. Numbers can be understood to be an intermediary between pictures and words. It is suggested that numbers need not always be included in the examination of a phenomena. Diagrams, pictures, and symbols are a viable means to either replace or reinforce the numerical aspects of mathematics regarding the understanding of a phenomena.
Science: A Numeric or Non-Numeric Mathematical Process of Thinking
Phillip Kuhn
Interesting and important essay and question.
Ontological maxim of understanding the structure of the Universe:
"God created the Universe according to the Logos. Numbers are the work of man."
Logos - MetaLaw that governs the Cosmos (in the spirit of Heraclitus)
Have you dealt with the problem of ontological justification /substantiation of mathematics (ontological basification)?
See D. Bukin "The Crisis of the Foundations of Mathematics as a Crisis of Ontology": "The crisis of the foundations of mathematics is, first of all, the crisis of ontology, the essence of which is the inability to describe objects, the fact of being or becoming of which goes beyond the usual ideas about the world. The way out of such a crisis state it is necessary to look not so much in improving the methods of mathematics itself, but in updating the cognitive means of ontology that do not deny the classical paradigm, but can go beyond it.In this sense, dialectics is a historically proven method of comprehending the existence of a mathematical object in its development and relationship with objective reality. " []
A good philosophical testament was left by Pavel Florensky: “We repeat: worldunderstanding is spaceunderstanding.”
Great response to the question, pointing out our 'numerlogy' approach is far from the only or best one possible. A view contradicting common beliefs but clearly rightly so. The greater alien intelligences interviewed in mine seem to firmly support and widely evidence that view. Very well done.
Excellent!!!... a highly perceptive assessment of the role that conceptual tools have played in the various fields of science, and an insightful justification to promote diversity of conceptual tools.
"I would say numbers (quantitative characters) aren’t necessary for one to do science..."
sl I adamantly agree.
"However it is possible to create another standardized form of communication recognized universally in place of numbers, I am just not sure what it would be."
sl "Drawing is a very useful tool against the uncertainty of words" - Leibniz.
sl Feynman diagrams are a "standardized form of communication recognized universally in place of numbers".
sl The diagrams were intended to represent physical processes... e.g. each vertex is in effect a shorthand notation for a series of (often complicated) equations.(J. Gribbin 1998)
"Perhaps a helpful starting place would be the addition of pictures and diagrams when discussing forces first. Then bring in the math later on when the audience has a conceptual mental picture of a force."
sl "... truth should be drawn with the help of the cognitive computer visualization technology and should be presented to ""an unlimited circle"" of spectators in the form of color-musical cognitive images of its immanent essence ..."
sl Inspired by Feynman Diagrams as being evolved conceptual tools for particle interaction analysis... i.e. Feynman found it is much easier to manipulate the diagrams and translate them into mathematical terms after the manipulation, than it is to manipulate the equations directly (J. Gribbin 1998)... conceptual tools have evolved, that allow one to employ graphic icons as symbols to represent physical logic components of a Space-Time Energy emergence analysis.
Ref: (
sl The function of each icon is iterated as a consequence of a fundamental momentum mechanism, which is functionally associated with a vertex as its logic component icon within the specified CAD environment... i.e. a uniformly quantized geometry framework as the icon for Space.
"... science is a pictorial activity that has been continually refined through the years to include numbers."
sl Would rate this essay a 10, but I have no vote... i.e. although my 2023FQXiEssay: "Digital Science: Emergence of Quantum Consciousness" ( was intended as a demonstration of how a non-perturbative analysis framework would change science, the demonstration utilized a single point pulse sourced emission of spatially defined minimum/indivisible quanta of Energy (QE), which inherently resolves all forces as derived of a single force, and consequently FQXi rejected my essay as being an ""alternative "theory of everything,"" not an essay about how science could be different".
sl Thank you for your decisive disclosure of the necessity for evolved conceptual tools. as required to insure FACT precedes abstraction.
S. Lingo
UQS Author/Logician