marcovici alexandru
Thank you for your response . It would be extremely helpful if you could comunicate precisely how / in what way i have messed up .The link was to a talk not specificalluy the lecture
I remembered. My error sorry, I should have been more careful. l think in fact it was a lecture series given in Auckland The Sir Dougas Robb lecture series.That i should have linked to.
Feynman - Lectures From The University Of Auckland 1 Photons - Corpuscles of Light and Feynman - Lectures From The University Of Auckland 2 - Fits of Reflection and Transmission.
Feynman does not exactly ask why but expresses puzlement or the 'stupidity of the process'over why the caculation is carried out as it is. The ampltudes shown by small arrows ( physisists say amplitude ,mathematicians complex numbers) added like vectors . The total ampltude can be squared to give the probability. I meant by where in the wave cycle ,where in the wave oscilation pattern. Are you saying that is wrong or just the word cycle is unnecessary?