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  • $1 Million DOE Award to Chanda Prescod-Weinstein to Unveil Dark Matter Mysteries

FQxI physicist Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, of the University of New Hampshire, in Durham, has received approximately $1 million as one of 39 national recipients of the DOE’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). She will use her award to investigate ultralight dark matter. You can hear Prescod-Weinstein talking about her work on axions, a class of hypothetical particles that may make up the dark matter, with me on the FQxI podcast, where she also discussed her recent book, The Disordered Cosmos. Read more.

10 days later

Congrats, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein!! Maybe my post is not supposed to present any science but is meant to focus on her award. But I'm sure she'd be happy to see how much she stimulated my mind. She said, “One of the biggest open questions in physics is the nature of dark matter...It makes up 85% of the gravitating matter in the universe, yet we don’t know what kind of particle it is.”

While it’s possible to assume dark particles will eventually be detected, remaining open to other explanations is scientifically advisable. A modified view of dark matter is suggested here which is only one dimensional. In that case, it wouldn’t be comprised of particles or have the 3 dimensions of familiar space. It would be one-dimensional (1D) like the binary digits (bits) of one and zero used in electronics. The bits may be thought of as modified dark matter. Referring to Einstein’s 1919 paper which asked if gravitation and electromagnetism play a role in formation of elementary particles * (and the then undiscovered nuclear-force bosons) - just as electrolysis splits water into hydrogen and oxygen, the inherent Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) that can theoretically exist in every particle allows particles to be reverse engineered and become photons and graviton (see final paragraph), and finally the ones and zeros resulting from electrical pulses. The currents resulting from the EDM can be regarded as modified dark energy. The dark energy would be added to galaxies, preventing the rapidly orbiting stars in a galaxy’s outskirts from flying off into space.

  • Albert Einstein, “Spielen Gravitationfelder im Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” [Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?], Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, [Math. Phys.], 349-356, Berlin, 1919

The upper right quadrant of Wick rotation - a mathematical convenience today, something practical tomorrow - refers to particles being broken down into BITS on the imaginary axis while the upper left quadrant represents BITS being assembled into particles on the real axis. What does the recycling of ones and zeros, plus fermions and bosons, mean for thermodynamics and entropy? Like a computer screen, the universe is continually refreshed or reloaded: the second law of thermodynamics is prevented from getting the upper hand and entropy never causes the universe to decay and experience “heat death”. Particle theorists have realized that the cosmological constant can be interpreted as a measure of the energy density of the vacuum. A major problem is that quantum field theories predict a huge cosmological constant, about 120 orders of magnitude too large. This would need to be almost, but not exactly, cancelled by an equally large term of the opposite sign. Cancellation could be achieved by remembering that the number of binary digits in the space of the x-axis (which is described with positive numbers) is equal to the number of digits in the imaginary space of the y-axis (where the square of imaginary numbers produces negatives). The equally large number of real and imaginary bits cancel by union of their individual identities and “collapsing” into the Complex Plane. In the complex plane, the cancellation of the electric pulses on the two axes hide electromagnetism and allow only gravitational interaction between "dark" and ordinary matter (this gravitational interaction creates an inexact cancellation).

A 2017 paper * says all of the information in the universe is contained in two-dimensional packages trillions of times smaller than an atom. Suppose the 2D package is the Mobius Strip and that trillions of Mobius strips compose a photon. The more complex graviton could be made up of trillions of figure-8 Klein bottles, each one being a more complex union of two Mobius strips. Dark Energy - the EDM currents which decompose particles into bits - would not have the role of causing alleged cosmic expansion. Its role is to create the binary digits that make up particles. Note that the positive and negative curvature of a figure-8 Klein bottle fit together to produce the outline of a doughnut. A doughnut (or strictly, a torus) is technically flat. If continuously deformed like a mass of clay, it has the same topological properties as a flat surface (like a piece of paper). When many figure-8 Klein bottles are grouped together, a procedure analogous to computer art's Sky Replacement will cause binary digits to fill in any gaps or holes in the same way that computers can make a sky that's blue from horizon to horizon. But the Klein doesn’t become multiply connected like the doughnut. Only the doughnut’s outline (with its hole filled in) is adopted and the bottle retains the property of simple connectedness. (Informally, if an object in space consists of one piece [the outline of one filled-in doughnut] - and has no holes passing all the way through it, it is called simply-connected.) The preceding paragraph agrees with the cosmological principle that a flat, simply connected space-time is infinite and eternal.

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