All-star panel debate on inflation, information, and cosmology, from FQXi's international, interdisciplinary conference on the Physics of Information. Panelists include FQXi's Anthony Aguirre, along with: Don Page, Sean Carroll, Alex Vilenkin, Raphael Bousso, Alan Guth, Andreas Albrecht
Explore more:
- "Dirty Secrets of Cosmology by Anthony Aguirre": More dirty secrets, this time with cosmology. Join Anthony Aguirre as he delves into profound questions about the nature of the universe, eternal inflation, cosmological parameters, gravitational waves, and more.
- Panel -- Is Free Will Real?: "What is free will, and do we have it?" This intriguing question is explored in the panel discussion "Is Free Will Real?" moderated by Jennan Ismael, with panelists Sara Walker, David Haussler, Jan Wallaczek, and Sean Carroll.
- More from Mind Matter Conference in Tuscany, with Sean Carroll on Causality and the Arrow of Time
Keywords: Physics, Universe, Panel