What's the correct theory of quantum gravity: string theory or loop quantum gravity? Hear world experts Raphael Bousso and Carlo Rovelli forced to attack their own sides during the 2014 Foundational Questions Institute conference "The Physics of Information" in Puerto Rico.
Explore more:
- Panel - Can Quantum Theory Consistently Describe Itself?: Moderated by David Wallace; Scott Aaronson, Lidia del Rio, Raphael Bousso, and Matt Leifer in the panel "Can Quantum Theory Consistently Describe Itself?"
- Dirty Secrets of Cosmology by Anthony Aguirre: More dirty secrets, this time with cosmology. Join Anthony Aguirre as he delves into profound questions about the nature of the universe, eternal inflation, cosmological parameters, gravitational waves, and more.
- The Quantum State of the Universe - A Dialogue with Sean Carroll and Alan Guth: Sean Carroll and Alan Guth discuss the quantum state of the universe.