Lorraine Ford
Re “information”:
When will physicists attempt to model what is animating the low-level mathematical world? Mathematical symbols written on a page, e.g. equations representing laws of nature, are only animated in the imagination of physicists and mathematicians. What aspects are needed to animate a real-life mathematical system?
Well, the low-level mathematical world clearly knows its own relationships, categories and numbers, because if the low-level mathematical world had no knowledge of its own relationships, categories and numbers, the system couldn’t work. So, a knowledge aspect is needed to animate a real-life mathematical system.
And the low-level mathematical world is seen to jump its own numbers (that apply to the categories), and these number jumps are likely the only true moving parts in the entire system. So, an aspect that moves the numbers is needed to animate a real-life mathematical system.
But both the knowledge aspect of the system, and the aspect of the system that moves itself, are not explainable in terms of relationships, categories, or numbers.
This knowledge, that the system has of itself, or the parts of the system have of themselves and their surrounding situation, is the necessary information/ knowledge/ logic aspect of the world.
I challenge others to CLEARLY DEFINE what they mean by the term “information”, and to explain what necessary part this “information” would play in the real-life mathematical world.