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Anton Zeilinger discussing long-distance quantum communication experiments.

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  • The physics of first-person perspective: an introduction by Dr. Markus Müller: The Nobel Prize in physics in 2022 went the scientists who, for over 40 years, have carried out a series of experiments indicating that, contrary to materialist expectations, physical entities do not have standalone existence but are, in fact, products of observation. This result is extraordinarily relevant to our understanding of the nature of reality, and so Essentia Foundation, in collaboration with the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (home to Prof. Anton Zeilinger, one of this year’s Nobel Laureates in physics), organized a conference discussing the implications of this result. The conference was hosted by IQOQI-Vienna’s Dr. Markus Müller and featured seven other speakers. In this first video, Dr. Müller introduces the theme of the conference and explains its relevance.
  • High-dimensional entanglement for quantum communication : Abstract: Entanglement unlocks many applications in quantum communication, such as the highest possible level of security in quantum key distribution. As photons are inevitably lost or decohered over longer distances, it seems obvious that using the full spectrum of photonic degrees of freedom is desirable. In addition to more encodable bits per photon, entanglement in high dimensions also yields a surprising resistance to noise. This comes at the expense of more complicated measurements that in themselves can contribute to the overall noise in the data, leading to an interesting optimisation. In this talk I will discuss the origin of noise resistance and how it can be practically realised in different photonic implementations using entangled photons.
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Keywords: Quantum Communication, experiments, Zeilinger

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    Zeilinger has recognized that quantum behaviors are the manifestation of a single bit of information, but remains perplexed by the fact that, this behavior is just a misunderstood, purely classical phenomenon.

    Click on "Show Comments", on the link below, for further insights into the nature of this profound lack of understanding:

    This is a very relevant article , the theory of informations being taken into account and the quantum computing, I ask me if the main primary informations are bits or if we must sort and rank the informations in considering a deeper logic and different informations We have deep limitations still about what we measure, observe and about our interpretrations of this QM and QFT . But the photons and these bits are a piece of puzzle also .

    These ideas so are more than relevant from Anton Zeilinger. The descriptions you've provided from these talks touch on intriguing aspects of quantum physics and its intersection with other fields like communication, thermodynamics, and the philosophy of reality.

    "The Physics of First-Person Perspective" by Dr. Markus Müller:

    This presentation explores a profound aspect of quantum mechanics: the relationship between observation and reality and so the measurements , The fact that series of experiments permit to imply that physical entities don t exist independenmtly is very important and challenging, the world existing independently of an observer , It is a keyt at my humble opinion for the consiousness and the nature of this reality. The quantum entanglement and this non locality intrigue me for the phenomena , the properties of quantum systems being influenced across distence tell us this interconnections , and the real relevance if this observer dependent for the philosophical interpretations.
    If the high dimensional entanglement for these quantum communications are a reality, it becomes indeed more than relevant for the cryptography and communications and encodings lie if we consider more informations per photon, but we could go farer with these depper informational parameters about the primary informational nature of the universe, But it is of course relevant for the improvement for the efficience of the actual methods of communication. This noise resistance too is relevant when we consider the high dimensional systems wih these resistances to noise,that permits at long distance to maintain this integrity of these quantum communications, but it is challenging about the measurements .It needs indeed ballances and strategies .
    This optimisation informationa processing of Susanne Still and the connections with thermodynamics ans os the work, heat and energy and the machine learning is also very relevant. The entropy , this disorder and efficiency can permit roads indeed for the processings, There is like a foundamental correlation between the nature , the realtity and the artifical systems . it is still about the balances and optimisations of the complexity of data , and the energy costs,it is there that it becomes relevant in trying with deeper parameters the bridge and links between the natural intelligence, the AI and the consciousness. The aim being to find after all the true connection between the quantum mechanics, the information theory, the philosophy .How we interact in resume with our universe and its laws,

    The measurement problem is evidently more deep that we can imagine, there are several interpretations created by the professionals like the qbism, the copenaghe one, the relational QM, the de broglie bohm one, or the transactional interpretation, the von neuman wigner one , the many worlds mainly but in fact all these interpretations philosophical are taken into account due to fact that they are professionals having invented these interpretations, ....a sure thing is that what we measure and interpret is a so limited philosophical physical situation, we d be surprised to know the real truth . The problem at my humble opinion is the relativistic prison and limited actual standard model , we have deeper parameters to add but they are hidden behind this relativity and actual QFT and EFE.
    The key is to unify the most relevant interpretations with a bridge beyond this relativity, like if we had a copenaghian interpretation more hidden variables and the informations and consciousness , there it is important to consider this DE and DM and if this DM is the quantas of mass, so the higgs must be completed and if this DE is a fith force and is informational and antigravitational and correlated with the consciousness, so all become clearer, so we have a kind of interpretation of spherisation philosophically speaking in my model, The problem is that we cannot measure and observe these deeper parameters to add to this SM. In this reasoning the DE encodes the photons and the DM to create the ordinary matter and this QM and the evolution is essential and that is why it is the spherisation of the universe.

    The BITS that said are a human invention utilised in classical information theory and it permits to quantify the information in a kind of binnary format with the 0 and 1 , it is an abstratction working well for the digital systems , computers where we utilise process with units but the universe in logic does not utilise this way for the primary informations, and it is important to find the universal informational way for our QM and informations. The bits like an abstration classical are interesting for the units and smallest unit of information , but like I said it is a human invention for the computation, communication , storages in binary systems, so for the computers it permits to make processings and transferrings of manageable informations for the machines if I can say, but this doesn't necessarily reflect how nature stores or transmits information.
    In quantum systems, information doesn't behave in such a simple binary way because the continuity of possible quantum states are more complex when we consider for example the superimposings or superpositions or entanglements , it is without hesitation more complex than bits The information can be so non-binary, multidimensional, and tied to the quantum states of particles (like their spin, momentum, energy levels, etc.).
    It is here mainly about the complexity of quantum states and how we measure them , the fact also that the 0 and 1 can be utilised at the same time proves this and so the behaviors are evidently more complex than these classical bits invented by humans .If this universe utilises the informations , so the human constructed concept of bits are less intricate beause the universe utilises process of informations with more complex ways for the quantum states . It is more intricate and complex at my humble opinion, the quantum numbers for the spin, charges....have a probable unknown way for the storages, tansferts of informations .....
    We need higher representations of informations to operate the real universal machine , we don t know still the higher dimensional even structures , the nature , the nature stores and processes infromation for the quantum properties and fields , and there are entropic measures for the phases, waves functions but it is not really nuanced by our classical bits .
    The aim is to find the way to correlate with the foundamental laws governing this QM,this thermo and Entropy.It is far more complex than bits , what is this way to unify the informations, the nergy, the matters and their interaconnections, it is the key.

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