Forum Moderator Raphael Bousso explores the relationship between geometry and information, focusing on the covariant entropy bound. Explore more: Is there Really Stuff Outside of Our Causal Path?: Vitaly Vanchurin and Raphael Bousso discuss whether there is really stuff outside of our causal path. Panel - Can Quantum Theory Consistently Describe Itself?: Moderated by David Wallace; Scott Aaronson, Lidia del Rio, Raphael Bousso, and Matt Leifer in the panel "Can Quantum Theory Consistently Describe Itself?" at the 6th International FQXi Conference, "Mind Matters: Intelligence and Agency in the Physical World." "Adrian Kent - Practical tests of Bell non-locality of collapses given the Wigner hypothesis": Physicist Adrian Kent talks about practical tests of Bell non-locality at the 6th International FQXi Conference. Keywords: Entropy, Information, Raphael Bousso