I got a bit carried away! I planned to write a short reply but it turned into an article of nearly three thousand words. This consideration of "the subject-object distinction at the foundations of modern science" starts with Albert Einstein and length contraction, progresses to quantum entanglement affecting macroscopic objects and moments in time, fine-tuning of the universe that refers to John Wheeler and Eugene Wigner and evolution, as well as including headings called PARTICIPATORY UNIVERSE AND CONVERTING MULTIPLY-CONNECTED TO SIMPLY-CONNECTED and FUNDAMENTAL UNITS FROM WHICH SPACETIME EMERGES.
If agreement with Albert Einstein is recommended, scientists should state that the time taken by electrons to transition between lower and higher orbits of the nucleus, as well as the time taken to become quantum entangled, both exists and does not exist i.e. it can simultaneously be measured in attoseconds and it’s instantaneous.
To start with the example of length contraction in Special Relativity - Einstein wrote in 1911 that "It doesn't 'really' exist, in so far as it doesn't exist for a co-moving observer; though it 'really' exists, i.e. in such a way that it could be demonstrated in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer." (1) Demonstration "in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer" is the same meaning as "demonstration by experiments performed by scientists not moving at the speed of light".
This is consistent with non-simultaneity in Special Relativity where observers in different frames of reference see events occur at different times. It’s also consistent with the following statements -
“Physicists now believe that entanglement between particles exists everywhere, all the time, and have recently found shocking evidence that it affects the wider, ‘macroscopic’ world that we inhabit.” (2) Though the effect is measured for distances in space, the inseparability of space and time means that moments of time can become entangled too. (3)
It may then be said that experiments are overrated by modern science since the truths revealed by experimentation are necessarily restricted to one frame of reference. This abandonment of an independent, objective reality leads to some philosophical speculation. Why does the universe have the form it does? Scientists believe theories must be supported by experiments in labs. Does their faith in the existence of objective reality mean they are classical scientists who reject quantum mechanics' statements that observers and the observed are permanently and inextricably united? In the case of observer/observed union, scientists would unavoidably and unconsciously influence every experiment and form of mathematics. In the end, they may be unavoidably and unconsciously influencing the universe which is the home of all experiments and all mathematics. If Earth’s science has a role to play in what John Wheeler called a Participatory Universe, * the unavoidable influence on experiments and maths will not change known reality. Our planet’s science must play an essential role in giving the laws of physics the form they have - because if it didn’t, experiments and maths would not display what Eugene Wigner called “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences”. (4)
It was officially the wildest idea John Wheeler had yet. A universe made not of matter, not of space-time, not of stuff at all, but of our choices. It wasn’t what he’d hoped to find; the physics had led him there. At first, Wheeler thought that observer-participancy involved consciousness. After all, tables and chairs don’t make choices about what to measure; conscious observers do. But that was of no help. He saw no way to link the private experiences of individual minds into a single, shared reality. Such a link is provided by this article’s binary digits, topological figures, and interacting photons / gravitons (see next section) paint a picture of space-time where everything (including individual minds) is part of a single digital reality. Time - in the form of Wick rotation - is part of that reality, too. Both gravitational and electromagnetic waves possess retarded and advanced * components which travel forwards and backwards in time, cancelling one another and entangling all masses. Wick rotation (time) is built into the Mobius strips and figure-8 Klein bottles composing electromagnetism's photons and gravitation's gravitons. Therefore, all time (the entire past and present and future) is united into one thing just as all space and all mass are united into one thing. (If time only passed rectilinearly - from past to present to future - the idea of waves travelling back in time would make no sense at all. But if time is curvilinear - with past, present, and future interconnected - time must be able to move from future to present to past.) (Unity of past/present/future may remove the issue of non-simultaneity – in special relativity – because the timing or sequence of events being different in different frames of reference can only exist if past/present/future are separate. The concepts of cause and effect are no longer separate when all periods of time are united, and everything can happen “at once”. This is similar to watching a DVD – every event on the DVD exists at once since the whole DVD exists but we’re only aware of sights and sounds occurring in each tiny fraction of a second.)
- When we solve (19th-century Scottish physicist James Clerk) Maxwell's equations for light, we find not one but two solutions: a 'retarded' wave, which represents the standard motion of light from one point to another; but also an 'advanced' wave, where the light beam goes backward in time. (5) Einstein's equations say gravitational fields carry enough information about electromagnetism to allow Maxwell's equations to be restated in terms of these gravitational fields. This was discovered by the mathematical physicist George Yuri Rainich. (6) It’s therefore likely that gravitational waves also possess retarded and advanced portions. Advanced waves travel back in time and when combined with the retarded waves which go forwards in time, their entanglement would result in an "eternal present" necessary for time travel. John G. Cramer wrote in his 2022 Internet article "Advanced Waves Detected" - “In summary, it appears that advanced waves do exist and have been detected. Much more work must be done to ensure that this effect is real and can be extended, but the physics implications are gigantic.” (7)
How might an infinite, eternal universe be produced? Creating something that has always existed sounds like an impossible paradox. A model of the cosmos might be built that uses the infinite number pi and imaginary time, and resides in Virtual Reality (artificial, computer-generated simulation). The entanglement (quantum-mechanics style) in the simulated universe is unable to remain separate from the entanglement existing in our perceived reality because computers using so-called "imaginary time" (which is defined by numbers with the property i² = -1) remove all boundaries between the two universes. This enables them to become one Augmented Reality (known now as technology that layers computer-generated enhancements onto an existing reality but seen here as the related layering of virtual reality onto other points in time and space). The poorly named imaginary time of physics and mathematics unites with pi (both are necessary to generate a non-Big-Bang cosmos i.e. an infinite universe which, because space and time can never be separated, is eternal). This manipulation of time, space, and the universe with virtual and augmented reality might possibly be produced by the two-valued binary-digit system used in electronics traversing a wormhole, or shortcut between folds in space and time, designed by humans of the far future. The augmented reality which is layered on “other” points in space-time actually isn’t transmitted to other points - because of the quantum entanglement of every particle (massive or massless) in spacetime, only one ever exists. Thus, transmissions to any (apparently other) places or times wouldn’t be restricted to the speed of light but are instantaneous.
The “information - 1s and 0s, yeses and nos, binary choices” of (8) are referred to as the binary digits which are compatible with quantum mechanics and may be referred to as the Hidden Variables which Albert Einstein advocated to complete quantum physics, and to give its calculations an exactness which would bring a hidden order to its chaotic randomness and superficial uncertainty.
Building on a book by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Max Tegmark detailing his Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (9), this is how mass-production could work. The one-dimensional (1D) binary digits (bits) of one and zero, used in electronics, encode the 2D Mobius strips ^^ which are viewed on the Internet and, according to this article, incorporate temporal Wick rotation (forming the 4th dimension of time [see Figure 1]). A couple of Mobius strips pair-up to form a figure-8 Klein bottle (Mobius Doublet) (10) which is immersed in 3D - trillions of strips and bottles respectively produce photons and gravitons which use Einstein’s 1919 paper (11) to interact and form the pressure known as mass - as well as the quantum spin - of both massive electron, quark, Higgs/nuclear-force bosons, etc and the massless gluon. Examples of the quantum spin of particles based on photon spin = 1 and graviton spin = 2: a) Photon divided by graviton = spin 1/2 of all matter particles, b) Graviton divided by photon = spin 2/1 which may be responsible for the intense gravity of black holes, c) Using time reversal in case of graviton: 1+2-2 = spin of nuclear-force bosons. It also equals photon spin - establishing a link between gravitation’s spin 2, electromagnetism, and the nuclear forces, d) the Higgs boson’s spin zero can be arrived at through (1-2) + 1 which uses the experimental interpretation of a photon existing in two places simultaneously (it uses the graviton’s spin 2 being taken away from the photon’s spin 1, and the spin motion of 1 being in more than one place at the same time).
^^ A 2017 paper says all of the information in the universe is contained in two-dimensional packages trillions of times smaller than an atom (in this case, the 2D package is the Mobius Strip) (12)
In topology aka rubber-sheet geometry, the coffee cup and the doughnut are one and the same. If they were made out of rubber, one could be twisted and stretched into the shape of the other without changing its essence. The two are considered topologically equivalent as each has a hole — there’s one between the handle and body of the cup, and another hole in the centre of the doughnut. Wick rotation’s circular shape isn’t meant to suggest the universe has a limited size. It’s flat and simply connected (13) - therefore infinite in space and in time (it goes on forever spatially and the unity of space and time makes it eternal). Referring to the right side of Figure 2 (the figure-8 Klein bottle or Mobius Doublet) - Note that the Klein bottle’s two different colours (representing positive and negative curvature) fit together to produce the outline of a doughnut. A doughnut (or strictly, a torus) is technically flat. If continuously deformed like a mass of clay, it has the same topological properties as a flat surface (like a piece of paper). When many figure-8 Klein bottles are grouped together, a procedure analogous to computer art's Sky Replacement will cause binary digits to fill in any gaps or holes in the same way that computers can make a sky that's blue from horizon to horizon. But the Klein doesn’t become multiply connected like the doughnut. Only the doughnut’s outline (with its hole filled in) is adopted and the bottle retains the property of simple connectedness. (Informally, if an object in space consists of one piece [the outline of one filled-in doughnut] - and has no holes passing all the way through it, it is called simply-connected.)
Part 1 -“The complex plane reveals i’s special relationship with cycles via the circle of i, also known as Wick rotation. Whenever a point on the complex plane is multiplied by i, it moves a quarter rotation around the origin or center of the plane.” (14)
Part 2 - At the start of the 20th century, physicist Max Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can only be emitted or absorbed in discrete packets, called quanta. He thought of his discovery as nothing more than a math device … a kind of trickery). Einstein developed his explanation of the photoelectric effect from this “mathematical convenience”. The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons from a metal caused by Planck’s quanta colliding with the conductor. Quanta were renamed photons - a term coined by American chemist Gilbert Lewis - in 1926, and the flow of electrons can form an electric current. So it appears possible that another supposed mathematical trickery (Wick rotation) will find practical application in the future.
Part 3 - The counterclockwise rotation does not have to encompass 360 degrees. It can be divided into single degrees – and even arcseconds which are 3,600 times smaller than a degree. Each arcsecond (or tiny part of it) could correspond to a separate dimension and the total dimensions might make up a temporal multiverse reminiscent of string theory, the cosmological framework that says particles are composed of one-dimensional objects called strings (interestingly, a group of binary digits is called a “single-dimensional bit string”). Since rotation does not have to encompass 360 degrees, it can encompass regions outside the drawn circumference and the universe can be spatially infinite. Suppose a future Theory of Everything - possibly Quantum Gravity - unifies not only quantum mechanics and general relativity but every object and event in spacetime. Then quantum gravity will unite the multiverse of points in the past, present, and future (all the temporal universes) into the one physical universe.
Figure 2. Mobius Band (left) and figure-8 Klein Bottle or Mobius Doublet (right)
(Mobius figure from
Klein fig. from http://plus.maths.org/content/os/issue26/features/mathart/index)
Future spacetime warping - whose initial steps are being investigated by e.g. physicists Harold G. (Sonny) White (15) and Ronald Mallett (16) - would convert Einstein’s curved spacetime into a circular Wick rotation, causing past and present and future to be interconnected and feedback on each other. When general relativity had become a backwater of physics in the early 1950s, John Wheeler was the only one of the world’s leading physicists at the time who envisioned a future in which curved spacetime would be fundamental to the nature of matter and the astrophysical universe. (17) He wondered if time is circular and has loops in which past, present, and future feed back on each other. (18)
An explanation for fine-tuning that uses evolution of the universe from a beginning to later states may not work because it may not provide enough information. The amount of information required might necessitate a looped spacetime and feedback of temporal periods in a static (infinite and eternal) cosmos - and, therefore, intelligent technology. How would the need for additional information and intelligent technology affect evolution in a biological sense? Life could have begun with all the brains of past and future history acquiring increasingly sophisticated knowledge of time and space, then applying that knowledge by using – in addition to computers and electronics - terraforming, time travel to the lifeless past, bioengineering from collected amino acids and other molecules. All living things would then naturally undergo endless adaptations and mutations as the eons passed.
(1) Einstein (1911). "Zum Ehrenfestschen Paradoxon. Eine Bemerkungzu V. Variĉaks Aufsatz". Physikalische Zeitschrift 12: 509–510
(2) “The Weirdest Link”, New Scientist, vol. 181, issue 2440, 32, http://www.biophysica.com/QUANTUM.HTM (2004)
(3) “Quantum Entanglement in Time” by Caslav Brukner, Samuel Taylor, Sancho Cheung, Vlatko Vedral, http://www.arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0402127 (2004)
(4) Wigner, E. P. (1960). "The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences. Richard Courant lecture in mathematical sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 13 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1002/cpa.3160130102
(5) Kaku, Michio. Physics of the Impossible. Penguin Books. (2008)
(6) Rainich, G.Y., "Electrodynamics in the general relativity theory", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 27, 106. (1925)
(7) John G. Cramer, "Advanced Waves Detected", 2022, https://www.npl.washington.edu/av/altvw219.html
(8) “John Wheeler Saw the Tear in Reality” by Amanda Gefter - September 25, 2024 - https://www.quantamagazine.org/john-wheeler-saw-the-tear-in-reality-20240925/#:~:text=In%201960%2C%20Wheeler%20hit%20upon%20an%20unsettling%20fact%3A,fatal%20kink%20in%20reality%20known%20as%20a%20singularity.
(9) Max Tegmark, “Our Mathematical Universe” – Random House/Knopf, January 2014
(10) "Imaging maths - Inside the Klein bottle" by Konrad Polthier, http://plus.maths.org/content/os/issue26/features/mathart/index (2003)
(11) Albert Einstein, “Spielen Gravitationfelder im Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” [Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?], Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, [Math. Phys.], 349-356, Berlin, 1919
(12) Afshordi (2017). Afshordi, N. & Corianò, C. & Delle Rose, L. & Gould, E. & Skenderis, K. From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 041301. https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.04130
(13) "Cosmic Topology" by Jean-Pierre Luminet and Marc Lachi`eze-Rey, Physics Reports 254 [3]: 135–214, www.arXiv:gr-qc/9605010 (1995)
(14) “The Meaning of Imaginary Time: Creativity’s Dialog with Timelessness” by Kerri Welch (public domain figure supplied by WordPress) https://textureoftime.wordpress.com/2015/07/15/the-meaning-of-imaginary-time/ (2015)
(15) Oswald, Ed. "NASA working on faster-than-light space travel, says warp drives are 'plausible'", ExtremeTech. https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/136408-nasa-working-on-faster-than-light-travel-says-warp-drives-are-plausible
(16) Mallett, R. L. (2003). "The gravitational field of a circulating light beam" (PDF). Foundations of Physics. 33 (9): 1307. doi:10.1023/a:1025689110828
(17) Charles Misner, Kip Thorne, and Woyciech Zurek, “John Wheeler, relativity, and quantum information”, Physics Today 62 (4), 40–46,
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3120895 (2009)
(18) Law of Insights, “This Scientist Warns We’re Stuck in a Time Loop”,