• [deleted]

Thanks Anthony!

Of course I thank fqxi for the forum and the time and effort--and even the stated intent--but I gotta call 'em as I see 'em.

I am not "dissatisifed with the process and results" at all. They are what they are--entertaining. It would be like being dissatisfied when a two-headed coin comes up heads.

You write, "In terms of the results, we were pleased to see that some 'non-professionals' did do well in the contest. But it is, I would say, neither surprising nor concerning that the top prizes were taken by known professionals, and even FQXi members. There is a *reason* these people are at the top of their field, and FQXI works hard to identify and invite as members just the same sort of people who are likely to win such contests. "

So the point was to award all the top prizes to insider antitheorists/fqxi members repurposing old research, while also handing out some cash prizes to non-Ph.D.'s, so as to absolve the stacked contest of criticism? Basically you are saying it was a sweep by equationless, postulateless antitheories and non-theories, both establsished/professional and new/non-professional, both exalting and denying time.

All that this accomplishes is the absoulte exile of novel ideas from Ph.D. physicists. So congrats!

Yes--I am now finally beginning to see the wisdom of the anthropic principle which has frozen progress in theoretical physics over the past thirty years.

"We are fqxi members because we are the best and brightest, and thus we deserve the cash in all fqxi contests for repurposing our non-original research pertaining to decades-old antitheories in papers far-extending beyond the allowed number of words. If you were one of us, you would be one of us, but you are not so you cannot be, and thus we will be anonymous while you must put your name on your new ideas, so we can ignore them, as you are not one of us. Because you are not one of us we will not read nor comment on your theories which present simple postulates and novel equations unifying physical phenomena in quantum mechanics and relativity: the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, or dx4/dt=ic--a postualte and euqation which unfreezes time, liberates us from the block universe, underlies relativty and entanglement, and unifies all the dualities with a simple *physical* model."

Of course I thank fqxi for the forum and the time and effort, but I gotta call 'em as I see 'em. As that is what physics has ever been and will ever be all about, long after the age of anitheories is over, and the heroic age again rises in a renaissance in physics and culture.


by Dr. Elliot McGucken


"A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability. -Einstein in a letter to Arnold Sommerfield on January 14th, 1908. CPAE, Vol. 5, Doc. 73:" "When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before, viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled." -Schrödinger

Moving Dimensions Theory's simple postulate, physical model, and equation account for both "relativity's elementary foundations," which Einstein stated we yet needed, and Schrödinger's "characteristic trait" of quantum mechanics--entanglement.

MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic.

MDT, by treating physical reality as *real,* has found the mechanism for time and its arrows that Feynman had been seeking: "Now if the world of nature is made of atoms, and we too are made of atoms and obey physical laws, the most obvious interpretation of this evident distinction between past and future, and this irreversibility of all phenomena, would be that some laws, some of the motion laws of the atoms, are going one way - that the atom laws are not such that they can go either way. There should be somewhere in the works some kind of principle that uxles only make wuxles, and never vice versa, and so the world is turning away from uxley character to wuxley character all the time - and this one-way business of the interactions of things should be the thing that makes the whole phenomena of the world seem to go one way."


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)Attachment #1: 2_ja_wheeler_recommendation_mcgucken_medium2.jpgAttachment #2: 1_MDT_EINSTEINS_RELATIVTY_SCHRODENGERS_CHARACTERISTIC_TRAIT.pdf

  • [deleted]

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito---Do not yield to the bad, but always oppose it with courage." --Virgil

On page 66 of the attached document, please find a list of the fifty or so "foundational questions" MDT both asks and answers.

Long ago, Galileo accounted for the pre-ordained awards papers on string theory, LQG, and timelessnes in describing the character of the groupthink religions which oft replace science and *physical* reality: "In the long run my observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds which, either because of its being their own or because of their having received it from some person who has their entire confidence, impresses them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea ... gain their instant acceptance and applause. On the other hand whatever is brought forward against it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or with hot rage - if indeed it does not make them ill. Beside themselves with passion, some of them would not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their adversaries. I have had some experience of this myself. ... No good can come of dealing with such people, especially to the extent that their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous."--(Galileo Galilei)"

Yes Cristi,

It would be one thing if all the insider FQXI winners were the "next Einsteins" with novel postulates and equations based on logic and *physical* reality, celebrating hitherto unsung features of the universe such as dx4/dt=ic. But none of their papers advance physics. None of the winners' papers contain novel equations nor new postualtes, unlike the MDT paper. Rovelli defends this reappropriation of decades-old research which has lead nowhere with "physics needs wrong directions, wasted time, and wasted money." Yes--but should that be one's goal just because it pays better? For physics also needs simple postualtes and equations such as "The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, or dx4/dt=ic," which provides the bedrock principle that Einstein stated relativity yet needed, as well as a *physical* model for Schrodinger's entanglement, time and all its arrows, and entropy.

"A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability. --Einstein in a letter to Arnold Sommerfield on January 14th, 1908. CPAE, Vol. 5, Doc. 73:"

"When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before, viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled." ⁺Schrödinger Moving Dimensions Theory's simple postulate, physical model, and equation account for both "relativity's elementary foundations," which Einstein stated we yet needed, and Schrödinger's "characteristic trait" of quantum mechanics--entanglement.

MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic.

Now I know that all the fqxi cash empowers the antitheory insiders to surf Hawaii and ski Aspen, but in-between all the jet-setting, somebody, someday, will find a moment to comment on MDT; and if not, that is fine too, as "Yet it moves! dx4/dt=ic." And a new generation will come along whose truth cannot be trumped by cash, tenure, and titles.

Another interesting facet of the competition is that none of the pre-ordained insider fqxi winners ever ventured beyond their own forum to comment, nor discuss, nor share in the common journey, nor "community." The "community" was defined by a snarky caste system, where those who questioned the prevaling untestable religions of multiverses, parallel universes, tiny, vibrating strings, block universes, frozen time, and time's unreality, were placed into the lower caste, where their thoughts, ideas, and papers, postulating novel physical features of the universe fully supporting Einstein's relativity and Schrodenger's entanglement, were deemed "untouchable." For decades String Theorists have been ignoring the bending, warping, curving of dimensions; and as Moving Dimensions Theory embraced this reality, as well as time's reality and entanglement's reality--which neither ST, nor LQG, nor Platonia provide a *physical* model for; it was ignored.

It would be one thing if they were Feynmans or even Schwingers or Glashows. But again, it is not as if the insider fqxiers are Einstein, nor Galileo, nor Bohr, nor Fermi, nor Dirac, nor Pauli--who all made lasting contributions to physics, but rather, they are primarily antitheorists yet following well-worn paths that have lead absolutely nowhere for decades, justifying this with "well, physics needs wrong directions, wasted time, and wasted money. And thus you had better look like us and mimic us and serve us and kneel before our anti-greatness and never, never question it in a public forum--otherwise you will be a crackpot."

And that brings us to John Baez's state-funded crackpot index which is probably what he is most famous for. He seems like a nice "playful" guy here and there, but truth be told, serious physicists such as Einstein, Fermi, Wheeler, Dirac, Pauli, Feynman, Brillouin, Maxwell, Faraday, Galileo, Newton, Thompson, and Bohr never had crackpot indexes. This is because they did not hail from a day and age of massive funding was proudly justified by the aging groupthink antitheory regimes with "physics needs wrong directions, wasted time, and wasted money." Physics back then was not a sociological exercise in which the main point was to keep the funding in the family for untestable non-theories and antitheories, but rather it was an heroic act conducted in the spirit of apprehdning the *physical* truth.

A well-known physicist once said, "A man creates and maintains crackpot indexes in direct proportion to the degree he believes he just might be a crackpot." Ad-hominem attacks and behind-the-scenes politicing better suit their nature; as it is easier to gain funding by setting up groupthink regimes and kneeling before the false anti-physics/untestable gods of the multiverse, the anthropic principle, parallel universes, time travel, and space-time atoms, than it is to earn a living by advancing physics with novel equations which provide for quantum entanglement and entropy; from which all of relativity naturally emerges: dx4/dt=ic.

Contrast Galileo's spirit to the arrogant, dismissive, aloof actions of the insider-fqxi prize recipients:

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." --Galileo Galilei

Of course fqxi hands out tiny, little awards to non-professionals and geometric mystics, but again, this is also performed as a calculated political maneuver so as to serve their greater goals of keeping the funding in the family, while simultaneously keeping serious physics from interfering with their decades-old untestable, postulateless, equationless, antitheory regimes based on tiny, vibrating strings, parallel universe, ever-receding quantum grvaity theories, multiverses, insider snarkiness, and timelessness.

Despite all this, the contest was a success; and again, I thank fqxi for the forum. For despite their best efforts, the stated intent of the contest yet prevailed. The true winners of the contest were all those who actually participated in it, and thus it was all us "crackpots" and "outsiders" who exalted the spirit of physics--it was we who ran away with that higher victory that cannot be counted down in dollars from the mint, but which is gained via honoarable, exalted dialogue and truthful, trusting, conscientious interaction. It was we who won the higehr battle here--it was we who exalted the *heroic* spirit and gave value and meaning to the fqxi contest--not those traditional antitheorists whose pre-ordained victories allowed them to submit thier essays and then go off and surf and ski while ignoring the greater community's contributions and rugged, exalting debates; but it was us--that merry band of brothers who read through the essays, asked questions, commented, and tried their best to elaborate on their ideas and explain their *novel* physical theories in *words*, in the spirit of James Clerk Maxwell, Einstein, Faraday, and Bohr--none of whom exalted in crackpot indexes, snarky, secretive-insider-awards, and antitheory groupthink regimes founded upon indecipherable, meaningless maths.

The true winners were those who walked in with honrable, nobel postualtes and equations reflecting hitherto unsung aspects of the universe; and after diligently explaining and defedning them, walked away with those very same postulates and equations further forged by the dialogue and bolstered by the words of the Greats:

"Mathematicians may flatter themselves that they possess new ideas which mere human language is as yet unable to express. Let them make the effort to express these ideas in appropriate words without the aid of symbols, and if they succeed they will not only lay us laymen under a lasting obligation, but, we venture to say, they will find themselves very much enlightened during the process, and will even be doubtful whether the ideas as expressed in symbols had ever quite found their way out of the equations into their minds." -James Clerk Maxwell

"Books on physics are full of complicated mathematical formulae. But thought and ideas, not formulae, are the beginning of every physical theory." -Einstein/Infeld, The Evolution of Physics

"I don't believe in mathematics." -- Albert Einstein.

"Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater." --Einstein

"Mathematics are well and good but nature keeps dragging us around by the nose."" --Einstein

"Geometry is not true, it is advantageous." --Jules H. Poincare

"Born described the weak point in Einstein's work in those final years: ". . . now he tried to do without any empirical facts, by pure thinking. He believed in the power of reason to guess the laws according to which God built the world." --Einstein's Mistakes, Hans C. Ohanian

Einstein, "But before mankind could be ripe for a science which takes in the whole of reality, a second fundamental truth was needed, which only became common property among philosophers with the advent of Kepler and Galileo. Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts form experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics -- indeed, of modern science altogether. (Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions)"

"Mathematics are well and good but nature keeps dragging us around by the nose." --Albert Einstein

In Disturbing the Universe, Freeman Dyson writes, "Dick [Richard Feynman] fought back against my skepticism, arguing that Einstein had failed because he stopped thinking in concrete physicalimages and became a manipulator of equations. I had to admit that was true. The great discoveries of Einstein's earlier years were all based on direct physical intuition. Einstein's later unified theories failed because they were only sets of equations without physical meaning. Dick's sumover-histories theory was in the spirit of the young Einstein, not of the old Einstein. It was solidly rooted in physical reality." --Freeman Dyson

Smolin writes in TTWP that Bohr was not a Feynman "shut up and calculate" physicist, and from the above Dyson quote, it appears that Feynman wasn't either:

"Mara Beller, a historian who has studied his [Bohr's] work in detail, points out that there was not a single calculation in his research notebooks, which were all verbal argument and pictures." --Smolin's The Trouble With Physics

"I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning."--Plato

Plato's quote is hanging in the Boston Museum of Science, and it seems to agree with Albert

Einstein, Galileo, and Max Born:


"I personally like to regard a probability wave as a real thing, certainly as more than a tool for mathematical calculations. ... how could we rely on probability predictions if we do not refer to something real and objective? (Max Born on Quantum Theory)"

Max Born wrote, "All great discoveries in experimental physics have been made due to the intuition of men who made free use of models which for them were not products of the imagination but representations of real things."

"Gradually the conviction gained recognition that all knowledge about things is exclusively a working-over of the raw material furnished by the senses. ... Galileo and Hume first upheld this principle with full clarity and decisiveness." --(Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions)

To reject *physical* intuition and replace it with the nonsensical block universe MDT does away with seems to go exactly against the spirit by which physics has ever advanced, according to Galileo, Einstein, and other noble physicists. It seems a preposterous conclusion that quantum mechanics, which works so very well, must be thrown out and reformulated for something which MDT shows there is no need for--the block universe.

"In the long run my observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds which, either because of its being their own or because of their having received it from some person who has their entire confidence, impresses

them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea ... gain their instant acceptance and applause. On the other hand whatever is brought forward against it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or with hot rage - if indeed it does not make them ill. Beside themselves with passion, some of them would not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their adversaries. I have had some experience of this myself. ... No good can come of dealing with such people, especially to the extent that their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous."--(Galileo Galilei)

"my dear Kepler, what do you think of the foremost philosophers of this University? In spite of my oft-repeated efforts and invitations, they have refused, with the obstinacy of a glutted adder, to look at the planets or Moon or my telescope." --Galileo Galilei

We must forever keep physical reality in the front and center, along with logic and reason and *physical* intuition--otherwise progress in physics will grind to a halt, as it has for the past thirty years.

"But before mankind could be ripe for a science which takes in the whole of reality, a second fundamental truth was needed, which only became common property among philosophers with the advent of Kepler and Galileo. Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts form experience and ends in it. Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo saw this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics -- indeed, of modern science altogether." --Albert Einstein, Ideas and Opinions

In Dark Matters, Dr. Percy Seymour writes, "Albert Einstein was a great admirer of Newton, Faraday, and Maxwell. In his office he had framed copies of portraits of these scientists. He had this to say about Faraday and Maxwell, in "Maxwell's Influence on the Development of the Concept of Physical Reality": "The greatest change in the axiomatic basis of physics--in other words, of our conception of the structure--since Newton laid the foundation of theoretical physics was brought about by Faraday's and Maxwell's work on electromagenetic phenomena" --p. 33-34, DARK MATTERS

In his book Einstein, Banesh Hoffman tells us: "Meanwhile, however, the English experimenter Michael Farady was making outstanding experimental discoveries in electricity and magnetism.

Being largely self-taught and lacking mathematical facility, he could not interpret his results in the manner of Ampere. And this was fortunate, since it led to a revolution in science. . . Ampere and others had concentrated their attention on the visible hardware--magnets, current-carrying wires, and the like--and on the numbers of centimeters separating the pieces of hardware. In so doing they were following the action-at-a-distance tradition that had developed from the enormous success of the Newtonian system of mechanics and law of gravitation. . .But Faraday regarded the hardware as secondary. For him the important physical events took place in the surrounding space--the filed. This, in his mind, he filled with tentacles that by their pulls and thrusts and motions gave rise to the electromagnetic effects observed. Although he could thus interpret his electromagnetic experiments with excellent precision and surprising simplicity, most physicists adept at mathematics thought his concepts mathematically naive."--BANESH


It is interesting that Einstein introduced relativity as a principle--as a primary law not deduced from anything else.

Well, I guess I was dumb enough to even ask, "why relativity?"

And I found the answer in a more fundamental invariance--the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, or dx4/dt = ic. Change is fundamentally embedded in space-time. And not only can all of relativity be derived from this, but suddenly we have a *physical* model for entropy, time and its arrows and asymmetries in all realms, free will, and quantum nonlocality and entanglement. MDT accounts for the constant speed of light c--both its independence of the source and its independence of the velocity of the observer, while establishing it as the fastest, slowest, and *only* velocity for all entities and objects moving through space-time, as well as the maximum velocity that anything is measured to move. And suddenly we see a *physical* basis for E=mc^2. Energy and mass are the same thing--it's just that energy is mass caught upon the fourth expanding dimension, and thus it surfs along at "c."

On page 37 of "Einstein's Mistakes, The Failings of Human Genius," by Hans Ochanian, we read,

"Einstein acknowledged hid debt to Newton and to Maxwell, but he was not fully aware of the extent of Galileo's fatherhood. In an introduction he wrote for Galileo's celebrated Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, he faults Galileo for failing to produce a general mathematical proof. Galileo regarded relativity as an empirical, observational fact, that is, a law of nature, and Einstein's own formulation of the Principle of Relativity three hundred years later imitated Galileo's in treating this principle as a law of nature and not as a mathematical deduction from anything else."

Well, MDT provides a more fundamental law with an equation: dx4/dt = ic, from which relativity is derived in my paper. And an added benefit are all the other entities dx4/dt=ic accounts for with a *physical* model, from entropy, to qm's entanglement and nonlocality, to time and all its arrows.

MDT accomplishes several things right off the bat:

1) unfreezes time & liberates us from the block universe, shwoing that we have free will

2) weaves change into the fundamental fabric of spacetime

3) derives relativity from a more fundamental universal invariant: dx4/dt=ic

4) provides a *physical* model for entropy

5) provides a *physical model for quantum entanglement

6) provides a *physical* mechanism for nonlocality--the fourth expanding dimension distributes nonlocality

7) provides a physical model unifying the dualities--space/time, energy/mass, wave/particle, E/B

8) provides a *physical* model for the invariance of c--both its independence of the source and its independence of the observer

9) provides a *physical* model for the spherically- symmetric expanding wavefront of probability that defines a photon's path

10) offers a resolution for both the EPR Paradox and Godel's problems with the block universe relativity implied

11) offers a physical model for why nothing can move faster than c.

12) offers an intuitive model for the length-contraction can accompanies all motion

13) accounts for both the agelessness (from relativity) and the nonlocality (from quantum mechanics) of the photon

14) accounts for the gravitational slowing of time and light, as well as the gravitational redshift

15) provides a unique physical model underlying wide ranging phenomena in quantum mechanics, relativity, statistical mechanics.

Surely MDT offers a brand new way and a new day! And when you factor in how little MDT has cost so far, compared to the hundreds of millions of dollars which have gone into quantum gravity/string theory religions/regimes and the creation of crackpot indexes to suppress the bold, new ideas by the corporate-state Matrix, surely MDT is worth pursuing!

Moving Dimensions Theory--which regards time as an emergent phenomena--was inspired in part by Einstein's words pertaining to the higher purpose of physical theories--words which ought be nailed above the door of every physics department, so as to liberate us from frozen time and frozen physics: "Before I enter upon a critique of mechanics as a foundation of physics, something of a broadly general nature will first have to be said concerning the points of view according to which it is possible to criticize physical theories at all. The first point of view is obvious: The theory must not contradict empirical facts. . . The second point of view is not concerned with the relation to the material of observation but with the premises of the theory itself, with what may briefly but vaguely be characterized as the "naturalness" or "logical simplicity" of the premises (of the basic concepts and of the relations between these which are taken as a basis). This point of view, an exact formulation of which meets with great difficulties, has played an important role in the selection and evaluation of theories since time immemorial."

And so we march. For honor, for glory, for truth.

For physics we march.

All the best!

Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

"E pur si muove!" "And yet it does move! dx4/dt=ic!"

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito---Do not yield to the bad, but always oppose it with courage." --Virgil (Ludwig von Mises' favorite quote)Attachment #1: 1_j.a._wheeler_recommendation_mcgucken_medium2.jpg

  • [deleted]

Hello Cristi,

You write, "Is it much $100,000K + for Lisi? Compared to the investments in ST and even LQG, I would say: "give the man the cash, and give him 4-5 good students (and good surfers) willing to explore this direction". I mean, we can believe that string theory and quantum gravity are closer to the unification, so they receive much more founding and researchers, but we are still far from this unification, so we cannot say for sure which one is true."

The above statement reflects the vast success that the corporate-state physics Matrix has had in redefining physics--both as that which is a groupthink effort, and as that which never advances and always requires more funding, decade after decade after decade. Neither String Theory nor LQG are "close" to any form of unification, as neither is defined by by the unifying, maverick individual.

Think about it. How many grad students did Feynman need to reformulate quantum mechanics? How many grad students and postdocs did Einstein need when he wrote his five papers which revolutionized physics in 1905? How many students did Bohr, Newton, Galileo, Bruno, and Copernicus need? How many students did Darwin have working for him? How many grad students did Boltzman have working for him? How many grad students did Maxwell and Farady have?

And when you think about it, string theorists/LQGers/Lisi require even less equipment than Maxwell and Farady had, as the former never deal with reality, but more generally in multiverses, parallel universes, spaceitme atoms, time travel, "geometric mysticism," and postulateless, equationless propositions which ultimately make no predictions and thus which will never be tested and will always be funded. Because MDT predicts all of relativity and because it can be tested, it is shunned, because individuals must never contribute to physics without permission from the antitheory elders who rose to prominence not by advancing physics, but by recreating physics in their own image--a political and sociological exercise. I mean I can see the need to hire PR specialists and apologists for contests that hand out the prizes to pre-ordained antitheory insiders, but then again, does this really advance physics or bestow upon us new ideas, postulates, and equations? Do not such machines do the very opposite, exiling new ideas, postulates, and equations?

Moving Dimensions Theory's simple postulate, physical model, and equation account for both "relativity's elementary foundations," which Einstein stated we yet needed, and Schrödinger's "characteristic trait" of quantum mechanics--entanglement.

MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic

Again and again, science comes from the indvidual--not the well-funded groupthink cartel from which derives groupthink, false PR/marching orders, and state-funded snark! Do not take my word for this:

"New scientific ideas never spring from a communal body, however organized, but rather from the head of an individually inspired researcher who struggles with his problems in lonely thought and unites all his thought on one single point which is his whole world for the moment." --Max Planck

And again we see the primacy of the honest individual in the classic, epic hero's journey!

"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man." --Joseph Campbell


And the Nobel Laureate eocnomist F.A. Hayek agrees!

"The tragedy of collectivist thought is that, while it starts out to make reason supreme, it ends by destroying reason because it misconceives the process on which the growth of reason depends. It may indeed be said that it is the paradox of all collectivist doctrine and its demands for "conscious" control or "conscious" planning that they necessarily lead to the demand that the mind of some individual should rule supreme--while only the individualist approach to social phenomena makes us recognize the superindividual forces which guide the growth of reason. Individualism is thus an attitude of humility before this social process and of tolerance to other opinions and is the exact opposite of that intellectual hubris which is at the root of the demand for comprehensive direction of social purpose." -F.A. Hayek, The End of Truth, The Road to Serfdom

Read that aagain, Cristi: "Individualism is thus an attitude of humility before this social process and of tolerance to other opinions and is the exact opposite of that intellectual hubris which is at the root of the demand for comprehensive direction of social purpose."

It is a humility and understanding that science does not come from over-the-top-funded groupthink regimes which have frozen physics for the past thirty years and hired a plethora of grad-students/postdocs/professors to enforce the order, but rather science comes from indivduals who must stand upon the shoulders of giants, not deconstruct them.

Thus, Critsi, every single equation in physics has an individual's name associated with it.

Because LQG and String Theory are groupthink projects, they thus have no equations nor even postualtes. Because Lisi's paper mimics this approach of exalting indecipherable and ultimately meaningless math via handwaving, press releases, and empty promises of testability, he was brought on board. Indeed he has received almost nothing compared to the hundreds of millions invested in the former dead-end antitheories, but this is no reason to suppose that he will unify anything with even millions of dollars.

If one is looking for unification, one must turn to the individual physicist who rides into town at high noon with his simple postulate and equation with far-reaching consequences--an equation and *physical* premise which provides the foundations for relativity that Einstein sought, as well as for Schrodenger's characteristic trait.


"A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability. -Einstein in a letter to Arnold Sommerfield on January 14th, 1908. CPAE, Vol. 5, Doc. 73:"

"When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before, viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled." --Schrödinger

Moving Dimensions Theory's simple postulate, physical model, and equation account for both "relativity's elementary foundations," which Einstein stated we yet needed, and Schrödinger's "characteristic trait" of quantum mechanics--entanglement.

MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic.

I would argue, Cristi, that an element more important than funding to hire students, cash to hire PR teams, and prizes to hire postdocs is the heroic, honorable, individualistic spirit that we need to bring on back--"If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Physics has ever been driven and advanced by physicists contemplating *physical* reality and presenting *physical* models, in the rugged pursuit of fundamental *physical* principles such as dx4/dt=ic.

"My interest in science was always essentially limited to the study of principles.... That I have published so little is due to this same circumstance, as the great need to grasp principles has caused me to spend most of my time on fruitless pursuits." --Einstein


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]

Thanks for all that Michael Sherbon,

Soon this post will be placed under review/edited/censored by anonymous FQXI judges and then it will be deleted by anonymous FQXI members. So enjoy it while you can. And yes, I am saving all these for the book; for while FQXI gets the millions of dollars to bolster antitheory bureaucracies, we get the Truth and new Physics. 'Tis a fair deal, so go ahead and make my day. Pull that delete trigger all you want, but it won't stop the fourth dimension from expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions: dx4/dt=ic. :)

We have triumphed in this FQXI conest, for which is worth more--a few thousand dollars and empty insider rewards/trophies which can only tarnish Carroll's/Anthony's/Barbour's/Rovelli's names when placed on the mantlepiece beside their decades-old, reappropriated, postulateless, equationless antitheories, or new theories with postulates and equations from which all of relativity, time, entropy, and entanglement may be derived? I maintain that novel physical theories are worth more to physics than cash prizes in stacked competitions: dx4/dt=ic: the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimesnions at c.

Since this FQXI contest has been judged to be corrupt by many, and since many more would likely agree (even in parallel universes), I would thus propose that all future winners of FQXI essay contests also be afforded anonimity, in addition to the judges, so that they too can have/keep the money without being tarnished by their association with an insider-antitheorist-stacked contest.

Is this not the chief reason the judges wish to retain anonimity? Let the victors share in the secrecy too!

Checkmate I say to Anthony!! How come he never participated in the community, but to belittle and scold all the non-FQXI outsiders? How come he never asked, nor answered any *physical* questions? What's he going to do to defend FQXI's corruption? Personalize it and cut down all the contestants who really, truly defined the contest via *physical* exertion? Anthony could have met us on the abstract playing field of physical insights, math, and ideas, but he prefers to operate on more personal/political/PR levels where he doesn't have to think about physics, writing, "Dr. E, I'm sorry you are so dissatisfied with the process and results. In terms of not disclosing the referees or their deliberations, I really do understand your (and many other entrants') desire to get feedback from the jury. I would feel the same way. But FQXi does not have the capability to field these requests, nor deal with the inevitable slew of complaints etc. that would ensue if we simply published comments of the referees. We had hoped that feedback from the community would serve a similar purpose, and I am sorry that this did not suffice for you." Anthony--there was *no* feedback from any FQXI members of the "community"--there was no participation from all the people who walked away with all the pre-ordained big money awards beyond their own forums.

Note how Anthony takes all of FQXI's antitheory corruption and snarky insiderism and lack of participation in the community of their own contest, and instead of admitting to and apologizing for the glaring insider antitheory corruption which opposes the higher spirit of physics and MDT's novel *physical* postulate and equation, he tries to chalk it up to our mere "dissatisfaction," as it is *our* falt we do not get satisfaction from insider corruption, with, "Dr. E, I'm sorry you are so dissatisfied with the process and results." What--did he get his Ph.D. from customer-service-training at Circuit City? And then he goes on to say that the referees don't want to deal with "the inevitable slew of complaints etc. that would ensue if we simply published comments of the referees." That's insulting to everyone who participated--a slap in the face for sure--stating that the antitheory judges don't want to deal with all the whining and complaining and crying that all the non-FQXI "losers" will be sure to direct at them, and thus they will have to remain anonymous while giving all the big money prizes to the pre-ordained, decades-old, postulateless, progressless, equationless anitheories of their good friends and fqxi associates (who both support and deny time).

The funny thing is how transparent all this is.

Throughout the contest, I posted several hundred posts with MDT's meaningful postulates and equations from which all of relativity may be derived and from which time, entropy, and entanglement all naturally emerge. So Anthony, perhaps finally now you can get on the right path, man up, and talk physics instead of providing condescending PR for a corrupt competition. What do you think of MDT? I would be happy to direct you to my paper if you do not yet know where it is.

Time and again I backed up my paper and novel, unheralded theory with solid logic and reason. Time and again I showed how MDT provides both the foundational physical reality underlying both quantum mechanics and relativity which Einstein sought, and never, never did Anthony, nor any of the anti-theory FQXI insiders/pre-ordained victors, ever comment on one word of anything I wrote. I provided scores of quotes, equations, and reasoning from the Greats--from the very giants of physics and philosophy supporting my theory, approach, and general philosophy of science; and never once did Anthony et al. ever respond in any way, shape, manner, or form. Never once did they use any logic nor reason in asking a question nor rebutting any one of my *physical* claims. Instead, they all just used the pre-ordained FQXI money to surf and ski while we did all the work.

Was my paper even read? Were there even judges? Were the judges FQXI members such as Carroll/Rovelli/et al.?

FQXI received millions to supposedly correct the perceived problems of the snarky dominance of groupthink regimes which have halted progress in physics, and to open up the field of physics to those who most naturally advance it--fiercely independent, rugged researchers.

Insetad they are succeeding in demononstarting that they are the problem.

There is a vast, obvious, and entertaining condencension in Anthony's words which he is likely not even aware of; as if he were, would he truly speak that way? One must wonder how much he is getting paid to not only apologize for a fundamentally corrupt competition and institution, but to also try and belittle others. I imagine it is several hundred grand, but even then, surely no amount of money can be worth such behavior.

All the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue. --Plato

Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another. --Plato

Truth at last cannot be hidden. Dissimulation is of no avail. Dissimulation is to no purpose before so great a judge. Falsehood puts on a mask. Nothing is hidden under the sun. --da Vinci

To lie is so vile, that even if it were in speaking well of godly things it would take off something from God's grace; and Truth is so excellent, that if it praises but small things they become noble. --da Vinci

Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness; and this truth is in itself so excellent that, even when it dwells on humble and lowly matters, it is still infinitely above uncertainty and lies, disguised in high and lofty discourses; because in our minds, even if lying should be their fifth element, this does not prevent that the truth of things is the chief nutriment of superior intellects, though not of wandering wits. But you who live in dreams are better pleased by the sophistical reasons and frauds of wits in great and uncertain things, than by those reasons which are certain and natural and not so far above us. --da Vinci

Yes--I will have to stand by enternity's equations:

On Ludwig Boltzmann's tombstone is s=klogw

Of Max Born's is xp-px = ih

I will be happy that FQXI is not on mine, but instead dx4/dt=ic.

Avoid studies of which the result dies with the worker. --da Vinci

"Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity." Albert Einstein


"Eppur si muove! And yet it moves!"

"In his 1912 Manuscript on Relativity, Einstein never stated that time is the fourth dimension, but rather he wrote x4 = ict. The fourth dimension is not time, but ict. Despite this, prominent physicists have oft equated time and the fourth dimension, leading to un-resolvable paradoxes and confusion regarding time's physical nature, as physicists mistakenly projected properties of the three spatial dimensions onto a time dimension, resulting in curious concepts including frozen time and block universes in which the past and future are omni-present, thusly denying free will, while implying the possibility of time travel into the past, which visitors from the future have yet to verify. Beginning with the postulate that time is an emergent phenomenon resulting from a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, diverse phenomena from relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics are accounted for. Time dilation, the equivalence of mass and energy, nonlocality, wave-particle duality, and entropy are shown to arise from a common, deeper physical reality expressed with dx4/dt=ic. This postulate and equation, from which Einstein's relativity is derived, presents a fundamental model accounting for the emergence of time, the constant velocity of light, the fact that the maximum velocity is c, and the fact that c is independent of the velocity of the source, as photons are but matter surfing a fourth expanding dimension. In general relativity, Einstein showed that the dimensions themselves could bend, curve, and move. The present theory extends this principle, postulating that the fourth dimension is moving independently of the three spatial dimensions, distributing locality and fathering time. This physical model underlies and accounts for time in quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical mechanics, as well as entropy, the universe's expansion, and time's arrows"


  • [deleted]

Thanks Julian!

A great thing about MDT is that it shows that both Einstein's relativity and quantum entanglement derive from a common, deeper source; thusly solving the dilemma posed in the current Scientific American (Feb. 2009) cover story:


Please see the attached paper which shows how MDT's simple euqation accounts for both the photon's nonlocality in relativity (agelessness) and nonlocality in quantum mechanics (entanglement). Right now I am offering all this to FQXI for free, in the spirit of science, but someday I may start charging for the definitive, groundbreaking content. I utilize attachments to keep these posts short--"pre-collapsed" if you will.

Yes--I added that Einstein quote--"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," as it seems to describe the machinations of the multiverse mafia/landscapers/string theorists who have been exalting snarky, indecipherable math/antiphysics for forty years now, and building baseless antitheory regimes, while theoretical physics remains frozen in a block universe held together alternatively by tiny, vibrating strings and little loops; for which there is no proof.

Yes--sorry FQXI deleted that--I believe that FQXI is deleting my posts and placing them in that "giant void" they fund. When real theories and antitheorists collide, the real theories are annihilated while the antitheorists are funded. It is a most interesting phenomenon which has more to do with the nature of groupthink than group theory. Orginal equations and postulates come from individuals, and thus they are what the group most opposes, while uniting in their various forms of handwaving, and defending one-another'a antitheories, which both reject and accept time, via anonymous machinations.

A great thing about MDT is that it immediately springs us into a brand new day with its simple postualte and equation: the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic.

"Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it - in a decade, a century, or a millennium - we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise? How could we have been so stupid?" --John A. Wheeler

Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. --Albert Einstein

Now I know Anthony's trigger finger is itchin' to pull that deletion trigger upon seeing the maverick, new, bulletproof equation which none can now deny, as dx4/dt=ic serves to remind him that the multiverse-quantum-gravity-antitheories lack both fundamental equations and postualtes presenting hitherto unsung physical models of our deeper reality. But then, that is the problem with FQXI. For they give $130,00+ to Garret Lisi for a theory, rooted in "geometric mysticism"--which has been demonstrated to be going nowhere by serious Ph.D.'s across the entire internet, and then they simultaneously (in their inertial frame) set about deleting posts critical of this absurdity, as well as of their stacked insider contests where their very own members participate the least in their "community" and then make off with the greatest cash prizes for papers lacking novel research, postulates, and equations; while also exceding the word count. While exiling simple postulates and equations underlying all of relativity and quantum entanglement, they send tens of thousands towards postmodern research which mentions "ontology," "multiverse," "landscape," and "giant void," but which does not seem to contain any equations nor postulates, let alone novel ones:

"We believe our universe started with high energy inflation. We also know it is inflating again at present. Both events seem extremely unlikely with our current understanding of physics. This disturbing fundamental issue seem to guide us to a picture where the missing piece in the puzzle is an extension of our theories to the multiverse framework and where the dynamics of gravity plays a crucial role. Three important theories predict a multiverse. Yet only one can correspond to physical reality. We thus need a better understanding of the ontology of the multiverse; its background space-time; and, potential observational imprints. We proposed to study the selection of the initial conditions by taking the multiverse to be the landscape of (3+1) dimensional worlds predicted by string theory. In this picture matter content in each initial patch tries to crunch the domain to a point while the energy of the vacuum (inflaton energy) tries to blow it apart. Thus the only way for our universe to grow large and to survive the pull of matter is by starting at high energies. One of our predictions here, the existence of a giant void was confirmed by observations only 7 months later." --http://fqxi.org/large-grants/awardee/details/2008/mersini-houghton

The above research lead to the following exchange on Peter Woit's blog: --http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=762

Physics Professor says:

August 7, 2008 at 2:02 pm

Does anyone know what the "giant void" is that is mentioned here?


"One of our predictions here, the existence of a giant void was confirmed by observations only 7 months later. "

Where was this giant void observed? When was it predicted?

Peter Woit says:

August 7, 2008 at 2:15 pm

Physics Professor,

That claim was covered in an edition here of "This Week's Hype"


Physics Professor says:

August 7, 2008 at 3:57 pm

Thanks Peter,

Now it all makes sense.

The giant void and multiverses were created to contain the FQXI funding and protect physicists from it.


Peter Woit writes, "The cover story of this week's issue is The void: imprint of another universe?, which features claims by Laura Mersini-Houghton about a feature observed in the WMAP data that vindicates string theory. According to her:

It is the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own.


I think our evidence points to string theory being on the right track.

" --http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=621

While FQXI sends tens of thousands of dollars towards claims stating, "It is the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own," they are simultaneoulsy developing advanced, patent-pending "collapse" technology to collapse all comments criticizing these glaring absurdities and the snarky-insider-groupthink corruption exemplified by their most recent contest where pre-existing FQXI members won the big prizes for decades-old antitheories, while the judges (their friends) remained anonymous.


Dr. E (The Real Mccoy)

P.S. In the attached paper (which I attch to keep this post short/pre-collapsed/etc.), please see how the latest cover story in Scientfic American is resolved via MDT!!!

Was Einstein Wrong?: A Quantum Threat to Special Relativity. Entanglement, like many quantum effects, violates some of our deepest intuitions about the world. It may also undermine Einstein's special theory of relativity. By David Z Albert and Rivka Galchen


Both entanglement and relativity walk hand-in-hand in MDT, just as they do in our physical reality. See the attached paper.


  • [deleted]

Hello Lawrence,

You write, "I couldn't help but concur with the dx4/ct = ic comment Aguirre made. All this tells us is that everthing is moving at the speed of light! Even while sitting down we are all moving along the 4th coordinate direction at the speed of light, times i = sqrt{-1}. Something I remember from undergraduate study."

Nowhere in any physics text does it state that dx4/dt=ic, and yet you say you remember it from undergraduate study!

My theory is now simultaneously both utterly rejected by the FQXI experts and common knowledge in undergraduate physics programs!!

I guess FQXI can use this as proof of parallel universes. Finally MDT will be embraced by the anonymous FQXI judges in a new paper entitled "dx4/dt=ic: The Ontological Proof of Parallel Universes in The Landscape: MDT is Both Common Undergad Knowledge and Crackpottery in The Multiverse."

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." --Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

Moving Dimensions Theory's simple postulate, physical model, and equation account for both "relativity's elementary foundations," which Einstein stated we yet needed, and Schrödinger's "characteristic trait" of quantum mechanics--entanglement.

MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic.

So which undergrad institution teaches this? Perhaps someone hopped on one of Kaku's/Davies' time machines and traveled on back in this frozen, block universe to that physics department to tell them about MDT!


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

P.S. Lawrence--please read up about MDT so I don't have to repeat myslef:

MDT accomplishes several things right off the bat:

1) unfreezes time & liberates us from the block universe, shwoing that we have free will

2) weaves change into the fundamental fabric of spacetime

3) derives relativity from a more fundamental universal invariant: dx4/dt=ic

4) provides a *physical* model for entropy

5) provides a *physical model for quantum entanglement

6) provides a *physical* mechanism for nonlocality--the fourth expanding dimension distributes nonlocality

7) provides a physical model unifying the dualities--space/time, energy/mass, wave/particle, E/B

8) provides a *physical* model for the invariance of c--both its independence of the source and its independence of the observer

9) provides a *physical* model for the spherically- symmetric expanding wavefront of probability that defines a photon's path

10) offers a resolution for both the EPR Paradox and Godel's problems with the block universe relativity implied

11) offers a physical model for why nothing can move faster than c.

12) offers an intuitive model for the length-contraction can accompanies all motion

13) accounts for both the agelessness (from relativity) and the nonlocality (from quantum mechanics) of the photon

14) accounts for the gravitational slowing of time and light, as well as the gravitational redshift

15) provides a unique physical model underlying wide ranging phenomena in quantum mechanics, relativity, statistical mechanics.

Surely MDT offers a brand new way and a new day! And when you factor in how little MDT has cost so far, compared to the hundreds of millions of dollars which have gone into quantum gravity/string theory religions/regimes and the creation of crackpot indexes to suppress the bold, new ideas by the corporate-state Matrix, surely MDT is worth pursuing!

  • [deleted]

Yes Lawrence,

There is but one velocity for all entities through space-time, and that is c.

MDT takes us one step deeper and tell us *why* this is, providing a novel postulate of a fourth expanding dimension and simple equation reflecting this hitherto unsung universal invarinat: dx4/dt=ic. The very same postulate and simple equation provide a *physical* model for quantum nonlocality and entanglement, entropy, and time and all its arrows and assymetries, offering a physical unification of hitherto disparate arenas. The silence from the snarky antitheorists, who receive tens of thousands for fake "proofs"--for the fallacious "unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own"--is quite deafening. It's almost starting toi get on my nerves.

It speaks volumes that Anthony would rather accept imprints of other universes as real, while snarking MDT's simple beauty which embraces the reality of both quantum mehcnaics and relativity, and which comes with proofs:

Allow me to define "proof" in a more exalting manner.

Simple proofs of MDT:


Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension.

Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c.

Ergo, the fourth dimension must be expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, in a spherically-symmetric manner.

The expansion of the fourth dimension is the source of nonlocality, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made without change.

For the first time in the history of relativity, change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.


Einstein and Minkowski wrote x4=ict

Ergo dx4/dt=ic.


The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial dimensions.

As Brian Greene points out in the Appendix to Chapter 2 of The Elegant Universe, we note that from the space-time position 4-vector x=(ct,x1,x2,x3), we can create the velocity 4-vector u=dx/d(tau), where tau is the proper time defined by d(tau)^2=dt^2-c^-2(dx1^2+dx2^2+dx3^2). Then the "speed through space-time" is the magnitude of the 4-vector u, ((c^2dt^2-dx^2)/(dt^2-c^-2dx^2))^(1/2), which is identically the speed of light c. Now, we can rearrange the equation c^2(dt/d(tau))^2-(dx/d(tau))^2=c^2 to be c^2(d(tau)/dt))^2+(dx/d(tau))^2=c^2. This shows that an increase of an object's speed through space, (dx/d(tau))^2)^(1/2)= dx/d(tau) must be accompanied by a decrease in d(tau)/dt which is the object's speed through time, which also may be considered the rate at which time elapses on it's own clock d(tau) or the proper time, as compared with that on our stationary clock dt.

Ergo the faster an object moves through space, the slower it moves through time; but all objects always move at c through the four dimensions; and light has all of its movement through space, and thus is can have none of it through the fourth dimension.

In An Elegant Universe, Brian Greene almost characterizes Moving Dimensions Theory's deeper reality:

"Einstein found that precisely this idea--the sharing of motion between different dimensions--underlies all of the remarkable physics of special relativity, so long as we realize that not only can spatial dimensions share an object's motion, but the time dimension can share this motion as well. In fact, in the majority of circumstances, most of an object's motion is through time, not space. Let's see what this means." Space, Time, and the Eye of the Beholder, An Elegant Universe, Brian Greene, p. 49

Right here Brian almost grasps MDT. But time is not a dimension. Time is an emergent phenomenon that arises because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c. Let's rewrite Brian's paragraph with MDT's insights:

"Einstein found that precisely this idea--the sharing of motion between different dimensions--underlies all of the remarkable physics of special relativity, so long as we realize that not only can the three spatial dimensions share an object's motion, but the fourth dimension, which is moving relative to the three spatial dimensions, can share this motion as well. In fact, in the majority of circumstances, most of an object's motion is through the fourth dimension, not the three spatial dimensions. Let's see what this means." Space, Time, and the Eye of the Beholder, An Elegant Universe, Brian Greene, p. 49

Most objects are traveling far less than c through the three spatial dimensions. Thus most objects are traveling close to the rate of c through the fourth dimension. To be stationary in the three spatial dimensions implies a velocity of c through the fourth dimension. Ergo the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. To be stationary in the fourth expandning dimension, as is the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon, implies a velocity of c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

dx(4)/dt = ic

Brian Greene continues:

"Motion through space is a concept we learn about early in life. Although we often don't think of things in such terms, we also learn that we, our friends, our belongings, and so forth all move through time, as well. When we look at a clock or a wristwatch, even while we idly sit and watch TV, the reading on the watch is constantly changing, constantly "moving forward in time." We and everything around us are aging, inevitably passing from one moment of time to the next. In fact, the mathematician Hermann Minkowski, and ultimately Einstein as well, advocated thinking about time as another dimension of the universe--the fourth dimension--in some ways quite similar to the three spatial dimensions in which we find ourselves immersed." Space, Time, and the Eye of the Beholder, An Elegant Universe, Brian Greene, p. 49

What Greene misses is that the time measured on your watch--the ticking seconds--is not the fourth dimension, but it is a phenomenon that emerges because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. The time measured on a clock or watch relies on the emission and propagation of photons, be it in the context of an unwinding clock spring or an oscillating quartz crystal, or even the beating of a heart. And photons are matter that surf the fourth expanding dimension. As time is so inextricably wed to the emission and propagation of photons, and as photons are matter caught in the fourth expanding dimension, our notion of "time" inherits properties of the fourth expanding dimension. But the fact is that time emerges from a deeper physical reality--a fourth dimension that is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Brian Green continues on, heading off in the wrong direction that just misses the central postulate of MDT:

"Although it sounds abstract, the notion of time as a dimension is actually concrete."

But it is not. Can you move to where your watch reads three seconds back in time? Or can you move to where your watch reads an hour back in time? We can walk left or right. We can climb up or down. We can move forwards or backwards. But we can't move through time like we can through the three spatial dimensions. This is because time, as measured on our watch, is not the fourth dimension, but it is a construct we have devised which is based on the fundamental fact that the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, governing the emission and propagation of photons, by which time is known and measured on our watches.

Brian Green continues on,

"When we want to meet someone, we tell them where "in space" we will expect to see them--for instance, the 9th floor of the building on the corner of 53rd Street and 7th avenue. There are three pieces of information here (9th floor, 53rd Street, 7th avenue) reflecting a particular location in the three spatial dimensions of the universe. Equally important, however, is our expectation of when we expect to meet them--for instance, at 3 PM. This piece of information tells us where "in time" our meeting will take place. Events are therefore specified by four pieces of information: three in space and one in time. Such data, it is said, specifies the location of the event in space and in time, or in spacetime, for short. In this sense, time is another dimension."

But again, time is different from the three spatial dimensions. Time is inextricably wed to our sense of the past--the order stored in our memory, long with our ability to imagine and dream of future events. The present is where we put our dreams into action. However, the time defined by past, present, and future is not a dimension akin to the three spatial dimensions, but rather it is a phenomenon that emerges because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

MDT agrees 100% with all of relativity. In fact, relativity is derived from MDT in my paper, as MDT provides the fundamental *physical* reality which Einstein yet sought, while also providing a *physical* model for entanglement--the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics.


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

Here are collected just some small fraction of Elliot McGucken's writings, providing a forum for their discussion to interested readers.

  • [deleted]

Dr. E, I was about to post something like this on the forum:

Yessireee, by all means let's make some improvements so Dr. E can be "easily ignored"! Another example of the behavior demonstrated by the "Expert judges".

No wait... heck, we'll just delete his posts now... much easier.

Some deleted quotes from Dr. E, to be repeated:

"Do you think it is in Templeton's interest to associate their brand with inherently corrupt contests and systems which not only hand all the big prizes to their own members for reapporpriated decades-old failed research (the contest said that the research was supposed to be novel), but which also actively castigates and belittles independent Ph.D. physicists, while completely ignoring their novel physical theories and exiling the heroic spirit of Einstein, Maxwell, Faraday, Bohr, and Planck?"

Waiting for some of those deleted posts to reappear...

Lawrence may have missed the critique of Dr. Barbour.

  • [deleted]

Welcome to our new forum!

And thanks to FQXI/Anthony for this honor!

To celebrate our liberation from the block universe and our newfound free will, everyone is invited to our First Annual "Einstein E Pur Si Muove dx4/dt=ic St. Patrick's Day Dance Party" tomorrow!

Einstein: "We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams."

March 17th, St. Patyrick's Day @ http://www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/432

There will be no cover chrge for those who answer the following question correctly:

"Which novel theory--(which proposes a novel postulate and equation reflecting a hitherto unsung primary universal invariant)--provides both the elementary foundations of relativity that Einstein sought and a physical model for Schrodenger's characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, while also answering the following foundational questions?

0. Why time? Why time's arrows and asymmetries?

0.1 Why relativity? Why the principle of relativity? What deeper physical reality underlies relativity?

0.2 Why entanglement and nonlocality?

1. Why is light's velocity a constant c? Why relativity's postulates?

2. Why is light's velocity c independent of its source?

3. Why is it that nothing can travel faster than c?

4. Why does a photon, which travels at c, not age?

5. Why does a photon's spherically-symmetric probablistic wavefront define simultaneity--a locality in the fourth dimension?

6. Why are energy and mass equivalent? Why E=mc^2?

7. Why do all of time's arrows point in the same direction--towards dissipation, decoherence, and entropy?

8. Why do so many physicists say time is the fourth dimension, when Einstein never said x4 is time, but instead said x4 = ict?

9. Why can matter can appear as energy or mass?

10. Why is it that when matter appears as pure energy, it propagates at c through space?

11. Why does all matter have particle--local--and wave--nonlocal--properties?

12. Why does all energy have particle--local--and wave--nonlocal--properties?

13. Why is it that when matter appears as stationary mass it propagates at c through the fourth dimension?

14. Why is it that when matter appears as energy, it propagates at c through the three spatial dimensions?

15. Why is it that to move at c through space is to stand still in the fourth dimension?

16. Why is it that to move at c through the fourth dimension is to stand still in space?

17. Why is it that all objects move at but one speed through space-time--c?

18. Why is the universe expanding?

19. Why does radiation expand outwards, but not inwards?

20. Why do we see retarded waves, but not advanced?

21. Why is it that entropy imitates the general motion of all radiation and the universe's expansion--a spherically-symmetric expanding wave?

22. Why is it that Huygens' Principle, which underlies all reality ranging from QED to Feynman's many-paths, to classical physics, state that every point of a spherically-expanding wavefront is in turn a spherically-expanding wavefront?

23. Why are all photons described by a spherically-expanding wavefront propagating at c?

24. Why is it that two initially-interacting photons remain entangled, no matter how far they travel apart?

25. Why is it that two initially-interacting photons remain the exact same age, no matter how far they travel apart?

26. Why is it that Young's double-slit experiments show that both mass and energy have nonlocal wave properties?

27. Why is it that the collapse of the wave function is immediate in the photoelectric effect, and all other experiments?

28. Why is there no way for an object to gain velocity without being reduced in length via relativistic length contraction?

29. Why does a photon trace out a null vector through space-time? How can movement across the universe describe a path of zero length?

30. Why does time's arrow point in a definitive direction?

21. Why does entropy increase?

32. Why do moving clocks run slow?

33. Why is time travel into the past impossible?

34. Why does free will exist?

35. Why is it that time is not frozen---how come the block universe does not exist? Why do we have free will?

36. Why does a photon's probabilistic wavefront travel at c?

37. Why is the velocity of quantum entanglement c? Why is it that only initially interacting particles can yet be entangled? Why is it that they must first share a common locality or origin, in order to share an entangled nonlocality when they are separated?

38. Why is it that in Schrodenger's equation, the first derivative with respect to the fourth dimension is proportional to the second derivative with the respect to the three spatial dimensions? Any change in position in the fourth expanding dimension is an acceleration in the three spatial dimensions.

39. Why is it that a photon emitted from the sun is red-shifted as it travels away? It's wavelength appears longer as it is measured against space that is less-stretched. A photon inherits the local geometry of the space-time where it was emitted.

40. Why do clocks in gravitational fields run slow?

41. Why are photons red-shifted as they move away from massive objects, and blue-shifted as they move towards them?

42. Why the conservation laws? Why does an object maintain its rotation in space-time, unless acted upon by an exterior force?

43. Why is the velocity of every object through space-time c?

44. Why is it that the only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions?

45. Why is it that the only way to remain stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c relative to the fourth dimension?

46. Why does a photon have zero rest mass, and how does zero rest mass imply the velocity of light? None of the object's matter exists in the three spatial dimensions, but only in the fourth expanding dimension.

47. Why time's arrows?

48. Why time's asymmetries?

49. Why entropy?

50. Why is there an i in x4=ict?

51. Why is the velocity of light both independent of the velocity of the source and the velocity of the observer?

52. Why are light, time, and measurement so fundamentally related?

53. Why the - sign in-front of x4 in the space-time metric? What is different about x4?"

No cover charge for all who answer correctly--that goes for antitheorists and theorists alike!

Join us tomorrow for our First Annual "Einstein E Pur Si Muove dx4/dt=ic St. Patrick's Day Dance Party!"

Einstein: "We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams."

March 17th, St. Patyrick's Day @ http://www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/432Attachment #1: 1_MDT_Unites_Relativityand_Quantum_Entanglement.pdfAttachment #2: 4_ja_wheeler_recommendation_mcgucken_medium2.jpg

  • [deleted]

Filling some gaps from the 14th:

Dr. E (The Real McCoy) wrote on Mar. 14, 2009 @ 14:59 GMT

Hello Anthony,

Thanks for the dx4/dt=ic reference! I feel we have made great progress today, as you are the first antitheorist insider to ever mention the MDT equation in public (at least in this universe). I hope they do not cut your funding and exile you from the quantum gravity summer camps in Aspen and Hawaii.

It is sad that you continue to snark the equation and accuse me of "rambling" and "tirades" while I am merely defending physics and criticizing the stacked-insider FQXI antitheory contest, but if you haven't noticed, the antitheory empire is crumbling. Do you think it is in Templeton's interest to associate their brand with inherently corrupt contests and systems which not only hand all the big prizes to their own members for reapporpriated decades-old failed research (the contest said that the research was supposed to be novel), but which also actively castigates and belittles independent Ph.D. physicists, while completely ignoring their novel physical theories and exiling the heroic spirit of Einstein, Maxwell, Faraday, Bohr, and Planck?

It is actually the insiders, who have millions of dollars, who are conducting an active campaign and "tirade" against physics. Why so much effort and funding spent on belittling, supressing, "collapsing," and ignoring the indie physicist and their novel postulates and equations--the true wellspring of all physics? Was not FQXI conceived as an organisation to return physics to its true owners and innovators?

"New scientific ideas never spring from a communal body, however organized, but rather from the head of an individually inspired researcher who struggles with his problems in lonely thought and unites all his thought on one single point which is his whole world for the moment." --Max Planck

And again we see the primacy of the honest individual in the classic, epic hero's journey!

"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man." --Joseph Campbell


And the Nobel Laureate economist F.A. Hayek agrees!

"The tragedy of collectivist thought is that, while it starts out to make reason supreme, it ends by destroying reason because it misconceives the process on which the growth of reason depends. It may indeed be said that it is the paradox of all collectivist doctrine and its demands for "conscious" control or "conscious" planning that they necessarily lead to the demand that the mind of some individual should rule supreme--while only the individualist approach to social phenomena makes us recognize the superindividual forces which guide the growth of reason. Individualism is thus an attitude of humility before this social process and of tolerance to other opinions and is the exact opposite of that intellectual hubris which is at the root of the demand for comprehensive direction of social purpose." -F.A. Hayek, The End of Truth, The Road to Serfdom

In order to make the judging simpler in future FQXI contests, why not a) heed to the stated FQXI rules (papers should represent novel research/deadlines/etc.) and b) also employ Einstein's criterion for a good theory?

Einstein writes, "Before I enter upon a critique of mechanics as a foundation of physics, something of a broadly general nature will first have to be said concerning the points of view according to which it is possible to criticize physical theories at all. The first point of view is obvious: The theory must not contradict empirical facts. . . (there goes timelessness and string theory!) The second point of view is not concerned with the relation to the material of observation but with the premises of the theory itself, with what may briefly but vaguely be characterized as the "naturalness" or "logical simplicity" of the premises (of the basic concepts and of the relations between these which are taken as a basis). This point of view, an exact formulation of which meets with great difficulties, has played an important role in the selection and evaluation of theories since time immemorial."

MDT's simple postulate and equation dx4/dt=ic, from which all of relativity naturally arises, are "natural and logically simple." And MDT embraces all empirical facts across all realms, providing a *physical* model for the emergence of relativity, quantum mechanics' nonlocality and entanglement, entropy, and time and all its arrows. While String Theory ignores the fact that dimensions can bend and move as well as quantum entanglement, and while LQG ignores entanglement; and while neither provides the fundamental reality underlying relativity that Einstein stated we yet needed, MDT provides an underlying *physical* model for both relativity and entanglement (naturally implying qm's probablistic, nonlocal behavior); as well as for all of time's arrows and assymetries across all realms.

MDT asks and answers fifty or so foundational questions, as shown around page 66 in the attached document. Please do not delete the document again. I use attachments to shorten my posts and then an anonymous fqxi somebody deletes my attachments. So I put it in my posts and then they state that they need collapse buttons. If only they had collapse button technology, then fqxi would be absolved of ethical lapses and insider antitheorist corruption. As a terabyte hard drive costs $99 these days, and as fqxi has millions of dollars, why not just get a 100 gig drive for twenty bucks or so? That way you will have room for the few megabytes of data for novel physical theories, along with all the gigabytes of antitheory data.

In this BBC video, Lee Smolin states, "Einstein taught us that space is not a background that things move in. Space is a network of relationships that are ever dynamical, ever evolving, part of the world. The geometry of space evolves and changes--WIGGLES--just like anything else--just like electromegnetism, just like particles."--Lee Smolin, BBC, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLwqnIfLRA&feature=related

So it is that dimensions move.

All that my theory--Moving Dimensions Theory--does is note that the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, as attested to by the photon which is ageless via relativity and nonlocal via quantum mechanics.

It is the wiggle in the fundamental fabric of spacetime that gives rise to all quantum mechanical, wavelike behavior. It is the expansion of the fourth dimension that gives rise to all of relativity and nonlocality, as shown in my paper.

From MDT's simple postulate and equation dx4/dt=ic, all of relativity is derived.

Give me a universe wherein we have four dimensions x1, x2, x3, x4 and the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, or dx4/dt=ic, and all of relativity arises.

This is a simple, beautiful postulate and principle--indeed, Einstein's principle of relativity descends from MDT's postulate. And MDT is more succinct than relativity, for from MDT's single postulate and equation comes both of relativity's postulates.

Also from MDT's simple postulate and equation comes a natural *physical* model for time and all its arrows and assymetries, as well as entropy, quantum nonlocality and entanglement, all the dualities--space/time, mass/energy, wave/particle--and both Heisenbergs' and Huygens' principles.

dx4/dt=ic (MDT's equation underlying relativity) suggests that the fourth dimension is expandingh at c.

xp-px = ih (underlying quantum mechanics) suggests that the wavelength of this expansion is Planck's length.

So it is that MDT sets both Planck's constant and the velocity of light, while also maintaining the constancy of the velocity of light by giving rise to all of relativity.

Lee Smolin also states in the video, "We've forgotten how audacious science is and how it rages sometime -- how the ideas that turn out to be true are so often outrageous... we've forgotten the lessons of the people like Einstein, who come from the outside but have exactly the right insight and right idea." --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLwqnIfLRA&feature=related BBC Hard Talk

"Openness, the inclusion of different points of view, like in anything else, is essential to progress." --Lee Smolin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bLwqnIfLRA&feature=related BBC Hard Talk

This contest has demonstarted that too, too many established professors and researchers refuse to partake in dialogue, and this grates against the spirit of greats such as Wheeler, Einstein, and Galileo.

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." --Galileo Galilei

"Curiosity is more important than knowledge." --Einstein

Lee Smolin also says that a theory should "come in a coherent whole--it should start with a beautiful principle, like the principle of indeterminacy of quantum mechanics or the principle of relativity, and there then should be a beautiful equation that flows out form that principle to a myriad of consequnces." --Lee Smolin

MDT's beautiful principle: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at c with a wavelength of the Planck Length.

MDT's beautiful equation: dx4/dt=ic

MDT's myriad of consequences: all of relativity, time and all its arrows and assymetries, entropy, quantum nonlocality and entanglement, wave-particle/space-time/mass-energy duality, the gravitational slowing of light and time, and the single velocity for all entities through spacetime--c.

The resounidng silence from the establishment on MDT (after having promised to read the paper) has lead me to believe that they see nothing wrong with MDT, as unlike LQG and Sring Theory, MDT passes Dr. Smolin's criterion for a good theory. And too, MDT predicts all of relativity along with quantum nonlocality and entanglement, as well as entropy, by proposing a novel, deeper feature of our *physical* reality.

So anthony--once you develop your collapsing-comment technology, I would suggest you send it to arxiv.org as there are tens of thousands of papers there on string theory/lqg/e8 which ramble on and on sans postulates and equations, sans logic and reason, sans *physical* models underlying *physical* reality. Just as the firemen burned the books in Farenheit 411, you are suggesting that you would use the button to collapse both criticism of the stacked insider antitheory contest as well as novel postulates and equations representing a hitherto unsung universal invariant: the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial diemsnions: dx4/dt=ic.

It is a sign of our antitheory times that the only time Anthony, or any FQXI member, mentions dx4/dt=ic is to snark it. Novel, meaningful postulates and equations are rare, and they have ever come from individuals, and thus they are the first objects to be ignored and slandered by groupthink antitheory regimes--the best-funded regimes in the history of physics, which also happen to be the regimes which have advanced physics the least.

"Politics is for the present, but an equation is for eternity." --Albert Einstein

Again, Anthony tries to defelect the sensible, widespread criticism of the stacked-antitheory-insider FQXI contest by using words such as "ramble" and "rant," instead of engaging on an intellectual level in the realm of physics. It is curious that neither Anthony nor any of his FQXI colleagues who walked away with the big prizes for their postulateless papers ever stepped forth to criticize Moving Dimensions Theory in any rational manner. While handing themslves hundreds of thousands of dollars or antitheories and non-theories which have the Founding Fathers of Physics spinning in theri graves, they refuse to discuss a simple postualte and equation with far-reaching consequences across all of physics.

Instead, they ignore it in post after post after post exlating the spirits of the greats from Farady to Maxwell to Einstein to Bohr to Born.

Anthony complains that my posts are too long. Well, to shorten them I also use attachments which anonymous insiders also delete, as they did above in the post dated "Dr. E (The Real McCoy) wrote on Mar. 11, 2009 @ 14:50 GMT."

The glaring question is "why so much funding spent on snark and censorship? Why all the hate directed towards truly independent researchers asking and answering foundational questions? Why so many resources and man hours spent on PR releases for nontheories and postulateless, equationsless insider antitheories? Why is the regime run by anonymous judges and enforced by anonymous fanboys? In light of the devastating failures of theoretical physics over the past forty years, why is so much effort being spent to snark, slander, and suppress the simple postulate and equation that is our best hope for a new dawn?"

Galileo provides the answer with his insight into the antitheorists' psychology: "In the long run my observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds (E8/string theory/LQG/quantum gravity) which, either because of its being their own or because of their having received it from some person who has their entire confidence, impresses them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea ... gain their instant acceptance and applause. On the other hand whatever is brought forward against it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or with hot rage - if indeed it does not make them ill. Beside themselves with passion, some of them would not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their adversaries. I have had some experience of this myself. ... No good can come of dealing with such people, especially to the extent that their company may be not only unpleasant but dangerous. --(Galileo Galilei)"


  • [deleted]

Filling some gaps (2 of 2) from the 14th:

Dr. E (The Real McCoy) wrote on Mar. 14, 2009 @ 15:42 GMT

Hello Anthony,

While you and the anti-theory FQXI insiders completely ignored MDT's simple postulate and elegant equation for seven months, forcing me to repeat myslef over and over, you readily hand top prizes to untestable non-theories.

At http://kim.oyhus.no/TheEndOfTime.html, it is written, "First of all, Julian Barbours claim, is not a scientific theory, just a point of view, marked by excessive hubris.

What he claims, is that time does not exist, but is just an illusion.

Take a look on page 355, where Dowker points out that Barbours view is not a falsifiable theory, and thus not science, and Barbour admits he is right:

"...there is no way to make predictions about the results of our observations."

Falsification is the process of dropping theories that fail when tested. Theories that cannot fail are not scientific, and quite useless."

Now as MDT predicts all of relativity, it is a theory that has been tested time and again. As it predicts quantum entanglement and nonlocality too, it is perhaps the best-tested theory around these days.

MDT provides a fundamental, bedrock *physical* model from which entropy, relativity, nonlocality, entanglement, and time and all its arrows and assymetries naturally emerge. MDT adheres to Eisntein's criterion for a good theory; and it provides a *physical* model for Einstein's foundations of relativity (which he stated we yet needed) and Schrodenger's characteristic trait of qm--entanglement.

Anthony--why was MDT ignored and ignored and then finally acknowledged and snarked?

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Gandhi

It seems that human nature never changes, no matter how much funding the antitheory insiders get:

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

So far MDT has been ignored (for seven months) and then ridiculed (by Anthony above).

We are making vast and reosunding progress!

Next comes the violent deletions of my posts, and lastly, string theorists/quantum gravity regimists/antitheory insiders will take credit for MDT's simple beauty, foundational postulate, and elegant mathematical equation dx4/dt=ic, bolsterd by cash prizes, PR releases, book deals, coferences in Aspen and Hawaii, artmies of postdocs, and foundation-sponsored PBS miniseries.

I know I will not be invited, as the ruels do not allow true innovators and indie physicists to join in the festivities and cash prizes, but only do all the work, so please tell everyone I said hello and "E pur si muove" during the evening's dance parties! I will be with you all in spirit, dancing the night away, celebrating our liberation from frozen time and the block universe as well as the unification of qm and relativity with a simple model. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REElUors1pQ.

All the Best!

Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]


0. Why time? Why time's arrows and asymmetries?

It's cofounded with motion. There is no arrow, it's an abstraction, like a counting direction. The apparent asymmetry is because negative motion can't exist.

0.1 Why relativity? Why the principle of relativity? What deeper physical reality underlies relativity?

We are made of light.

0.2 Why entanglement and nonlocality?

Particles are extended entities.

1. Why is light's velocity a constant c? Why relativity's postulates?

It isn't constant. Ask Einstein.

2. Why is light's velocity c independent of its source?

Because it's a wave in space.

3. Why is it that nothing can travel faster than c?

Because matter is made of light. See pair production.

4. Why does a photon, which travels at c, not age?

Because it experiences no loal motion.

5. Why does a photon's spherically-symmetric probablistic wavefront define simultaneity--a locality in the fourth dimension?

It's in mathematical space, it isn't a locality in real space.

6. Why are energy and mass equivalent? Why E=mc^2?

Because mass is just a measure for the amount of energy that's going nowhere fast.

7. Why do all of time's arrows point in the same direction--towards dissipation, decoherence, and entropy?

Because energy spreads.

8. Why do so many physicists say time is the fourth dimension, when Einstein never said x4 is time, but instead said x4 = ict?

Because relativity has undergone a gradual re-interpretation that Einstein wouldn't agree with.

9. Why can matter can appear as energy or mass?

Wrong question. Energy can appear as energy or matter.

10. Why is it that when matter appears as pure energy, it propagates at c through space?

Because there's only one tool in the box to hold it in place, and when you do, you call it matter.

11. Why does all matter have particle--local--and wave--nonlocal--properties?

Because it's a knotted wave.

12. Why does all energy have particle--local--and wave--nonlocal--properties?

Because you detect them with more of the same.

13. Why is it that when matter appears as stationary mass it propagates at c through the fourth dimension?

Huh? It's stationary.

14. Why is it that when matter appears as energy, it propagates at c through the three spatial dimensions?

See 10.

15. Why is it that to move at c through space is to stand still in the fourth dimension?

What fourth dimension? You're moving through space. That's it.

16. Why is it that to move at c through the fourth dimension is to stand still in space?

See 13.

17. Why is it that all objects move at but one speed through space-time--c?

They don't. They move through space. Because we are made of light, and light is energy, and space and energy are the same thing. It moves at c. But c varies.

18. Why is the universe expanding?

Because it's like a ghostly elastic under pressure only there's nothing beyond it to hold it in.

19. Why does radiation expand outwards, but not inwards?

As above.

20. Why do we see retarded waves, but not advanced?

Because time is counfounded with motin, and there is no negative motion.

21. Why is it that entropy imitates the general motion of all radiation and the universe's expansion--a spherically-symmetric expanding wave?

Because space spreads. It's elastic.

22. Why is it that Huygens' Principle, which underlies all reality ranging from QED to Feynman's many-paths, to classical physics, state that every point of a spherically-expanding wavefront is in turn a spherically-expanding wavefront?

Pass. Feynman's many paths is because the photon is a bulge.

23. Why are all photons described by a spherically-expanding wavefront propagating at c?


24. Why is it that two initially-interacting photons remain entangled, no matter how far they travel apart?

I'm not a fan of entanglement. No answer.

25. Why is it that two initially-interacting photons remain the exact same age, no matter how far they travel apart?

Age is just a measure of cumulative local motion. Photons don't experience any.

26. Why is it that Young's double-slit experiments show that both mass and energy have nonlocal wave properties?

Because matter is made of solitons. Or vortons if you prefer.

27. Why is it that the collapse of the wave function is immediate in the photoelectric effect, and all other experiments?

There is no collapse of the wave function. It's an artifice.

28. Why is there no way for an object to gain velocity without being reduced in length via relativistic length contraction?

It's not real. If you zip past a planet, it isn't flattened to a disk.

29. Why does a photon trace out a null vector through space-time? How can movement across the universe describe a path of zero length?

A photon moves through space.

30. Why does time's arrow point in a definitive direction?

It doesn't. That's just your counting direction.

21. Why does entropy increase?

Because energy spreads.

32. Why do moving clocks run slow?

Because the lateral motion steals from local motion.

33. Why is time travel into the past impossible?

Because you can't travel through motion. We are not travelling forward through time. We and our components move through space.

34. Why does free will exist?

To make life-saving decisions.

35. Why is it that time is not frozen---how come the block universe does not exist? Why do we have free will?

Because what's out there is space plus motion through it. Not world lines, not light cones, and not a black universe. We have free will because we're self-programmed machines that have evolved this trait gradually.

36. Why does a photon's probabilistic wavefront travel at c?

Because space moves at c.

37. Why is the velocity of quantum entanglement c? Why is it that only initially interacting particles can yet be entangled? Why is it that they must first share a common locality or origin, in order to share an entangled nonlocality when they are separated?

It would take me too long to respond to this one.

38. Why is it that in Schrodenger's equation, the first derivative with respect to the fourth dimension is proportional to the second derivative with the respect to the three spatial dimensions? Any change in position in the fourth expanding dimension is an acceleration in the three spatial dimensions.

Don't know. Must study.

39. Why is it that a photon emitted from the sun is red-shifted as it travels away? It's wavelength appears longer as it is measured against space that is less-stretched. A photon inherits the local geometry of the space-time where it was emitted.

Because its environment is changing.

40. Why do clocks in gravitational fields run slow?

because the speed of light is less.

41. Why are photons red-shifted as they move away from massive objects, and blue-shifted as they move towards them?

Because there's a gradient in the impedance of space. The blue-shifted photon has gained no energy, gravity is apseudoforce, no energy is being delivered.

42. Why the conservation laws? Why does an object maintain its rotation in space-time, unless acted upon by an exterior force?

Because a force is a cipher for a change in motion.

43. Why is the velocity of every object through space-time c?

Because every object is made of light, and light moves at c. Through space.

44. Why is it that the only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions?

We've ahd this one before.

45. Why is it that the only way to remain stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c relative to the fourth dimension?

And this one.

46. Why does a photon have zero rest mass, and how does zero rest mass imply the velocity of light? None of the object's matter exists in the three spatial dimensions, but only in the fourth expanding dimension.

Because a photon travels at c, and you can't make it go slower, so mass doesn't apply. When you employ pair production to make a photon go nowhere fast, then it has mass. But then we call it an electron.

47. Why time's arrows?

They're just in your head.

48. Why time's asymmetries?

No negative motion

49. Why entropy?

It's just sameness. the early universe was all the same.

50. Why is there an i in x4=ict?

Because it's imaginary.

51. Why is the velocity of light both independent of the velocity of the source and the velocity of the observer?

Because we are made of light.

52. Why are light, time, and measurement so fundamentally related?

Because we define the second using the motion of light.

53. Why the - sign in-front of x4 in the space-time metric? What is different about x4?"

It's derived from motion theought the dimensions of space. These offer freedom of motion. The time dimension is a dimension only in the sense of measure, and offers no freedom of movement.

  • [deleted]

Dr. E,

Thanks for the reply. I think I understand what you are saying.The light itself is moving at c as a wave front because the 4th dimension is itself expanding, though the light itself could be considered as stationary at a fixed position along that dimension. I don't get why you say the dimension is expanding and not just that the wave front of the light light moves along the dimension. Is this a significant difference, that I'm just not getting? or just a different way of saying the same thing? Is it because you consider it to be at the boundary of the universe and nothing extends beyond the universe not even subjectively imposed dimensions?

In your model if I understand correctly, the whole of space is expanding along the 4th dimension, as that dimension stretches.However when waves are travelling forward through a medium, the medium itself is not travelling forward. So why is the 4th dimension expanding? It does not know that it must comply with relativity, what makes this happen? Do you propose that this is a result of the big bang and that there is expansion in both 3D space and 4th dimension? That would sound reasonable to most people I should think, but I can not agree.I will not try to convince you otherwise here, since this is your thread. Would be interested to know your reasoning.

  • [deleted]

Hello Georgina,

Clues regarding the physical reality of the fourth expanding dimension come to us from all realms of physics.

Firstoff, in his 1912 Manuscript on Relativity, Einstein writes x4=ict. This naturally implies dx4/dt=ic.

Remember that Einstein/Minkowski happened upon x4=ict because he started with his two postualtes of relativity. MDT starts with dx4/dt=ic and ends up with Einstein's two postulates of relativity as well as a physical model for time and all its arrows and assymetries, entanglement, nonlocality, and entropy. Einstein stated that we yet needed the "elementary foundations" of relativity, and lord knows that everyone has been trying to unify quantum mechanics and relativity with a common physical model.

You write, "I don't get why you say the dimension is expanding and not just that the wave front of the light light moves along the dimension." Again Einstein's x4=ict implies dx4/dt=ic which shows that the dimension itself is actually moving/exapanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. Furthermore an expanding dimension provides us with a *physical* model for nonlocality and entanglement and thus quantum mechanics' probabilistic nature.

My small contribution to physics was to take x4=ict as a literal equation with phjysical meaning.

Einstein created realtivity when he took Maxwell's equations to have literal, physical meaning; and he created quantum mechanics when he took Planck's equation E=hv to have a literal meaning, as even after he came up with it, Planck never quite believed that energy was actually quantized.

When I see an equals sign, such as in x4=ict, I take it to mean something. Otherwise, why would the Creator put it tehre? It's amazing how many of our best and brightest spend entire lifetimes trying to navigate around the simple physical beauty and physical meaning of equations.

More clues for the expanding fourth dimension are discussed in my paper!


Hope all this helps!!


Elliot :)

  • [deleted]

Hello John,

You answer, "1. Why is light's velocity a constant c? Why relativity's postulates? It isn't constant. Ask Einstein."

The velocity of light is indeed constant for all observers! 'Tis a very postulate of Einstein's relativity!


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]

Dr. E: it's locally measured to be constant, but non-locally it isn't. Yes, when Einstein started out in 1905 with Special Relativity he defined his postulates, but later his view evolved. In 1916 in chapter 22 of Relativity: The Special and General Theory he said this:

"In the second place our result shows that, according to the general theory of relativity, the law of the constancy of the velocity of light in vacuo, which constitutes one of the two fundamental assumptions in the special theory of relativity and to which we have already frequently referred, cannot claim any unlimited validity. A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light varies with position".

People who read this quote assume the word velocity here is a vector quantity, but actually the quote then doesn't make sense, and certainly doesn't allow for the use of mirrors in SR. You're left with Einstein telling you light curves because it changes direction, which is a useless tautology. Check out the translation of speed and velocity into German and you get gschwindigkeit in both cases. He approved the translation, but IMHO meant velocity as in the common usage, as in "high velocity bullet". He meant speed. The speed of light varies.

We define our seconds using the motion of light, so gravitational time dilation as evidenced by the GPS clock adjustment is nothing more than a reduced c in disguise. We always measure the speed of light to be the same because of the evidence of pair production: we are made of light, along with our rods and clocks.

See Dicke's (abandoned) VSL in this paper by Andrew Unzicker: http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.3518

PS: apologies for butting into your thread here. I'm a little unfamiliar with this website.

  • [deleted]

Thanks John,

Yes--the speed of light varies in gravitational fields, but the local observer always measures it to be c. Light travels slower in stronger gravitational fields, but the local observer will always measure it to be c, as time, as measured on a ticking clock, also runs slower in stronger gravitational fields.

Why is this? Why does light fundamentally slow up in a gravitational field, and why is yet always measured to be c? Why does time slow in gravitaional fields? Why are light and time wedded at a fundamental level?

It is becasue of a more fundamental universal invariant: dx4/dt=ic. The fourth dimension is expanding realtive to the three spatial dimensions or dx4/dt=ic.

Please see the attached document which superimposes this invariant over a 3D space-like continuum that is bent, warped, and curved by mass. You will see how it naturally explains both the slowing of time and slowing of light.

The movement of a clock's hands depends on the emission and propagation of photons. Whether in an unwinding copper clock spring or in an oscillating quartz crystal or osciallating computer circuit, a clock's rate relies on the emission and propagation of photons. All such clocks are fundamentally light clocks, which are streated in the attached paper in the context of MDT.

Photons are but matter that surfs the fourth expanding dimension: dx4/dt=ic. And as the expansion of the fourth dimension is an invariant that is independent of the velocity of the source or clock, the faster an object/clock moves, the slower the period of any clock. Simple algebra and geometry demonstrates this for photons in moving frames of reference--time is slowed equally in light clocks that depend on both transverse and/or lateral motion of photons relative to the inertial frame. And as all clocks are fundamentally light clocks, moving clocks run slow, due to the fact that the light is carried by a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

So it is that nature is "capable of motion" and time because motion and change are fundamentally woven into the fabric of spacetime with dx4/dt=ic--the fourth dimension is epxanidng relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c.

All of relativity is derived from MDT, which also liberates us from the block universe while providing a common *physical* model for time and all its arrows and assymetries across all realms, as well as nonlocality and entanglement and Huygens' and Heisenbergs' principles.

dx4/dt=ic (underlying relativity) means the fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c.

xp-px = ih (underlying quantum mechanics) means the fourth dimension is expanding in units/wavelengths of the Planck Length.

Note the i in both equations!! Note how the universe's fundamental change is perpendicular to our three spatial dimensions!!


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)Attachment #1: 2_MDT_MOVING_DIMENSIONS_THEORY_EXAMINES_THE_GRAVITATIONAL_REDSHIFT_SLOWING_OF_CLOCKS.pdfAttachment #2: j_a_wheeler_recommendation_mcgucken_medium2.jpg

  • [deleted]

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Although FQXI received millions to further physics, perhaps they will end up making even greater contributions to the realm of anthropology that are even larger than the "giant void" into which they threw forty grand, as Carlos Rovelli stated that physics "needs wrong directions and wasted time and money."

A great opportunity exists for anthropologists looking to study the adaptation and acceptance of bold new ideas. Before this can happen the innovator must of course first be marginalized/quarantined and his reputation and career in the field violently destroyed. Then, and only then, can his theory be accepted as "self-evident" by the corporate-state antitheorists controlling and maintaining the holy crackpot index. While all of this must certainly come to pass, it is difficult to assign an exact timeline to such events, and thus opportunity abounds for anthopoligists seeking to study the seasonal behavior of primates. For here we are, only a week after the insider-antitheorist winners were announced--just a few days before spring--and already MDT has its own FQXI forum! 'Tis an honor second only perhaps to winning the Nobel, but far, far above a mere Fields Medal!!

We're now "In da Club!" With our very own forum!

In da Club:


In order to celebrate this distinction and most triumphant victory, we are hosting our First Annual "Einstein E Pur Si Muove dx4/dt=ic St. Patrick's Day Dance Party!"

Throughout the day I will be playing my greatest hits from the FQXI contest--posts that were made in the fqxi-insiders forums--posts that were completely ignored by the fqxi antithoerist insiders who then walked way with all the top cash prizes, without a)defending their antitheories, b) ever venturing beyond their own forums, and c) ignoring all my erudite postings filled with the Einsteinian "gadfly" spirit in both their own forums and the MDT forum.

http://fqxi.org/members (Claus Kiefer)

Below is the post I shared in pre-existing FQXI member Claus Kiefer's forum, where his pre-ordained essay, having been penned by a pre-ordained FQXI member=victor, won a cash prize form his good friends--the anonymous FQXI judges whom he will likely pay back next year. Of course Claus completely ignored my post, as the handwaving, pre-ordained funding of the antitheory timeless quantum gravity regime is trumps time's physical reality and all scientific debate and simple principles such as dx4/dt=ic--the very sight of which stirs deep, primal emotions in Anthony.

Dr. E (The Real McCoy) wrote on Nov. 6, 2008 @ 18:42 GMT in pre-ordained insider FQXI Claus Kiefer's antitheory forum:


Hello Claus,

Thanks for the paper "Does time exist in quantum gravity?"!

But might not a better title be, "Does quantum gavity exist in time?"

I know it is fashionable to make the real unreal, and the unreal real, in the realm of fundraising, but after awhile money gets boring, and a man's soul yearns for truth, beauty, and physics!

I would have to agree with Ming, "It seems to me this essay is simply a rehash of the same ideas as those of Carlo Rovelli (see his essay here earlier), Julian Barbour and others, namely that if the Wheeler-DeWitt equation holds, then time is illusory in a very real sense. But does the Wheeler-DeWitt equation holds in reality, at least at scales larger than the Planck length, as the author claimed? Unfortunately, there's no experimental evidence one way or another, so the author's claim of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation being "the most reliable equation of quantum gravity, even if it is not the most fundamental one", must be taken with a large grain of salt. The unfortunate fact is that despite decades of research, quantum gravity is still a purely theoretical research with little or no connection to empirical evidence, and even its internal consistency cannot be demonstrated convincingly, so while researchers may have come up with formalisms and theories that are beautiful and elegant as mathematical theories, none of these theories can claim to be closer to reality than any other. It seems to me a bit premature to dictate the physical properties of Time using any of these untested theories."

It is curious that three out of the four papers receiving "restricted" votes deal with well-funded "quantum gravity" approaches that are a couple decades old, at least; and which have borne no fruit. I know some people argue that string theory is a forver-young theory deserving infinite funding, as it never succeeds at anything, but c'mon now--let's not go there. Let's get back to asking and answering foundational questions, while reading the foundational papers!

Furthmore, it is interesting that while there is no theoretical nor empirical evidence for quantum gravity, it is yet being used as a "tool" to explore time by "profssionals." This would be like conducting a heart-transplant with an imaginary scapel. All the doctors would stand around, talking and arguing about how beautiful and elegant their imaginary scapels are, and how each one is holding the best and desrves the most funding, while their patient died on the table. This is pretty much what has happened to physics over the past forty years, expect the imaginary theories haven't been elegant nor beeautiful. They have been non-finite, unwieldy, snarky, vast and confusing, obfuscating the subtle, convoluting the simple, confounding the honest soul, and exalting the illusionaist and hypester. This type of "beauty" is better relegated to postmodern literature departments.

Might it not be dangerous to let something that does not exist--quantum gravity--inspire and/or dictate our contemplations on time? I mean theoretical physics is hard enough, even when it is built on reality. But to build theoretical physics upon the unreal--is this not the very "Trouble With Physics" Lee Smolin writes about, which is better suited to building sociological movements, even when begun with the best intentions?

Do we have to quantize gravity? Could it be that nature is as it is, and that God or the Prime Mover/Creator came up with both QM and GR, which seem to coexist perfectly well in their current forms? For instance, this laptop computer is powered by quantum phenonema, and too, it is held on my lap by gravity. Each one has a role, and each seems perfectly content to play it. Perhaps both mathematical predictions and the experimental search for gravitons has fallen short because gravitons do not exist. Now this is no reason to stop looking, but too, it is not exactly a reason to keep looking, and it is certainly not a reason to get rid of time, which does seem to exist, as my laptop's clock tells me I am running late, yet again. :)

A book you would enjoy is Freeman Dyson's THE SCIENTIST AS REBEL. On page 219 Freeman Dyson writes,

"(Brian) Greene takes it for granted, and here the great majority of physicists agree with him, that the division of physics into seperate theories for large and small objects is unacceptable. General relativity is based on the idea that space-time is a flexible structure pulled and pushed by material objects. Quantum mechanics is based on the idea that space-time is a rigid framework within which observations are made. Greene believes there is an urgent need to find a theory of quantum gravity that works for large and small objects alike. . . As a conservative, I do not agree that a division of physics into separate theories for large and small is unacceptable. I am happy with the situation in which we have lived for the last eighty years . . . The question I am asking is if there is conceivable way we could detect the existence of individual gravitons. I propose as an hypothesis that it is impossible in principle to observe the existence of individual gravitons." --Freeman Dyson, THE SCIENTIST AS REBEL, pp 219-220

Perhaps we should found our contemplations on time not upon the unreality of quantum gravity, but on the reality of *physical* theories represnting *physical* phenomenon.

Instead of being built on the unreal, my simple theory--Moving Dimensions Theory--is built upon the rock-solid empirical evidence supporting widely-accepted theories of relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics.

And MDT tells us a lot about time and its arrows across all realms, showing that they are phenomena that emerge from a common, deeper principle--a fundamental universal invariant--dx4/dt=ic.

MDT views time as a phenomenon that naturally emerges because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimenions at the rate of c. Change is fundamentally woven into the fabric of spacetime via dx4/dt = ic, which makes sense, because change is fundamentally woven into our everyday existence, empirical observations, and all branches of physics! Indeed--it would not be possible to make a measurement without change! A great thing about MDT is that it allows us to keep all of relativity while unfreezing time and liberating us from the block universe, which is yet a meaningful artefact that arises from certain interpretations of relativity. And who knows, perhaps MDT will tell us something about quantum time, which will tell us something about quantum gravity. For MDT also provides a *physical* framework for quantum entanglement and nonlocality, and thus it provides a *physical* model underlying qm's inherent nonlocal, probabilistic nature.

Think about MDT as a simple *physical* unification of relativity and QM--both entanglement and nonlocality can be accounted for via the same principle--the same hitherto unsung univeral invariant of dx4/dt=ic--that ensures a photon does not age, no matter how far it travels. A photon's timelessness, implied by relativity, represents a nonlocality in time. Both quantum entanglement and the agelessness of a photon descend from a common principle--a fundamenatl, universal invarinat: dx4/dt = ic. A photon is matter that "surfs" the fourth expanding dimension, and thus it remains in one place in the fourth dimension, while traveling through the three spatial dimensions at c. Ergo the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions. Perhaps this is MDT's simplest proof: The only way to remain stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions: egro, the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions.

And a great thing about MDT is that it also presents a *physical* model for entropy, as briefly elaborated on in my paper:


MDT represents the kind of theory we have not seen for awhile--a simple postulate and a simple equation that present a novel, hitherto unsung aspect of the universe--the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimension: dx4/dt=ic. This fundamental invariance underlies the invariance of the speed of light--both the constant velocity of c meausred by all inertial observers and, the constancy of c that is independent of the source. MDT also underlies relativity's two postulates, and all of relativity may be derived from MDT's simple principle of a fourth expanding dimension.

When we look at Einstein's 1912 Manuscript, we see that time plays a different role from position. x1, x2, x3 represent the three spatial dimensions, which we generally use to demarcate position. And then along comes x4, which Einstein equates with ict. So as t progresses on our watches, x4 must progress. Time is very, very different from the three spatial dimensions! Perhaps it is not a dimension after all, but a parameter that emerges because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, as suggested by x4=ict.

MDT and dx4/dt=ic also underly time's thermodynamic arrow, and in my paper I account for and unify all of time's arrows and assymetries with MDT's simple postulate and equation. And in addition to this, all of relativity may be derived from MDT, while qm's entanglement and nonlocality are explained with a *physical* model, along with entropy.

Thanks for the paper! I just think it would be prudent to wait for a consistent theory of quantum gravity, or some experimental evidence, before using quantum gravity as a tool to probe time's great and vast mystery. It would be like hanging something on a sky hook, or shifting smoke with a left-handed smoke shifter.


As a new boy scout on my first campout back in sixth grade, I was sent forth to other campsites to go find a left-handed smoke shifter (to shift the smoke from the breakfast campfire) and a sky hook. Of course, this is a big inside joke to everyone but the youngest scouts, so people at the next campsite always smile and nod and say, "We just lent our sky hooks and left-handed smoke shifters to that troop down yonder." And so it would go, as we ran from campsite, to campsite, to campsite, looking for that which did not exist.

This pretty much sums up postmodern academia, where a postdoc might be sent from campus, to campus, to campus, looking for things that do not exist, as the elders get a good laugh. All the postdoc can really hope is that someday they'll be allowed to fund others to seek out their left-handed smoke shifters, to keep the cash flowing.

The big difference is that the joke only lasted a couple hours in boy scouts. When you returned to the campsite after running a few miles, scouting all the neighboring campsites for the left-handed smokeshifter, you were let in on it, and then taken on a snipe hunt that same night:


It was all good fun, but in academia we are talking about entire careers and hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, so all this snipe hunting kindof loses its humor after a day or two.

I understand that you are probably receiving orders from the centralized Ministry of Curiosity to not discuss MDT, as it is not proper to ask foundational questions without an offical permit. But I have heard that the times are a changin', as MDT has liberated us from the Block Universe while unfreezing time and progress in theoretical physics!


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)


Claus compeletely ignored this, but perhaps now he is ready to defend his theory and the FQXI insiders-only antitheorist corruption?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We're now "In da Club!" With our very own forum!

In da Club:


Happy First Annual "Einstein E Pur Si Muove dx4/dt=ic St. Patrick's Day Dance Party!"

  • [deleted]

Doc: you've got it back to front. Light doesn't go slower because of a gravitational field. The gravitational field is because the light goes slower. And the light goes slower because action is balanced by reaction. The action h in E-hf is matched by a reaction which is a gradient in the iompedance of space Z0 = ВЃГЈ(Ж'ГЉ0/Ж'Гѓ0), and of course c = ВЃГЈ(1/Ж'Гѓ0Ж'ГЉ0). It's basically just stress balanced by tension. Like a knot in a rubber sheet, only it's a bulk. I note your comments re motion. We share much common ground. I am the author of RELATIVITY+. I could tell you about the quantum of quantum mechanics, but this is your thread, so I'll button it.